Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 170 Li Xiaotuan almost got into trouble

With a swipe sound, I saw Li Xiaotuan holding a big sword and slashing directly at Li Quan. If Li Quan hadn't dodged again, he would have been hit.

Brother! Can you stop hiding here and there all the time?

I'm sorry to tell you that I can't. After all, although Wang Xiu's own strength is not as good as yours, he will use his physical advantages flexibly.

You can't let someone who is not as strong as you be tough with you, right?

There was a hint of ridicule on Li Quan's face, and Li Xiaotuan became even more aggrieved after hearing this.

How to fight this?

Even though she accelerated and exploded, she still couldn't keep up with Li Quan's pace.

No matter how powerful you are, what's the use if you can't hit?

Come on, don't be discouraged, keep going.

Li Quan ducked out of the way, knocked Li Xiaotuan on the head and said with a smile.

Ahh! I'm angry!

Li Xiaotuan exploded.

The power of the Nascent Soul stage burst out, and the surrounding ground cracked directly. The cracks continued to spread towards the place where Li Quan was.


A sword slashed hard in the direction of Li Quan. Since melee combat was not possible, let's attack from a distance!

Let's see how you hide!

This is Li Xiaotuan's current mentality.

And when Li Xiaotuan struck out with his sword, the power was truly the power of the Nascent Soul Stage.

It can be said that it is a piece of cake to break up the gravel.

It is possible to split a mountain with one sword.

Today, this is not a mountain, but Guangbei Village.

Moreover, this is a small square, surrounded by houses and innocent passers-by. When Li Xiaotuan unleashes such a powerful move, isn't he afraid of hurting innocent people?

In response to this, Li Quan thought, and the light cut by Li Xiaotuan was shattered. Li Quan's figure also came directly to Li Xiaotuan's side. Under Li Xiaotuan's doubtful gaze, he grabbed Li Xiaotuan's ankle with one hand.

Li Quan's movements were very fast, and Li Quan grabbed his ankle before Li Xiaotuan could react.

Li Xiaotuan's little head was facing the ground directly, while his feet were lifted high by Li Quan.

Brother! Brother! What are you doing?

Frightened by Li Quan's sudden action, Li Xiaotuan shouted quickly.

This action is really shameful. What would it be like if others saw it?

You girl, you are still asking me what I am doing. Don't you know what you just did?

If you are just sparring, you don't need to explode such a powerful force, you should suppress your own power.

But, what did Li Xiaotuan do?

If Li Quan didn't take action, if the house collapsed, just compensation or something would be enough.

But if a few lives were lost, Li Xiaotuan, a silly girl who had never killed anyone, would not know what to do.

Therefore, after hearing Li Quan's words, Li Xiaotuan immediately realized that his behavior just now was too impulsive.

Such a strong attack immediately broke out after a disagreement. If Li Quan hadn't killed this attack, it would have harmed the interests of other people and even killed people.

I was wrong.

Li Xiaotuan also knew that he was wrong and did not resist. Li Quan grabbed his ankle and hung him upside down.

You girl, why are you so grumpy?

Fortunately, you are competing with me. If you are competing with others and your temper is so bad, what if you kill someone?

If he had killed someone, he might have settled the matter in a low-key manner for the sake of Li Quan being a real dragon and Li Xiaotuan being the sister of a real dragon. But what Li Quan had to do was to change Li Xiaotuan's 'violent' temper. Lose.

If one day, when Li Quan is away from Blue Star, this girl gets into trouble, it will be too late.

You girl, go apologize to those who are watching.

While speaking, Li Quan directly threw Li Xiaotuan towards the crowd of onlookers who were almost struck by Li Xiaotuan's sword just because they were watching.

After Li Xiaotuan made a 720-degree spin in mid-air, he landed 100%, and then politely apologized to the frightened people.

A few minutes later, Li Xiaotuan poked his finger, then walked to Li Quan and whispered: Brother, is this okay?

As long as people forgive you, remember, control your own temper and don't be angry for a moment regardless of the consequences.

Oh, got it.

There was a hint of disappointment on Li Xiaotuan's face. Obviously, it was strange that he felt better after being scolded by Li Quan like this.

However, Li Quan was also helpless, but in order for his little sister's mind to grow up stably, he could only scold her.

Wrong is wrong, right is right, this must be distinguished.

After teaching Li Xiaotuan a lesson for making a mistake, Li Quan sighed helplessly: Do you still think you can beat Wang Xiu with your own strength?

Brother, is Wang Xiu really as powerful as you?

Of course Wang Xiu is not as powerful as your brother and me.

But it's easy to beat you up.

What should we do?

If this guy wins, I will lose a lot of face.

You are my brother. If I lose, I have no face, and you have no face either.

You girl.

Anything can be involved in oneself.

However, Li Xiaotuan is right. After all, Li Xiaotuan is a member of the Li family. If he loses, it will be really hard to lose face.

Moreover, his old Li family has never lost, and he cannot stop his winning streak when he comes to Li Xiaotuan.

Well, from today on, you can study with me.

I have a trick here that can give you super strength in a short period of time.

What trump card?

After hearing Li Quan's words, Li Xiaotuan's little greedy person was directly aroused.

You'll know when it's time, now is not the time.

Li Quan directly knocked Li Xiaotuan's little head and cursed with a smile.

Okay, let's stop here tonight. Tomorrow is Sunday, and the day after tomorrow is when you compete. You should be able to practice in one day.

Ah ah ah, brother, just tell me what the moves are.

You'll know tomorrow, that's it. Seeing Li Xiaotuan's furious look, Li Quan burst out laughing.

After the discussion, Li Quan also had a rough idea of ​​what stage Li Xiaotuan's strength was, so that he could 'prescribe the right medicine'.

When Li Xiaotuan and Li Quan returned home, Li Zhen, Wang Yun, Feng Qian and Jiu Yan also came out of the room.

At this time, Ren Hong and Wang Keyuan were sitting silently on the sofa, but their faces were a little red.

Hey, Xiaoquan, you came back just in time. I have something to tell you. After seeing Li Quan come back, Li Zhen waved to Li Quan and said with a smile.

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