Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 221 Li Xiaotuan is too difficult

Of course, this is just what Li Xiaotuan thinks.


This thing doesn't match Li Xiaotuan at all.

However, no one dared to tell Li Xiaotuan that she was not a lady.

After all, the title of Little Demon King of the Imperial Capital is no joke.

If you want, just think about it yourself.

The smile on Li Quan's face was so bad that Li Xiaotuan was completely stunned.

What does it mean?

If you don’t give it to me, what will you do with it?

At this time, Li Xiaotuan felt that he wanted to throw aside his seventeen years of good upbringing at this moment.

Although Li Xiaotuan did not have a good education to begin with, basically, Li Xiaotuan was given a free-range education.

Brother, just give it to me. I just broke through the Mahayana stage, why don't you celebrate it for me?

After hearing this, Li Quan seemed to think it made sense.

Breakthrough, this is a big deal.

How could we not celebrate?

Okay, when you get back, ask mom to add some food to you to celebrate your breakthrough to the Mahayana stage today.

After Li Xiaotuan heard this, he was dumbfounded.

What she wants is the dragon scale armor in Li Quan's hand, and it's not something that can be spent with just a meal or something.

Ahhh! Brother! You know what I want!

Li Xiaotuan felt aggrieved, but he stomped his two little feet directly to the ground.

The entire Xianming Mountain began to shake at this moment. If it weren't for Li Quan quickly lifting Li Xiaotuan up, it is estimated that a magnitude 11 earthquake would have occurred in this Xianming Mountain.

After all, for Blue Star, every move of a strong man at the Mahayana stage has great power.

Of course, today's Blue Star has become a stellar life, and its own strength is also soaring crazily. It can't be hurt at all by just stamping its feet.

You girl, if you want it, you have to fight for it yourself.

How to fight for it?

After hearing about the drama, Li Xiaotuan's eyes lit up.

It's simple. As long as you can take it from me, I'll give it to you.

While speaking, Li Quan placed the dragon scale armor directly in front of Li Xiaotuan.

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a mischievous smile.

Brother, are you telling the truth?

Of course. You also know that your brother and I will never lie. I always keep my word.

While speaking, Li Quan moved his hands to the side, and Li Xiaotuan's hands directly grabbed the air and grabbed Li Quan's stomach.

Sure enough, I knew it wasn't that simple!

Since Li Quan said that as long as he could get it from him, it would be his.

In this way, if Li Xiaotuan can get it so easily, it would be more practical for Li Quan to give it directly to Li Xiaotuan.

However, now Li Xiaotuan has successfully broken through and reached the level of the Mahayana stage. In the ancient era of Blue Star, he could also be called a powerful person.

With such strength, it can just play a role.

Unable to succeed with one blow, he quickly launched a 'continuous attack'.

Two small white hands kept grabbing at Li Quan's hand, trying to get the dragon scale armor in Li Quan's hand.

It's a pity that even though Li Xiaotuan kept tracking Li Quan's hand, he still couldn't touch Li Quan's arm, as if there was a distance between the two.

Obviously, the two are only one or two millimeters apart each time and can be touched, but they are like the ends of the world and can never be touched.

Okay, it's time to go back.

Seeing that Li Xiaotuan seemed to be refusing to give up, Li Quan directly hit Li Xiaotuan on the head and said with a smile.

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan covered the place where he was beaten, then suddenly burst out and tried to attack Li Quan.

It's a pity that Li Quan looked back and appeared behind Li Xiaotuan. He lifted the collar behind Li Xiaotuan with one hand and said with a smile: Tsk, tsk, tsk, Tuan Tuan, if you want to sneak attack on your brother and me, you are still too early. Year.

While speaking, Li Quan slightly threw Li Xiaotuan to the side.

After Li Xiaotuan heard this, he was very angry.

Brother! How strong are you! Why can't I catch you no matter what?!

Well, you just need to remember that I am stronger than you.

Li Quan did not respond directly to Li Xiaotuan, but responded in another way.

After Li Xiaotuan heard this, he crossed his waist angrily, pointed at Li Quan and shouted: Brother! I will decide the dragon scale armor in your hand! No one can stop me!

Oh? You can come and try it.

Li Xiaotuan's words made Li Quan dumbfounded.

However, this dragon scale armor was indeed prepared for Li Xiaotuan. As for why it was not given to Li Xiaotuan directly, it was naturally because he wanted to train Li Xiaotuan's strength.

As long as Li Xiaotuan can get Li Quan's dragon scale armor inadvertently, his own strength will be greatly improved.

After all, Li Quan's strength is no joke.

Although it is difficult, it is not impossible.

Because of this, after Li Xiaotuan returned, he kept trying every means to sneak attack Li Quan and capture the dragon scale armor that Li Quan had laid out.

As long as you can touch the dragon scale armor, then the dragon scale armor belongs to Li Xiaotuan!

Therefore, in order to obtain the dragon scale armor, Li Xiaotuan used all his strength.

For example, perform a quick word trick or something.

Another example is that while Li Quan was eating, he secretly touched the dragon scale armor that Li Quan placed not far away.

It's a pity that when he was about to touch it, Li Quan took it away.

This made Li Xiaotuan angry.

It's just so bullying.

All in all, Li Xiaotuan attacked Li Quan a total of 3,000 times in one day, and sneakily tried to touch the dragon scale armor more than 1,000 times.

It's just a pity that no matter how Li Xiaotuan made sneak attacks and sneaky contacts, he was still unable to touch Li Quan's dragon scale armor.

Li Xiaotuan even once wondered if he was too good?

So many sudden sneak attacks failed to work.

What, you gave up?

At night, Li Quan came to the rooftop and looked at Li Xiaotuan who was lying on a bed on the rooftop. Li Quan walked over with a smile and asked.

Hmph! I won't give up!

Dragon Scale Armor! I am bound to win it!

After hearing what Li Quan said, Li Xiaotuan responded quickly.

Well, that's good if you haven't given up. If you give up, you really won't be able to get this dragon scale armor.

While speaking, Li Quan put the dragon scale armor aside and then sat down.

The two brothers and sisters just lay on the bed, admiring the stars in the sky together.

Brother, can you tell me where you have been in the past twenty-seven years?

At this moment, Li Xiaotuan suddenly asked

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