Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 202 Magical power at the snap of a finger

On the Duolan Star, at this time, Li Quan was taking Li Xiaotuan to resist the demon.

Of course, most of the demons were killed by Li Xiaotuan alone.

After all, what Li Quan wants to do is to cultivate Li Xiaotuan and improve Li Xiaotuan's strength.

As for those demons in the Mahayana period, Li Quan resisted them with all his strength.

Of course, when resisting, you have to pretend to be working hard, otherwise, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of others.

However, Li Xiaotuan didn't know whether the others were suspicious or not, but she was suspicious anyway.

Although Li Quan was resisting the demons of the Mahayana period, the way he acted was too exaggerated.

It seemed like he was having a hard time fighting the monster.

If one demon was like this, it would be fine. However, when the second and third demons attacked together, Li Quan had already shown that he was struggling.

However, if you look closely, you will find that nothing happened to Li Quan.

In addition, Li Quan seemed to be at odds with these monsters, and no one could do anything to them. It was like a turn-based game.

As for Li Xiaotuan, his killing was too crazy.

Perhaps because of what happened before, Li Xiaotuan hated these demons very much. When facing demons, he would basically kill them simply and roughly.

Each move is a large-scale attack. Therefore, the demons around Li Xiaotuan are the most miserable. They have been killed by Li Xiaotuan before they can get close.

In addition, Li Quan taught Li Xiaotuan Dou Zi Jue, Su Zi Jue, and the latest Formation Zi Jue.

Not to mention that Li Xiaotuan's strength has greatly increased, in the formation where the formation is located, Li Xiaotuan can even fight with the demons in the early Mahayana period, and even kill them if he is lucky.

The battle was still going on, but after it lasted for the last day, Li Xiaotuan came to Li Quan's side and saw Li Quan calmly fighting the demon.

Brother, can you be more serious?

This is a monster! A monster that will be killed by him if he is not careful!

Seeing Li Xiaotuan approaching, just to say this, Li Quan directly knocked Li Xiaotuan on the head and cursed with a smile: Of course I know your brother, but the strength of this Mahayana demon is not very good, so don't worry.

Brother! Didn't you teach me to be careful in everything?

While speaking, Li Xiaotuan picked up his big sword and slashed down with all his strength.

A dazzling, powerful sword light slashed out, and wherever it passed, everyone under the Mahayana stage was buried in this sword light.

One sword strike directly left a sword mark several kilometers in size on the ground.

You girl, you have learned to teach your brother and me a lesson.

As he spoke, the demon Li Quan faced suddenly transformed into a flaming demon.

The flames all over his body were scorching, and everything he passed turned into a lava hell.

While transforming, I saw Balrog hitting the ground with a heavy punch. On the ground, cracks opened in all directions.

Not only that, magma also began to surge out of the cracks. Gradually, several giant lava pillars suddenly erupted and rose into the sky.

For a time, the entire sky was covered with dust and turned black.

The Ten Thousand Zhang Flame Demon opened its huge mouth and spurted out hot molten lava, showering it towards Li Quan.

elder brother!

Don't worry, it's all a small scene.

When Li Quan saw this, he subconsciously yawned, and then said slowly.

After Li Xiaotuan heard this, he almost collapsed.

If this Balrog attack really hits, the entire area hundreds of kilometers away will turn into molten lava to resist it.

In the opposite case, everyone under the fusion period may be buried here.

It's just a Balrog.

Facing this terrifying lava ray, Li Quan didn't panic at all.

Li Quan stretched out his right hand, and a Bagua formation gradually appeared on his right hand.

The Bagua Array opened tightly and eventually turned into a huge Bagua Roulette, which was constantly rotating.

What is this?

The Bagua Whirlwind Formation was created by your brother and me.

While speaking, the Bagua Spinner Array quickly hit the lava ray with Li Quan's pointing.

After the lava ray came into contact with the Bagua Whirlpool, it was directly absorbed.

Not only that, the Bagua gyration formation that absorbed the lava rays directly hit the Balrog's mouth, forcibly cutting off half of the Balrog's head.

Half of his head was cut off, but Balrog did not die on the spot.

The Balrog in this state possesses the characteristics of elemental spirits, and the physical damage caused is not fatal at all.

Even if half of the head is cut off, even if half of it is cut open by force, it can be restored.

The lava began to cling to the bottom of the Balrog and was constantly being moved.

Balrog's half-cut head was recovering at this moment.

I want to recover. If you succeed, I will lose a lot of face.

After Li Quan said something silently, his figure appeared under the Balrog in an instant, passed through the lava, and came to the bottom of the Balrog.

With a wave of his hand, Yan Mo's body was directly carried by Li Quan's power and soared into the air.

After cutting off the lava supply to Balrog, Li Quan's middle finger of his right hand came into contact with his thumb, and terrifying energy was bred on Li Quan's fingertips.

Magical power with the snap of a finger.

Along with Li Quan's whisper, a terrifying beam of light popped out from Li Quan's middle finger.

The flame demon's huge body was rushed directly into space at this moment.

The light beam erupted from the magical power with a snap of his fingers directly penetrated the dark clouds and dust in the sky. At that moment, the land of Duolan Star once again regained its light.

Not only that, the body of the Balrog was also turned into a neutron by the terrifying light emitted by Li Quan's magical power.

As a result, this Balrog cannot be resurrected.

Okay, done.

Li Quan glanced at the Balrog that turned into neutrons outside the space, and said with a smile.

Brother, what was the name of that move you just made?

What's the magical power of a snap of a finger? Do you want to learn it?


After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan was filled with anticipation.

With just a flick of two fingers, such a powerful force can be unleashed. It's so cool!

Brother, when will you teach me?

I want to learn the magical power of finger snapping!

After hearing this, Li Quan rubbed Li Xiaotuan's little head with a smile.

Although Li Xiaotuan was a little unhappy with Li Quan's actions, in order to learn this move, Li Xiaotuan also agreed.

Just think about it.

However, Li Quan's words immediately made Li Xiaotuan petrified and he was completely confused.

At this time, Li Xiaotuan felt aggrieved.

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