Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 230 The fearful big monsters

However, although there are few top experts in the galaxy, they are not afraid at all.


Because Li Quan is here.

As a true dragon, Li Quan came here in person, and coupled with the increase given by Li Quan's formation, the strength amplitude brought about was no joke.

Even though there are more than a hundred super-galaxy level monsters here, there is only one super-galaxy level powerhouse on this side of the Milky Way.

However, with the increase, Dongfang Qingwan's combat effectiveness will naturally skyrocket.

It's just a piece of cake to kill the giant monsters at the level of hundreds of super galaxies on the opposite side.

In addition, Dongfang Qingwan is a member of the dragon clan. The real dragon comes in person to dominate the battlefield. With the protection of the real dragon, his strength skyrockets again.

It is not easy to face hundreds of super-galaxy-level monsters.

Soon, when the top powerhouses in the galaxy were teleported to the topmost subspace, they faced demons who were eyeing them.

As long as we kill these guys, can we leave this hellish place?

The big demons who were originally powerful at the level of the entire galaxy were abruptly deprived of a large stage of their power because they entered the galaxy and broke into Li Quan's game world.

They were already very depressed, but after entering it, they were imprisoned alive by Li Quan, unable to use their own strength or even move.

Therefore, this group of monsters had been holding back their anger for a long time. Now, after seeing these top powerhouses in the galaxy 'breaking in' and being able to move, how could they not vent their anger?

At the very least, according to the characteristics of the demons, they will definitely torture this group of practitioners to death before they give up.

It's just a pity that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

The top experts in the galaxy did not wait for the monsters to continue taunting them, and directly launched spells that would destroy the world.

That power is terrifying.

Because of the increase in Li Quan's formation, not to mention the increase in strength, coupled with the high-energy blessing, and orderly cooperation, the spells he cast can directly kill a group of small galaxy-level demons watching in front. .

Before the group of monsters could react, they were swallowed up by the flood-like spell.

Not to mention being directly bombarded to pieces, even some unresponsive demons behind were directly bombarded and seriously injured.

When the demons and monsters reacted, they quickly launched an attack on the top powerhouses in the galaxy.

It simply caught all the monsters off guard. Logically speaking, when seeing such a huge group of monsters, shouldn't they tremble in fear?

Why is this performance so reckless? !

Among them, Dongfang Qingwan flew out alone, transforming into a huge blue dragon, and the roar of the dragon resounded throughout the subspace.

And those big demons whose strength was forced down to the super-galaxy level also rioted after hearing Dongfang Qingwan's provocative dragon roar.

The big demon who entered it before was impatient and had a bad temper. Now, after being provoked by Dongfang Qingwan, how could he not be angry and fight back?

Therefore, more than a hundred big demons that entered it began to attack like crazy in the direction of Dongfang Qingwan.

If Dongfang Qingwan only has no increased strength, he is not a match for one of the big monsters. After all, Dongfang Qingwan has only achieved super-galaxy level for more than 20 years, and he is simply incomparable to this group of subordinates. The big monster whose galaxy level was forcibly downgraded.

However, after receiving the boost from Li Quan and the presence of the true dragon, the dragon clan itself was blessed by the true dragon, and its combat power was unlimitedly close to the overall galaxy level.

The dragon race itself is one of the top races in the universe, and its own dragon scale defense level can be said to be difficult to destroy even at the same level.

Its own dragon claws and teeth are rare weapons in this universe.

With a scratch and a scratch, the bodies of these incoming big monsters were quickly scratched by Dongfang Qingwan's sharp dragon claws, and the blood flowed like rivers.

As for the big demons, it would not be an exaggeration to say that they wanted to leave any injuries on Dongfang Qingwan's body.

At most, it would only leave a scratch mark of one or two meters on Dongfang Qingwan's dragon scales.

However, one or two meters was nothing compared to Dongfang Qingwan's tall body.

In addition, Dongfang Qingwan is from the dragon clan, and the dragon clan itself is also extremely powerful. Even in the universe, its own recovery ability is not as good as that of the Phoenix clan, but it is not bad.

It was just a scratch of one or two meters, but it recovered as usual in an instant.

Gradually, this group of monsters finally became afraid.

This is simply a monster!

No matter how they attack the top powerhouses in the galaxy, they can never break through their defenses.

On the contrary, most of their group of monsters had been wiped out because of their lack of cooperation.

In addition, the demons saw fewer and fewer companions around them, and gradually became timid.

Finally, the first demon began to escape, and just because of the precedent, more and more demons began to escape from this ghost place.

However, what makes them despair is that there is no so-called exit in this subspace.

This is just a cage.

From the moment this group of demons entered, everything was already decided.

This group of demons is destined to become nothing more than nutrients for the beings in the galaxy to become stronger.

At this time, the top powerhouses in the galaxy were filled with joy after seeing the demons begin to escape.

Now that the demons have begun to escape, that means they have won.

What followed was almost a one-sided massacre.

If these monsters want to escape, they have to ask the top experts in the galaxy if they will agree.

For a time, a group of monsters fled, and a group of top powerhouses in the galaxy began to hunt down the escaped monsters.

If the demons are not eliminated, there will be hidden threats.

Gradually, the number of monsters decreased sharply.

Not only that, the demons became afraid.

Is this the devil?

On Dongfang Qingwan's side, with the death of the first big monster, the journey of the big monsters' fall finally began.

One head, two heads, dozens of heads.

The more they kill, the more fearful the big demons become.

They were already going crazy. At this moment, they were slowly watching the big demons around them being killed one by one. You can imagine how they felt in their hearts.

Soon, one of the big demons who was driven crazy actually started to self-destruct.

Super-galaxy-level self-destructions, even existences at the overall galaxy-level, need to be wary of something.

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