Li Xiaotuan's whole body began to be surrounded by a whirlpool of spiritual energy. After a while, a rare phenomenon of hollow spiritual energy appeared around Xianming Mountain.

This is incredible.

How strong a person is in the Mahayana stage depends not only on the increase obtained after practicing his own skills, but also on the strength of the spiritual energy absorbed when he breaks through.

Now, Li Xiaotuan has actually sucked up all the spiritual energy within a radius of one kilometer, which shows how strong Li Xiaotuan's talent is.

The process of breakthrough is boring, so Li Quan had some fun while Li Xiaotuan made breakthrough.

For example, a piece of armor or something was created.

The armor is mainly made from the dragon scales on Li Quan's body.

After all, nothing in the entire universe can compare with the dragon scales on Li Quan's body.

The strength of Li Quan's dragon scales is so strong.

If you want to break Li Quan's dragon scales, you have to be stronger than Li Quan, otherwise you can only watch Li Quan swaggering in front of him silently.

Soon, a piece of golden dragon scale armor appeared on Li Quan's hand.

It is said to be dragon scale armor, but it looks like some armor.

Moreover, Li Quan's forging technique is different from others. Li Quan's forging technique is perfect in one step.

Unlike other blacksmiths and weapon blacksmiths, you need to repeatedly hammer and add special attribute defense to the armor.

As long as Li Quan is willing, he can create a piece of dragon scale armor in a matter of seconds.

Of course, Li Quan's dragon scale armor looks more noble, and exudes a very noble and mysterious aura.

After Li Quan peeled off a dragon scale from his body, the so-called spiritual wisdom was born from this dragon scale.

Treasures have souls, not to mention that Li Quan's whole body is full of treasures.

Throwing anything away from your body is enough to make the entire universe boil and fight for it.

Otherwise, why would the previous Demon Ancestor want the Blue Star where the True Dragon stayed?

I just thought that the real dragon really left something on the blue star.

However, this Demon Ancestor really guessed it right.

On Blue Star, there is someone Li Quan cares about.

Therefore, when the Demon Ancestor originally sent the goat-headed monster to attack Blue Star, after Li Quan destroyed the goat-headed monster, he followed the energy link behind the goat-headed monster and found the place where the demon ancestor's clone was hiding.

Moreover, the demon ancestor was forced to self-destruct himself, destroying a subspace.

Of course, this was also the reason why Demon Ancestor decided to self-destruct. After all, he had no chance of winning against a real dragon.

Therefore, he directly chose to self-destruct.

Others did not receive the same treatment as Li Quan, forcing Demon Ancestor to self-destruct himself.

Soon, Li Xiaotuan on the side made a breakthrough.

A warm current circulated crazily in his body, and Li Xiaotuan felt that his whole body was full of power.

Brother! I successfully broke through to the Mahayana level!

The moment he successfully broke through, Li Xiaotuan showed off directly towards Li Quan.

Well, you did a good job, but you still need to work hard.

Moreover, Li Quan silently added in his heart: After all, your current strength is too weak.

Not to mention anything else, even if Li Quan is a powerful person at the super galaxy level, in front of Li Quan, as long as Li Quan's voice is a little louder, it is enough to shock him to death.

The kind where the soul is shaken to pieces.

It is enough to show how powerful Li Quan is.

Brother, what is this? So handsome?!

Girls, generally speaking, have no resistance at all to pretty and cute things.

However, Li Xiaotuan is a bit special.

I can't resist cool things.

For example, this is the case with the Dragon Scale Sword given to Li Xiaotuan by Li Quan.

The overall structure of the dragon scale sword is very special, handsome and gives people a domineering feeling.

Now, the same is true for the dragon scale armor in Li Quan's hand.

It seemed to match the Dragon Scale Sword very well, so Li Xiaotuan had a bold idea.

Get the dragon scale armor in Li Quan's hand.

This is dragon scale armor, which is much more noble than those in the dragon clan.

Can it not be noble?

This was created by Li Quan using his own dragon scales.

Although, it only takes one dragon scale to create a 'magic weapon'.

For Li Quan, magical weapons and artifacts were just like rubbish in his eyes.

Just the items contaminated by Li Quan's dragon energy, once transformed into dragon weapons, are no less powerful than his divine weapons.

Even dragon weapons have the property of self-growth.

For example, the previous Wuling Hongguang was originally just a relatively powerful van, but now it has really lived up to its reputation as a sacred vehicle.

Its quality has reached a super-galaxy level, and it is even continuing to grow today.

Of course, this is because this is the first dragon weapon Li Quan has used, so the growth attributes and so on will naturally be faster.

And the others are naturally not as good as this first dragon weapon that was born.

Brother, I have broken through to the Mahayana stage.

After hearing that dragon scale armor was more powerful than the dragon scale armor of his dragon clan, Li Xiaotuan always felt that this dragon scale armor became more and more pleasing to the eye.

Not only is it handsome in appearance, but it is also more powerful than its dragon scale armor.

As for whether he is worried that Li Quan is really cheating on Li Xiaotuan.

I'm not afraid of this.

After all, the dragon scale sword given by Li Quan has proved everything.

With Li Quan's Dragon Scale Sword, Li Xiaotuan could only block the killing of Buddha by one person.

Enemies of the same level were instantly killed when Li Xiaotuan held the Dragon Scale Sword and faced each other.

Even if the opponent is one level higher than Li Xiaotuan, if he can survive ten rounds, it has proven that the opponent is stronger.

However, with the increase in yin and yang energy brought by Li Xiaotuan's Yin and Yang Emperor's Life, coupled with the Dragon Scale Sword, he still could not withstand Li Xiaotuan's terrifying offensive.

The attack was there, but Li Xiaotuan's defense was weak.

Now, Li Quan actually has the matching dragon scale armor on his hand. How can he not arouse Li Xiaotuan's greed?

Um, so what?

Brother, don't you have any expression?

Such as giving me something?

Li Xiaotuan made explicit and implicit statements, and looked at the dragon scale armor on Li Quan's hand from time to time.

Needless to say, this Li Xiaotuan wanted to take advantage of the dragon scale armor in Li Quan's hand.

want to?

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan nodded quickly.

Just because she wanted it, she would make crazy hints to Li Quan. After all, she was a 'lady' and she would just ask for some gift or something like that. How could she open her mouth?

Although, Li Xiaotuan has always thought that she is a 'lady' or something.

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