Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 204 Human Alliance

In the mysterious space, a woman with a body and a snake's tail suddenly opened her eyes.

Demon Alliance, what little tricks are you doing?

While the woman with the body of a snake and the tail of a snake was speaking, she saw a man with the body of a snake and the tail of a snake approaching from the other side.

The Demon Alliance is trying its best to invade that small planet.

Small planet?

The woman seemed a little hesitant and did not remember which small planet it was.

After all, for beings of their level, they have experienced too many things.

The origin of pure human blood.

After hearing the man's voice, the woman recalled the planet she had been on.

That planet?

Could it be that there is a hidden secret on which planet?

No, when the pure human bloodline was created, it was just the void crystal found on that planet. Other than that, it is no different from other planets.

Could it be that there are secrets on that small planet that we don't know about?

After hearing this, the man was silent for a moment and then said: No matter what, there are descendants of our Human Alliance on that small planet.

Now, they are fighting hard.

While speaking, a Bagua array appeared in the man's hand, and in the Bagua array, the man was making rapid deductions.

After a while, the man's originally squinted eyes suddenly opened.

These are two golden snake eyes, which look very special.

The true dragon, the blue star, and the future that cannot be seen through.

Brother, what did you just say?

The woman couldn't help but tremble after hearing the man's voice.

Judging from my hexagrams, the real dragon and the blue star are related.

But haven't true dragons disappeared since the creation of the universe?

This time it suddenly appeared, so to speak, the universe is about to change again.

Brother, what should we do?

Although the strength of the two is equal, it is obvious that the man is dominant.

No matter what, since the descendants of pure human blood are in the blue star, and since the demon alliance has invaded that place, there must be something special.

Even my sixty-four hexagrams can't tell what the future of this blue star will be.

Perhaps it is that special thing that conceals the main reason why I see the future.

Now that brother has decided, it's time for us to take action.

As soon as the words fell, the woman suddenly started to moan, and after a while, a beautiful ancient lady who looked like a woman who was stunning in the country appeared in this mysterious space.

This is a woman's doppelganger.

The clone's strength is very strong, reaching the peak of the main galaxy level.

The next second, I saw that the clone was lost in the eastern part of the universe, the main activity center of the Human Alliance.

This place is the common holy place of the Human Alliance, and its name is Heaven.

When the woman arrived, all the people who were staying or patrolling in the Holy Land of Humanity, the Heavenly Court, knelt down on one knee, worshiped the woman's clone, and shouted: Welcome the arrival of God Nuwa!

In addition, among the crowd, a man wearing a Nine-Dragon Chaos Cannon soared out of the air and came to the avatar of the great goddess Nuwa. He did not kneel on one knee like the others.

Instead, he cupped his hands, slightly bent his waist, and said to God Nuwa: Welcome God Nuwa to come in person. I don't know what God Nuwa's purpose is.

You know, even for some major events, God Nuwa will send her maid Qingluan to the heaven to convey God Nuwa's will.

But now, the Great God Nuwa has come in person. Although it is just a clone, they know that the main body of the Great God Nuwa is too strong. If she acts at will in the universe, the universe will be destroyed.

In order to prevent the universe from being destroyed, we enter the mysterious space.

No one knows where this space is, because even those who are stronger than them dare not set foot in those places at will.

In the center of the universe, there is a galaxy called the Milky Way. Among them, the Milky Way has a mysterious planet called Blue Star.

This planet is the place where pure human blood was created.

Now, this place has been invaded by monsters who want to take over the planet.

Your mission is to help the pure human descendants of this planet resist the invasion of the demon army, and help them expel the demon army from the Kamigawa galaxy.

Yes! Goddess Nuwa!

If we say that the strongest members of the Demon Alliance are the Demon Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor.

Then the strongest people in the Human Alliance are Nuwa and her brother Fuxi.

The two of them were powerful beings born at the beginning of the universe.

There is no doubt about his strength.

Goddess Nuwa, please rest assured. Since these are pure human blood descendants of our Human Alliance, we of the Human Alliance are naturally obliged to go and help them.

The reason why the Human Alliance is human is to protect pure human beings.

Although, they don't know why God Nuwa and God Fuxi established the Human Alliance, and they also don't know why the Human Alliance must protect the descendants of pure human blood.

However, this is the will of God Nuwa.

Without the great gods Nuwa and Fuxi, there would be no human alliance today.

The reason why the Human Alliance is so powerful depends entirely on the great gods Nuwa and Fuxi.

After giving the order, the clone of God Nuwa disappeared, and the next moment it appeared in a mountain range composed of special stars.

And among the mountains, there is a small manor.

The small manor is full of green plants, which looks refreshing.

However, these plants are not ordinary plants.

They are all spiritual plants.

It is a rare spiritual plant in the universe.

Every flower, plant, and tree here, if placed outside, would be robbed by super-galaxy level experts.

At this moment, a girl wearing a green cloud dress with a playful face appeared in the manor.

Empress Nuwa, you are back!


Nuwa's originally plain face suddenly had a hint of smile.

A charming smile, a peerless beauty.

Even a female girl is unconsciously attracted by this smile.

Empress Nuwa, Qingluan has always wanted to ask Empress Nuwa a question.

Qingluan had a trace of curiosity on his face, holding a kettle in his hand, and looked at Nuwa to ask.

Huh? Tell me what it is.

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