Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 201 Resurrection~!

After crushing that part of Demon Ancestor's soul with one hand, Li Quan silently looked at Li Xiaotuan inside the ball of light and sighed helplessly.

You girl, you really make people worry.

After finishing speaking, Li Quan glanced at Duolan Star, which had been smashed to pieces by Demon Ancestor.

However, you died quite unjustly.

The demon ancestor just came for Li Quan's aura.

If Li Quan didn't have a little more breath, then Demon Ancestor wouldn't come directly to the door.

If they didn't come to the door, all the lives on the Duoran Star, as well as the people who came to resist, would have died on the spot.

Regarding the dead person, Li Quan sighed helplessly.

The rules of the game world apply. Anyone who dies in Li Quan's game world will have their souls protected by Li Quan immediately.

Therefore, these people did not really die.

As long as Li Quan is willing, they can still be resurrected.

With Li Quan's strong will, Duolan Star, which had been blown up, reunited at this moment.

In Li Quan's game world, Li Quan is the absolute master, and it is not impossible to use part of the area to turn back time.

The time reversal was activated, and the Dulan Star, which had been destroyed, returned to normal in an instant, and even all the lives on it were resurrected.

However, these people are in a state of confusion now, because they did not react at all when they died, so they did not know that they had died once.

In order to restore everything, Li Quan restored all their attributes to the greatest extent at once.

Of course, the same goes for life.

After everyone recovered, they looked around with confusion. At this time, demons continued to pour in from the demon gate, and the battle had maintained its previous state for a long time.

Li Quan, on the other hand, came to a relatively safe place.

After putting Li Xiaotuan down, Li Quan couldn't help but sigh when he looked at Li Xiaotuan's sleepy appearance.

I saw Li Quan patting Li Xiaotuan's little face. After a while, Li Xiaotuan woke up from his confusion.


Li Xiaotuan, who had just woken up, screamed subconsciously, but he felt that his head was being knocked.

When Li Xiaotuan looked at the 'murderer' angrily, he found that Li Quan was looking at Li Xiaotuan with a smile.

Brother?! Why are you here?!

You girl have the nerve to say that you accidentally fell into the illusion of a demon during the battle.

If it weren't for your brother and me who happened to choose to land on the same planet as you, you would have died long ago.

While saying this, Li Quan hit Li Xiaotuan on the head again.

It’s still the familiar percussion force.

Ahhh! You hit me on the head again!

What's wrong with knocking you?!

I just knock you, what can you do to me?

After hearing this, Li Quan stepped forward and knocked two or three more times. Li Xiaotuan felt that he was very wronged. When Li Quan was about to continue knocking, he grabbed Li Quan's arm and bit down hard.

You girl, are you a dog?!

Let go.

Don't let go!

Seeing Li Xiaotuan's appearance, Li Quan laughed helplessly.

It seems that the influence of this girl has finally passed.

Okay, just stay with me these days.

By the way, let me teach you other moves.

At this time, Li Quan did not knock it down with his other hand, but rubbed it on Li Xiaotuan's head.

Carrot and stick?


After hearing that Li Quan wanted to teach her other moves, Li Xiaotuan immediately relaxed and asked with interest.

Of course, look at you, girl, so excited.

Hey hey hey.

But, brother, isn't it possible to exchange experience for some skills and moves in the system?

Well, indeed, no matter what kind of move it is, you can redeem it successfully.

However, you can take a look at the price of the seven-character mantra you exchanged.

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan opened the system panel hesitantly and clicked on the experience mall (manufactured by Li Quan).

After the Experience Mall sensed Li Xiaotuan's thoughts, the seven-character mantra soon appeared in front of Li Xiaotuan.

Li Xiaotuan's experience exchange price for this seven-character mantra is astronomical.

My eyes are dazzled.

How about it, do you still have the confidence to redeem it?

Seeing Li Xiaotuan eating too much, Li Quan laughed and asked.

Hmph! No! Brother, this thing is so expensive, how do you own it?!

At this time, Li Xiaotuan finally noticed something wrong.

Especially in that so-called environment, the necklace given by Li Quan.

Girl, don't you know that your brother and I have been traveling outside the Blue Star for twenty-seven years?

During these twenty-seven years, your brother and I certainly had some adventures.

While saying this, Li Quan hit Li Xiaotuan on the head again.

Li Xiaotuan felt aggrieved. At the end of the day, he had been beaten five times.

Brother! Just wait for me! When I grow up and gain strength, I will repay you twice as much!

We'll see.

After hearing this, Li Quan responded with a smile.

At this time, in the mysterious space, the huge figure of the Demon Ancestor suddenly shrank. At the same time, a mouthful of mosaic black blood spat out into the dead space.

After the blood spurted out, it turned into monsters.

A small demon ancestor.

what on earth is it?

Why is it that when the clone dies, no memory is transferred back?

The soul seems to have been killed.

Only beings of the same level can kill souls at the level of the Demon Ancestor.

And there are only five existences of the same level in the entire universe, including him.

One of them is more mysterious and his whereabouts are unknown, and the old guy doesn't care about so many things at all and seems to be planning his own things.

As for Demon Ancestor, as his own ally, no matter how discordant they are, they will not kill his clones.

And the only ones left are the two old guys from the Human Alliance.

Could it be that you have some secret to plan, but my clone happened to discover it?

In this case, I want to see what the two of you are planning, and you want to kill even my clone.

As soon as the words fell, I saw Demon Ancestor continuing to spray blood. The blood merged with the previous Demon Ancestor clone. Holding tight, it turned into a Demon Ancestor clone with Galaxy Network level strength.

The space was directly broken, and the figure disappeared into this silent space in an instant.

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