Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 218 Li Zhen seeks death

After hearing Li Zhen's self-assurance, Wang Yun was very confused as to why Li Zhen suddenly proposed to protect the law in person.

However, Wang Yun didn't think so much. Since Li Zhen came to protect the law, it didn't matter.

After all, Li Zhen is her husband and can be considered a close relative.

Moreover, Li Zhen just experienced transformation and breakthrough last week, so he has accumulated much more experience than Wang Yun.

Therefore, it is not a big deal for Li Zhen to protect the Dharma.

I just don't know why, but Wang Yun always feels that Li Zhen has some evil intentions, as if he is planning something.

Honey, why are you still dawdling? Hurry up and break through.

I'll be there to protect you. Trust me, there will be no problem.

After hearing Li Zhen's repeated assurances, Wang Yun started to break through without thinking too much.

Just like when Li Zhen broke through, Wang Yun's body is constantly being washed by spiritual power. In this way, his meridians, muscles and bones are all washed, and then he undergoes transformation, thus achieving the transformation of the mortal world. Degree.

The whole process seems very painful, but as long as you endure it, you can successfully break through.

After all, with Wang Yun's talent and accumulation, it is only a piece of cake to break through to the half-planet level.

However, when Wang Yun's body was expanding, she had no idea about it, but Li Zhen watched Wang Yun expand little by little.

It's a joy to watch.

Not only that, Li Zhen also took advantage of Wang Yun's breakthrough, when her mental power was concentrated on her body, and silently took out a mobile phone he had collected.

The phone turned on the camera function, and then took a picture of Wang Yun's swollen figure.

He looks like a fat man weighing more than 600 or 700 pounds.

After taking the photo, Li Zhen put his phone away silently, and then quietly waited for Wang Yun to make a successful breakthrough.

With this photo, Wang Yun has a dark history.

However, it seems that when he broke through, Li Quan, as his protector, must have also seen his embarrassment.

But it doesn't matter. As his son, how could Li Quan cheat on his father?

When Wang Yun was breaking through, she didn't know that her embarrassing appearance had been photographed by her husband Li Zhen. Otherwise, regardless of whether she was in a breakthrough state or not, she would have to risk her life with Li Zhen.

Soon, as a strong spiritual pressure erupted from Wang Yun's body, the swollen body gradually shrank.

At this time, Wang Yun looked more like an adult woman in her mid-twenties. Coupled with Wang Yun's proud appearance, Li Zhen's heart was shaken by the sight.

Especially the embarrassing scene after the breakthrough.

Huh? Did I have a breakthrough?

Wang Yun felt a huge force flowing continuously in her body, and smiled with a hint of excitement on her face.

However, the moment Wang Yun looked at her hands, she seemed to find something wrong with her body.

In an instant, Wang Yun raised her head and looked at Li Zhen, who was smiling.

Li Zhen!

At this time, Wang Yun was angry.

Of course, the so-called anger is just caused by being too shy.

With an angry shout, Li Zhen seemed to have noticed that his daughter-in-law was 'angry', and shouted: Spare your life, wife, I didn't know it would be like this.

You wouldn't know?!

No! I forgot that my clothes will explode after I break through.

Li Zhen suddenly realized that he had made a mistake and quickly corrected it.

But, it's too late.

Li Zhen! You bastard! It's a shame I trust you so much! You cheated me like this!

While speaking, Wang Yun stepped forward and knocked Li Zhen to the ground.

There was a hint of 'apology' on Li Zhen's face, and he said to Wang Yun sincerely: Honey, I was wrong, give me a chance, I will never dare again.


Wang Yun, who had subdued Li Zhen, sat down on Li Zhen and turned her face away proudly. However, anyone could tell from that expression that she wanted to coax me quickly. expression.

When Li Zhen saw this, of course he knew what to do.

Honey, I was wrong, please don't be angry with me.

You have to know that an angry woman will age quickly.


Honey, please forgive me, okay? I won't dare to do it again.

While speaking, Li Zhen also forced his tears to flow out, making it look more real.

Wang Yun couldn't help but laugh after seeing Li Zhen's coquettish operation.

Hmph! Damn you! I will forgive you this time! If you have another time, I will let you know what cruelty is!

Come on, give me some clothes.

While speaking, Wang Yun also touched Li Zhen's clothes, as if he wanted to take them off.

Hey, let me take it off.

However, Wang Yun had to take off Li Zhen's clothes first, but as soon as he took them off, the mobile phone on Li Zhen fell off.

The interface of the mobile phone is staying on the photo page.

The moment Wang Yun picked up the dropped phone, Li Zhen had already thought of hundreds of ways to kill his wife.

Therefore, the moment Wang Yun picked up the phone, he was ready to escape.

Sure enough, after Wang Yun picked up the phone and turned it over to take a look at the interface, her relaxed expression gradually turned cold at this moment.

At the same time, Wang Yun's cold tone gradually sounded.

Lee! Zhen!

With Wang Yun's roar, the entire Longyuan space seemed to be shocked by Wang Yun's voice.

No! Wife! I can explain it!

Go to hell and explain to me!

With Wang Yun's angry roar, Wang Yun successfully caught up with the fleeing Li Zhen.

Moreover, the whole scene is very tragic, bloody, and inappropriate for children, so I will not describe it in detail.

All in all, Li Zhen, who was caught up, screamed repeatedly in the Longyuan space, seemingly non-stop.

Of course, Wang Yun would not really beat Li Zhen to death. At most, he would beat him half to death.

When Li Quan returned to his hometown, it was already six o'clock in the evening.

Because of Wang Yun's breakthrough, Wang Yun invited the whole family to gather together for a meal or something.

Huh? Dad, are you doing performance art?

Li Zhen was sitting on the sofa, with two eye circles, one red and one black.

Seeing Li Zhen's appearance, Li Quan couldn't help but laugh.

With such a smile, Li Zhen glanced at Li Quan depressedly, and then silently covered it with a newspaper.

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