Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 222 The Sneaking Demon Ancestor

The two of them just silently watched the beautiful scenery under the starry sky on this bed.

After a while, while watching, Li Xiaotuan glanced at Li Quan silently and found that Li Quan seemed to have fallen asleep.

In response, the corners of Li Xiaotuan's mouth raised slightly.

The time has finally come.

Li Xiaotuan reached out his hand silently and stared at Li Quan, always paying attention to whether Li Quan woke up.

His hand got closer and closer to the dragon scale armor, and when he was about to catch it, Li Xiaotuan's smile became even wider.

However, the moment he stretched out his hand to explore, the dragon scale armor did not catch it.

Focusing on the dragon scale armor, he found that the dragon scale armor was still one or two centimeters away from his hand, so he did not catch the dragon scale armor.

Seeing this, Li Xiaotuan continued to reach for the dragon scale armor with his hand, trying to grasp the dragon scale armor in his hand.

However, Li Xiaotuan grabbed forward, while the dragon scale armor continued to move forward.

In this regard, Li Xiaotuan didn't know that it was Li Quan who was behind this.

However, Li Quan seemed to have been sleeping for a long time and was not controlling the dragon scale armor.

Therefore, Li Xiaotuan did not believe in this evil.

Li Xiaotuan suddenly sat up, and then reached out to reach for the dragon scale armor.

However, the dragon scale armor seemed to have eyes. Every time Li Xiaotuan wanted to grab it, it would automatically move half a minute.

The distance was not far away, always keeping a centimeter or two away from Li Xiaotuan.

Li Xiaotuan was very angry about this.

This is so infuriating.

No matter how many times Li Xiaotuan caught him, he could never catch the dragon scale armor.

After being arrested for who knows how long, Li Xiaotuan was already sweating profusely.

No matter what method Li Xiaotuan used, he still couldn't catch the dragon scale armor.

Are you tired?

Just when Li Xiaotuan was sweating profusely and was about to take a rest, Li Quan's voice suddenly sounded beside Li Xiaotuan.

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan responded subconsciously: Of course, didn't you see that this thing can run away?

However, after saying this, Li Xiaotuan was stunned for a moment, turned around and found that Li Quan was looking at Li Xiaotuan with a smile on his face.

You, why are you awake?!

Why can't I wake up?

While speaking, Li Quan tapped Li Xiaotuan's head with his fingers, making Li Xiaotuan scream in aggrieved manner.

Don't look at what time it is now. It's time for me to go back.

While speaking, Li Quan directly picked up the dragon scale armor placed on the bed, and then continued with a smile: Okay, that's it for today.

Ahhh! Brother, dear brother! Big brother! Why can't you just give it to me?

Is it really okay for you to play with your lovely sister like this?

After hearing this, Li Quan seemed to think that what Li Xiaotuan said made sense.

It's really not good to play with Li Xiaotuan like this.

What you said makes sense, but who do I like?

While speaking, Li Quan rubbed Li Xiaotuan's little head with a smile on his face and said with a smile.

He ignored Li Xiaotuan who was in a daze after hearing Li Quan's words.

Okay, let's not say so much. It's time for me to go back.

As for this dragon scale armor, as long as you can catch it, it's yours.

While speaking, Li Quan directly threw the dragon scale armor in his hand towards the sky.

When Li Xiaotuan saw this, he hurriedly jumped into the air, trying to catch the dragon scale armor in the sky.

However, who would have thought that the dragon scale armor was still the same as before. No matter how hard Li Xiaotuan tried to catch it, he could never catch the dragon scale armor.

Until Li Xiaotuan got tired, the dragon scale armor stayed by Li Xiaotuan's side.

Seeing this, Li Xiaotuan pretended to approach intentionally or unintentionally. However, when Li Xiaotuan suddenly launched an attack, the dragon scale armor moved away again.

Ahhh! Brother! I hate you!

Even Li Quan at home could clearly hear Li Xiaotuan's incompetent rage.

Tuan Tuan, just take your time and play with the Dragon Scale Armor.

The corners of Li Quan's mouth raised slightly, revealing a naughty smile.

Although it is very unethical to use this method to train Li Xiaotuan, it is also quite fun.

Anyway, if Li Xiaotuan scolds him, Li Quan will not lose a piece of meat or anything.

Li Quan, is it really okay for you to do this?

On the side, Ren Hong and Wang Keyuan were sitting next to Li Quan, looking at Li Xiaotuan in the mysterious ice mirror made by Li Quan, and laughed a little bit.

Why is this bad?

Not only can you train Tuantuan's reaction ability, but you can also train Tuantuan's temper and so on, and improve Tuantuan's temper.

It's like killing two birds with one stone.

Uh, okay, let's just wait for you to resolve the matter between you brothers and sisters.

However, it's not good to play around like this.

After all, they had watched Tuantuan grow up, and they couldn't help but feel a little distressed by being teased by Li Quan like this.

Okay, okay, it's just a joke anyway.

Next time, when the demon war begins, Tuantuan will probably thank me.

Is it?

After hearing this, Ren Hong asked hesitantly.

Well, let's wait and see. Now, let's start our plan to create humans!

While speaking, Li Quan suddenly started to riot, and after hearing this, the two women immediately jumped away in fright.

This Li Quan is simply too scary.

After a while, the original gasping sounds of men and women could be heard in Li Quan's home. The sounds were somewhat regular, and they involved the part about the river crab master. For the sake of your 425Kb traffic, I decided to skip it.

At this time, in the universe, the war is still going on.

The space war looks very gorgeous, but it is actually very chaotic.

After all, the combat power of the entire universe is concentrated here, and countless spells, high-tech energy weapons, quantum weapons, etc. are surging in like a vast ocean.

Basically, if you dare to show up, you will be beaten into a neutron.

Therefore, those who fight on the battlefield are basically cannon fodder.

The same is true whether it is the Demon Alliance or the Human Alliance.

And because of the cosmic war, in the eastern part of the universe, because almost all the Human Alliance troops were dispatched, the combat power left at the base camp can be said to be very few.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly descended here.

Demon Ancestor!

No, it’s the Demon Ancestor’s clone!

I would like to see what kind of secrets you two, Nuwa and Fuxi, are hiding, so that you can personally destroy my soul clone.

If it were an ordinary monster that sneaked into the human alliance, it would have been discovered before it even entered.

However, Demon Ancestor is different. He possesses hidden abilities that ordinary demons do not have. Therefore, it is only a piece of cake to avoid surveillance and escape into the Human Alliance headquarters.

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