Actually, Qingluan has never understood why, Empress Nuwa, you want to establish a human alliance with the Great God Fuxi to protect the new pure blood humans you created millions of years ago.

After hearing this, Nuwa was stunned for a moment, then she half-hidden her face and smiled softly: Qingluan, this is related to an agreement. I can only say that now is not the time.

After Qingluan heard this, he knew that Nuwa would say this, so he could only sigh helplessly.

Oh, Empress Nuwa, is it all worth it?

worth it.

Okay, Qingluan, you don't need to ask more about these things.

Also, just take care of this manor. This manor is that person's private property. Although he is gone now, I hope that when he comes back one day, everything will be as before.

As soon as the words fell, Nuwa's clone gradually dissipated and disappeared into the universe.

After hearing this, Qingluan's face was full of doubts.

Hey, Empress Nuwa, who is that person?

It's a pity that this is just Qingluan talking to herself, and no one pays attention to her.

Seeing this, Qingluan could only pick up the water bottle in his hand and start watering these spiritual plants.

The ages of these spiritual plants are terrifying.

It has existed since the beginning of the universe.

If there wasn't something special suppressing them, they would have probably already developed spiritual wisdom and developed great powers.

After Qingluan completed his daily watering of flowers, he came to a small room in the manor.

The small house looks very simple, a bit like the residence of a knight who retired to the world.

The whole thing is made of Chaos Spiritual Bamboo. Taking out any thing from it, whether it is wood or a teacup, can cause a brand new storm of competition.

Because these are first-class materials for forging super powerful weapons.

In the house, there is a living room, and three portraits are hanging on the wall of the living room.

In the first picture, a handsome and extremely benevolent man is sitting contentedly on a wooden deck chair, with two eggs beside him.

On the Human Alliance side, after the Great God Nuwa personally issued the order, all personnel also dispatched together.

After all, this time, their purpose is to save the pure descendants of human blood trapped in the galaxy.

In addition, we must help them to defeat the Demon Alliance and recapture the Kamigawa Galaxy.

The universe is huge, and it will naturally take some time to mobilize all the troops.

Therefore, when the army was gathering, some powerful men from the Human Alliance went to the Kamigawa Galaxy in person.

With their strength, they can rush there quickly.

However, when the Human Alliance took action, among the Demon Alliance, the Demon Ancestor in the mysterious space suddenly opened his eyes.

The Human Alliance has taken action, and it's time for you to take action too.

In the mysterious space, the words of the Demon Ancestor spread throughout the empty western part of the universe, a place occupied by demons.

And those demons at the Galaxy Network level hidden in the demon alliance, although they were very unhappy after hearing the words of the Demon Ancestor, this was the order of the Demon Ancestor, and they must obey it.

Because their true spirits are in the hands of the Demon Ancestor.

Not only that, all their strength comes from the Demon Ancestor itself. The closer their bloodline is to the Demon Ancestor, the stronger their strength will be.

Of course, you can also choose to devour continuously and develop your own bloodline, but it is difficult.

Basically the probability of success is infinitely close to zero.

From the beginning of the universe to the present, except for the two transcendent beings of the demon alliance, Demon Ancestor and Demon Ancestor, no one wants to successfully develop their own bloodline and break the bloodline restrictions of Demon Ancestor and Demon Ancestor.

If it really succeeds, then the Demon Alliance will not only have the second demon ancestor, but the third ancestor.

The strongest human beings have also reached the Galaxy Network level in strength. At the moment when they are about to reach the Milky Way, the Galaxy Network level demons from the Demon Alliance arrive.

Seeing these strong human beings trying to take action, they quickly stopped them.

Not only that, the moment they took action, powerful monsters hiding in the dark corners also took action to block the attacks of these strongest men in the Human Alliance.

War is about to break out, and battles are often devastating.

Especially these powerful ones, who have reached the Galaxy Network level, can annihilate the stars and destroy everything with just a raise of their hands.

Therefore, when the two sides fight, in order not to destroy the universe, they can only enter the subspace for a duel.

After all, whether it is the human alliance or the demon alliance, they do not want to cause much harm to the universe itself. Otherwise, why would the second demon ancestor, human Nuwa and Fuxi, enter the mysterious space?

Just to prevent the universe from being destroyed, that's all.

Otherwise, once they fight, it is possible that the universe will be destroyed.

At the least, the universe will be destroyed, at worst, the universe will re-enter chaos, and everything will return to chaos.

In order to avoid these things from happening, you can only rely on the people under your control to take any action.

You can only hope that the people under you can be more effective.

Even if he takes action, it will only be done with a clone.

While the two sides were having a shocking battle, on Blue Star, Li Quan was lying on the bed with a silly smile.

It can be said that it is every man's dream to hug him from left to right, even Li Quan is no exception.

Now, Li Quan has really done it.

Moreover, the two girls were both top-notch beauties. Before becoming a true dragon, Li Quan couldn't even think about it.

As for the battle in the universe, Li Quan naturally knows everything about it.

Of course, Li Quan didn't take action.

The fight between the two is just for show.

In battles between people of the same level, the stronger they are, the harder it is to determine the winner.

Just like now, it seems that both sides are engaged in a life-and-death fight, but they are not stupid. They are both top beings in the universe. It is not easy to kill the other side.

What's more, if their strength is similar, it would be even more difficult to kill each other.

Unless you have overwhelming strength, you still have to act.

These guys have been alive for who knows how many epochs, and they are already full-fledged drama queens.

Li Quan had already expected that the Human Alliance would be dispatched.

After all, if the Demon Alliance acts collectively, in the eyes of the Human Alliance, it will definitely be a collective action for something.

The Human Alliance and the Demon Alliance have always been in a state of opposition, but once one of the parties advances by leaps and bounds, the situation will quickly change.

Therefore, in order to avoid these things from happening, no matter what the other party does, they must restrain each other.

This has been maintained from the moment the two alliances were born until today.

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