Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 168 Li Xiaotuan is a bit arrogant

Three Yuans and One Qi is a method modified from the basic chapter of Jindan Dao.

In addition to the basic skills that combine the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought, there are also many skills that have undergone various magical modifications.

Of course, the power of some magical techniques is doubled after the magic modification, while some techniques are not as powerful as the original ones after the magic modification.

After the modification, the power of my Three Yuan One Qi has dropped a lot, but the advantage is that the resources it requires have been greatly reduced.

After hearing Li Xiaotuan's words, Li Quan had a look of helplessness on his face. Sure enough, resources still need to be controlled.

It is basically impossible to achieve explosive growth in strength simply by relying on Blue Star's current training resources.

Therefore, if you want to solve this problem, you must obtain training resources and so on.

This must be done in advance.

Here, I'll give this to you. As he said this, a secret book suddenly appeared in Li Quan's hand.

This is a cultivation method called Yin Yang Emperor's Fate. You only need to absorb the Yin and Yang Qi between heaven and earth to practice.

What are Yin and Yang?

That is, sunbathing, moonlight and so on.

You can practice at any time.

Not only that, the power gained through cultivation is also awesome.

As the saying goes, there are two in life, and this two refers to yin and yang.

This is a skill book that Li Quan spent nearly 1 trillion in wealth in the system store.

It can be said that this is the most expensive book that Li Quan has spent on purchasing exercises.

However, this is his biological sister after all, so she must be willing to invest in her.

Anyway, for Li Quan, it took only a dozen days for him to collect one trillion yuan worth of wealth.

What is this? There was a trace of curiosity on Li Xiaotuan's face, obviously he didn't know what the function of the technique given by Li Quan was.

This is one of the few good things your brother and I have. You should stop practicing your Three Yuan One Qi in the future. It's too rubbish and not worthy of the strength of my old Li family.

This Yin Yang Emperor's Fate, if you practice to a certain level, you can even control the life and death of others, and even reproduce all things in the world.

so smart?!

But... Suddenly, Li Xiaotuan seemed to have thought of something, and said to Li Quan with a look of disdain: Is this thing as powerful as you say?

You don't think you think I'm easy to bully because I'm young, do you?

If you want love, don't take it back for me.

I don't want it! This thing is the first gift you gave me!

Where did the dragon scale necklace I gave you earlier go? Did you automatically forget it?

Li Quan pointed to the dragon scale necklace worn by Li Xiaotuan around his neck and said.

This necklace is a treasure made from a piece of dragon scale from Li Quan's body.

How strong is Li Quan's dragon scale?

Apart from anything else, even a strong man at the level of the main galaxy would be hard-pressed to shake Li Quan's dragon scales.

On this blue star, there are no enemies who can break Li Quan's dragon scale.

It can be said that the dragon scale necklace given to Li Xiaotuan by Li Quan is invincible on this blue star.

Luanluanluo! Anyway, what you gave me is mine!

Li Xiaotuan directly collected the Yin Yang Emperor's Fate given by Li Quan, and looked at Li Quan with a wary expression, as if he was wary of Li Quan.

Seeing this, Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong laughed unconsciously. These two brothers and sisters are really a pair of treasures.

Okay, go and practice quickly. When your strength reaches a certain level, you will naturally know some things about our family.

I don't want to do it. I finally got out of this busy and boring practice, so I don't want to practice!

In the Imperial Capital Training Academy, Li Xiaotuan worked very hard to prevent others from catching up.

By the way, isn't there a guy named Wang Xiu this afternoon?

Aren't you going to fight against this Wang Xiu next week?

It is already Saturday, and next Monday, Li Xiaotuan will have a duel with Wang Xiu among students at the Imperial Capital Training Academy.

Of course, there are certain unfair factors involved in this. After all, Li Xiaotuan only started practicing when he was in junior high school at the age of twelve.

He is only seventeen years old now and has been practicing for five years.

And that Wang Xiu is already twenty-five years old, and has more than ten years of practice time than Li Xiaotuan.

In terms of talent, both of them are top-notch. Of course, Li Xiaotuan's talent is even more terrifying. He can train his body in one day and his Qi in a week, and now he has reached the Nascent Soul level in just five years.

However, it can be compensated for by the level of cultivation, but in combat, this is Li Xiaotuan's weakness.

All the time, the enemies Li Xiaotuan faced had relied on their cultivation to defeat them. Now, facing someone with the same cultivation level as before, but someone who has been looking forward to Nascent Soul for a while, it can be said that the chance of failure is very high.

Yeah, what's wrong?

Since you are going to face Wang Xiu, aren't you ready?

What preparations are needed? This damn bitch can just pick up my big sword and chop him.

After hearing this, Li Quan couldn't help but sigh that his sister had the same demeanor as his mother, and she was worthy of being his biological child.

However, Li Quan had experienced Wang Xiu's strength.

Although she was very weak, so weak that even a slight cough from Li Quan could kill her, it was easy for Wang Xiu to defeat his little sister.

There are some things that you can't just do whatever you want if you have a high level of cultivation.

Li Xiaotuan's strength improves too quickly, which can easily lead to difficulty in improving his strength later on.

Although Li Quan could feel that Li Xiaotuan's foundation was very stable.

It is estimated that there are also teachings from Li Zhen and Wang Yun.

Well, I will use Wang Xiu's three-point strength to face you now. If you can defeat me, you have a chance of victory against him.

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan turned to Li Quan with a look of disdain and said, Brother, your cultivation is unfathomable. If I fight against you, wouldn't I be seeking death?

I suppressed my strength to be the same as Wang Xiu, you can give it a try.

My girl's personality is a bit extreme and a bit arrogant.

It seems that this is why Li Zhen wants to take care of his own girl.

As a father, Li Zhen cannot manage his daughter, but as an elder brother, Li Quan has this responsibility.

First of all, Li Quan must correct Li Xiaotuan's arrogant behavior so that Li Xiaotuan will not think that even though he is stronger than others, he is arrogant.

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