Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 219 Want a younger brother

Needless to say, Li Quan knew exactly what Li Zhen had done.

Dad, why don't you just have a good time? Why do you want to seek death?

After seeing Li Zhen's appearance, Li Quan laughed subconsciously and patted Li Zhen on the shoulder.

After hearing this, Li Zhen snorted a little arrogantly, but just when Li Quan was about to remove the dark circles on Li Zhen's face, Wang Yun appeared.

He was holding food and other things in his hands and brought them out. When he saw Li Quan was about to help Li Zhen remove the dark circles on his face, he quickly scolded Li Quan.

Koizumi, wait a moment.

Huh? What's wrong, Mom?

Hearing Wang Yun suddenly stop him, Li Quan asked with confusion.

Xiaoquan, you can't help him get rid of the dark circles under his eyes!

How dare you make your mother and I embarrassed? This is a lesson for him!

After hearing Wang Yun's words, Li Quan quickly reached back his hand.

This is your mother's order. Father, my child can't help you.

After adding something in his heart, Li Quan left with a silent smile.

It's quite a bit of schadenfreude.

When Li Zhen saw this, he was dissatisfied, but he did not dare to resist.

In other words, I was too lazy to resist.

Come on, let's eat and let this guy see people with a black eye. This is his punishment!

But, Mom, is this punishment too severe?

After hearing Wang Yun's words, Li Quan laughed subconsciously, acting as the peacemaker.

Mom, what did dad do? Why do you treat him like this?

At this moment, Li Xiaotuan, who was sitting aside, looked at Wang Yun curiously and asked.

You have to ask your dad about this!

As if she didn't want to mention what happened before, Wang Yun directly pointed the finger at Li Zhen, while Li Zhen silently glanced at Li Xiaotuan.

Who would have thought that Li Xiaotuan laughed immediately after seeing Li Zhen's face.

What are you laughing laughing?

Hmph! Dad, you were punished by your mother, why can't you make others laugh~!

After being scolded by Li Zhen, Li Xiaotuan didn't give up and just yelled at him.

In this family, Li Zhen's status is the 'lowest'. Even the youngest daughter Li Xiaotuan can antagonize Li Zhen.

It seemed that Li Xiaotuan had nothing to say and could only give in silently.

After the meal, Li Xiaotuan laughed the most, followed by Wang Yun.

After seeing that Li Zhen received the punishment he deserved, and with Li Quan's dissuasion and pleading, he finally let Li Zhen go.

The moment Li Zhen was let go, the smile on his face was so bright.

Dad, don't commit suicide next time.

Look at you, your mother almost beat you to death.

What do you know? This is called fun, do you understand?

After eating, Li Quan and Li Zhen sat on the sofa together and watched the variety show channel.

But you boy, you seem to be very happy now.

I can't bear to eat it.

Suddenly, Li Zhen's dirty talk caught Li Quan off guard.

He didn't expect that Li Zhen would say such words.

Dad, what are you talking about?

Tsk tsk tsk, you are a boy, a man, I understand.

Remember, just give birth to a few fat boys for our old Li family.

It can be considered as leaving a descendant.

Dad, let's put it this way, if I wanted to have a child, it would be difficult.

Soon, Li Quan explained why it was so difficult to have a descendant.

The stronger the creature, the probability of its own descendants being very small.

As powerful as Li Quan, wanting a descendant is basically wishful thinking.

Unless Li Quan uses his own blood to directly create bloodline descendants.

However, this only belongs to Li Quan himself. It can be regarded as a clone of Li Quan.

However, this clone cannot be controlled by Li Quan.

In this way, this blood descendant is only related to Li Quan and has no relationship with anyone else.

Is that so?

Li Zhen seemed to know Li Quan's difficulties.

It is true that when the cultivation level is low, it is very easy to give birth to Li Quan, but the chance of pregnancy is a little lower than ordinary people.

During the Mahayana period, giving birth to Li Xiaotuan was a difficult task.

Not to mention anything else, just doing things like husband and wife has been done countless times.

However, although it was difficult to give birth to Li Xiaotuan, the descendant he gave birth to was extremely talented.

We already know this from the talent of Li Xiaotuan.

However, what Li Zhen didn't know was that the descendants born in the ordinary Mahayana period were much weaker than Li Xiaotuan.

The reason why he has such a powerful talent is all because of Li Quan.

Because of his connection with Li Quan, his talent will increase to a certain extent.

After all, as the younger sister of a real dragon, there is nothing she can do wrong.

Now, both of them have reached the half-planet level. If they want to give birth to descendants, the probability is extremely slim.

However, it is still much higher than Li Quan.

So, Dad, why don't you and Mom try harder?

Although I cannot guarantee whether I will be able to give birth to descendants, I can guarantee that the bloodline of our old Li family will not be broken.

After hearing Li Quan's words, Li Zhen was deep in thought and considering.

Even in this era of great space exploration, the idea of ​​inheritance through bloodline has always been the thought of the Tenglong Kingdom.

After all, Tenglong Country is a nation-state, not a country of immigrants.

Okay, your mother and I will work hard, hoping to give birth to a child.

Okay, you and mom just work hard slowly.

After hearing what Li Zhen said, the corners of Li Quan's mouth raised slightly, showing a naughty smile.

You boy, it seems that the important task of revitalizing our old Li family will still fall on your unknown brother.

Don't worry, Dad, I guarantee my brother's future.

Apart from anything else, Li Quan can still ensure that the blood of his brother's family can be passed down forever.

The words exchanged between father and son are embarrassing.

At night, Li Xiaotuan finally adapted to the power from the peak of the fusion period and began to prepare for a breakthrough.

In the third demon gate battle, Li Xiaotuan gained enough experience to reach the Mahayana stage.

Therefore, Li Xiaotuan began to break through on the Immortal Ming Mountain, under the watchful eyes of Li Quan.

On the Immortal Ming Mountain, the moment Li Xiaotuan started to break through, a super powerful spiritual energy vortex burst out from Li Xiaotuan's body.

The spiritual energy around Xianming Mountain was forcibly absorbed by Li Xiaotuan alone, and the scene was even more powerful than when he broke through the ordinary Mahayana stage.

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