Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 203 The aggrieved Li Xiaotuan

Do you want to bully people like this? !

After hearing what Li Quan said, Li Xiaotuan looked at Li Quan with an aggrieved look.

Seemingly laughing at Li Xiaotuan's aggrieved look, Li Quan rubbed Li Xiaotuan's little head and said with a smile, Finger snapping magic is not something you can just learn if you want to.

Without certain foundation and strength, you simply can't use it.

With your current strength, you can probably only pretend. It's simply impossible to have my level of strength.

If you don't teach me, how do you know I don't know how to do it?

Don't you know that your sister is a genius?!

Li Xiaotuan put his hands on his waist with a proud look on his face and confidently said to Li Quan.

Although your talent is very good, do you know what time it is now?


Suddenly, behind Li Xiaotuan, a terrifying demon suddenly rushed over.

However, the next second, Li Quan made a casual stroke, and his body was cut open, and the body flew towards both sides.

Perfectly avoiding the two figures.

Now is the time to resist the monster. If it hadn't been for me, you girl would have been successfully attacked by this monster just now.

Okay, let's talk about magical powers later. Now you can just kill the monsters with peace of mind.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Quan's figure disappeared. The next time he appeared, he continued to fight against the Mahayana demon coming from the other end.

As for Li Xiaotuan, he was stunned for a moment, then became helpless and angry, swung his big sword and killed the group of attacking demons.

The angry Li Xiaotuan's combat power can be said to be off the charts, but any monster that comes close will be killed by Li Xiaotuan before they can react.

Not only that, Li Xiaotuan has used all the spells. The kind of spell is more lethal, so use that one.

For a time, Li Xiaotuan's spiritual power consumption increased rapidly.

However, as Li Xiaotuan frantically killed enemies, he also gained a lot of experience.

Exchange some elixirs that speed up recovery in the experience mall. For a while, the speed of gaining experience has also increased a lot.

A few days passed, and as the demon door closed again, all the planets finally ushered in a brief period of peace.

This time is no better than the last time, because with the experience of the first demon invasion, the atmosphere is much better than the first time.

Well, I can barely adapt to it.

The moment the demon door closed, all the creatures in the galaxy were in a state of excitement.

After three and a half days of hard work, it’s finally over!

Because within Li Quan's magical power of the game world, everyone basically has three lives.

Of course, some weak ones will always consume more lives.

However, as long as you spend a certain amount of experience points, you can exchange for a life, which is better.

In this way, even if the body dies, it can be resurrected immediately.

Therefore, in the galaxy, there are only a few hundred thousand people who are actually dead.

Compared with the first tens of millions, it is already considered a big improvement.

However, when the demon door was completely closed, the countdown to the demon door began again.

Seeing this, all the life forms in the galaxy felt depressed and helpless.


They were almost desperate.

However, fortunately, during the period when the demon gate was closed, they could gain peace for a short period of time, so they would not have no time to rest.

Not only that, while fighting monsters, their strength can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds.

Apart from complaining about the endless demons, there is nothing else to complain about.

After all, because of the invasion of demons, their lives increased.

As the beams of light returned to the Blue Star, those who went out to fight against the demons felt the air on the Blue Star and saw the beautiful scenery on the Blue Star, only to realize that peace is not easy.

At this time, Li Quan was lying on the sofa at Li Quan's home, holding a red wine glass in his hand. After pouring some red wine, he shook it while making a deep expression.

At this moment, two beams of light arrived at Li Quan's home.

When the light beam dissipated, Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong appeared in front of Li Quan.

came back.

Li Quan had a smile on his face, holding the red wine glass in his hand, and gestured towards him with a smile.

Well, don't mention how tired you are.

The strength of the two girls is naturally extraordinary.

After all, it can be said that Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong were carefully trained by Li Quan.

Ordinary Mahayana people are no match for them at all.

Moreover, in order to make it easier for them to be together, Li Quan arranged for Wang Keyuan, Ren Hong, Li Zhen, Wang Yun, Ren Changjiang and Wang Ruobin to be together.

As for Jiuyan and Fengqian, their strength has long been restored, and they will not come out until half-planet-level existences are born.

Moreover, even if a half-planet-level existence is born, there will not be too many demons and the like at the same level.

After all, in today's subspace, there are as many half-planet-level demons as there are vast oceans, not to mention a large number of planet-level and star-level demons.

After all, this is where all the monsters in the universe gather.

Li Quan put a lot of effort into arranging suitable battles and training for his relatives.

Thank you for your hard work. Come on, have a sip of red wine and enjoy yourself.

While speaking, Li Quan drank the red wine in the red wine glass in his hand.

Since all the demons in the universe are attacking Blue Star, it is time for the Human Alliance, which is opposed to the demon alliance, to take action.

The total galaxy cluster in which the Kamigawa Galaxy is located is a bit awkward, located at the central junction of the two. Therefore, the demon can break through the Kamigawa Galaxy so easily.

If the Kamigawa Galaxy is located at the center of the Human Alliance, apart from other things, there are only a handful of people who can sneak into the Human Alliance.

Now that the Demon Alliance has taken action, as the Human Alliance, it should also take action, right?

Monsters from all over the universe are attacking the Milky Way. It is impossible to repel these monsters just by relying on one Milky Way.

If nothing else, as long as it is life, it can reproduce.

What's more, these monsters also have some strange abilities. If they mate randomly, they can sometimes give birth to some powerful monsters.

The strength of the galaxy is simply not enough to deal with it.

If it weren't for Li Quan's existence, the entire galaxy would no longer exist.

Just when Li Quan was thinking about when the Human Alliance would be dispatched.

In the eastern part of the universe, the place occupied by the Human Alliance, a certain space suddenly shook.

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