Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 169 PK between brother and sister

Really? Li Xiaotuan's interest increased after hearing that Li Quan actually wanted to suppress his own strength before fighting against him.

Of course, your brother, when have I ever deceived you?

You Li Xiaotuan originally planned to say what he said at noon today, but after seeing what happened to Li Quan during the hearse drift competition today, he chose to remain silent.

Okay, come on! I'm going to make you call me daddy today!


What Li Xiaotuan said was incredible.

He actually wanted to murder his own father.

No! It was just smooth for a while. Yes, it was just smooth. Dad shouldn't have heard it, right?

Li Xiaotuan was used to saying these words when he was fighting against others, so when he faced Li Quan, he only wrote them down and said them consciously.

This is embarrassing.

Li Quan is Li Xiaotuan's brother, and he beat Li Quan and called him daddy. Where does this put Li Zhen's face?

You girl, be careful with your words and actions. If dad finds out, he will really beat you up and call you daddy.

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan stuck out his tongue directly at Li Quan, obviously to relieve the embarrassment on his face.

I'm going to teach this girl a lesson. You guys wait for me here.

Well, go ahead, come on, don't lose to my little sister. Ren Hong joked from the side.

Yes, let my little sister see how powerful you are!

You guys. Li Quan was helpless after hearing this. Why did these two women suddenly start making noises?

The place at home is relatively small and not suitable for fighting. Coupled with the Nascent Soul stage, the destructive power itself is very terrifying. Therefore, in order to cause unnecessary danger, Li Quan planned to place the battlefield in an open space in a square not far away.

Fortunately, the square in Guangbei Village is not occupied by many people now. If you talk to these people, you can use the space.

Brother, what weapon are you using against me?

I saw Li Xiaotuan take out his 'big sword' from his space earring.

It is said to be a big sword, but it is actually a sword about one and a half meters in size, with a blade one meter long and a hilt half a meter long.

Although Li Quan didn't know why this girl would use such a weapon.

You can use a sword or a whip properly, but even if it doesn't work well, you can also attack with a musical instrument. This looks very elegant.

It's too tough now.

Li Quan finally understood why Li Xiaotuan's character was so tough. It turned out to be this way.

I don't need a weapon. Do I need a weapon against you?

Stop looking down on others! You first suppress your own cultivation to be the same as that guy.

Okay. The originally elusive aura on Li Quan gradually simulated Wang Xiu's aura.

Moreover, his strength is exactly the same as Wang Xiu.

As a true dragon, Li Quan can transform into all things in the world. It is not difficult at all to imitate Wang Xiu's strength.

Brother, please think carefully. My swordsmanship is no joke. Don't blame me if I accidentally cut you.

Don't worry, I don't blame you.

In this galaxy, Li Quan really doesn't know who else can break Li Quan's defense except himself.

Watch the move! Since Li Quan was unwilling to use weapons, Li Xiaotuan stopped persuading him.

He swung his 1.5-meter-high sword and slashed it directly at Li Quan.

The speed was very fast, and in just the blink of an eye, he was in front of Li Quan, and he slashed down hard with his sword.

The kind that shows no mercy at all.

Of course, although the speed is very fast, in the eyes of the Nascent Soul stage, it is also very normal.

Li Quan, on the other hand, silently moved a little to his side, perfectly dodging Li Xiaotuan's slashing blow, and even stretched out his hand to shoot a bullet directly at Li Xiaotuan's little head.

Li Xiaotuan's forehead was flicked by Li Quan, and his head subconsciously tilted back.

Ah, why do you react so quickly?

This is the reaction ability of the Nascent Soul stage, and it is not very fast.

Besides, Wang Xiu's strength is enough to make him faster.

Wang Xiu practices the Evil-Warding Manual, and in terms of speed, it is also the best among the Nascent Soul stage.

It can be said that it is easy to dodge Li Xiaotuan's slashing attack.

Although Li Xiaotuan's reaction speed is not slow, it is still not enough in front of an agile Nascent Soul stage like Wang Xiu.

It can be analyzed as follows: Li Xiaotuan is a power player. Although his strength is strong, his agility is a bit behind.

Coincidentally, Wang Xiu's agility is very high, and it can be said that defeating Li Xiaotuan is a piece of cake.

What, this sissy is so powerful?

No, brother, you have used your own power secretly.

Do I need to use other powers to teach you a girl a lesson?

Li Quan said with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

Okay, let's continue. With your current strength, facing Wang Xiu would be like seeking death, so you'd better practice hard.

Hmph! I want you to take care of it! Watch your moves~!

Li Xiaotuan began to gather the spiritual power in his body, and Nascent Soul exerted its power.

At the Nascent Soul stage, all the strength will be provided by the Nascent Soul.

The stronger the quality of the Nascent Soul, the stronger the burst of strength will naturally be.

The Nascent Soul is also divided into grades, ranging from grades one to nine.

The first grade is the weakest, and the ninth grade is the strongest.

Nowadays, although Li Xiaotuan's Nascent Soul is not the strongest, it has reached the seventh level.

Among the entire Blue Star, those who can reach the fifth level are considered the emperor's favorite.

Not to mention the seventh level reached by Li Xiaotuan.

Even Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong, their Nascent Souls are only at the eighth level.

Li Quan's parents, Yuan Ying is a bit strong, reaching the ninth level.

Li Quan has already thought about this.

If you cannot reach the ninth level, you will need to practice again.

Anyway, Li Quan has plenty of resources to practice again.

Moreover, the techniques practiced by the two girls also need to be updated.

The more powerful the technique, the higher the quality of the Nascent Soul it condenses.

For example, the demon-killing mental method practiced by Li Zhen, Wang Yun and others is one of them. The expensive wealth value is beyond the reach of Li Quan.

Wealth worth tens of billions cannot be obtained even if Li Quan is sold now.

Of course, Li Quan wouldn't be able to sell it, and no one would dare to buy it.

Li Xiaotuan's Nascent Soul is exploding, and the power is directly provided to Li Xiaotuan's body. His all-round physical fitness has improved a lot.

The speed has also increased significantly. If he was riding a bicycle before, now Li Xiaotuan is riding a motorcycle.

Brother! Be careful!

As soon as Li Xiaotuan finished speaking, he saw Li Xiaotuan holding a big sword and slashing at Li Quan.

The speed was very fast, and the air directly launched a sonic boom.

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