Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 167 Three Yuans and One Qi

This is all because of your credit, sir. Everything I have now is given by you, sir.

Hu Shengjun said to Li Quan with a pious expression.

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan felt that the relationship between the two was not that simple.

Brother, who is this Hu Shengjun?

Li Xiaotuan pulled Li Quan's clothes and asked Li Quan in a low voice.

Didn't I tell you, I'm just a friend.

By the way, if anything happens to you in the future, you can come to Xianming Mountain to find this guy. This guy lives on Xianming Mountain.

This is my sister. As he said this, Li Quan directly introduced Li Xiaotuan to Hu Shengjun.

After hearing this, Mr. Husheng turned to Li Xiaotuan with a respectful expression and said, Don't worry, Miss Li. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, just come to me on Xianming Mountain. I will live in Xianming Mountain.

Isn't there no human habitation in Immortal Mountain?

Who said there are no humans living there? Isn't this guy going to kill people?

Li Quan rubbed Li Xiaotuan's little head and cursed with a smile. After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan stuck out his tongue towards Li Quan.

Okay, I'm relieved to see you practicing so 'quickly'. If anything happens to my sister in the future, remember to come and help.

Sir, please don't worry! I'll keep it with you, Mr. Hu Sheng.

Afterwards, Li Quan and Li Xiaotuan chatted with Mr. Husheng for a few words and strolled around for a while. They saw Li Zhen Yukong flying to the top of Xianming Mountain. Apparently dinner was ready.

After Li Quan and others left Xianming Mountain, they saw the figure of Lord Husheng gradually getting bigger, and finally turned into a prototype.

At this moment, a leopard that seemed to be more than three meters tall and more than ten meters long appeared in the forest nearby.

Your Majesty, who is this person? Why do you respect him so much?

This is the true dragon who made me a dragon.

As soon as these words came out, the leopard was almost shocked. True dragon, isn't this a legendary existence among the dragon clan?

Why did he suddenly appear here and come as a human being?

Also, from now on, this king will have a name. I am no longer the Lord of Immortal Life Mountain. You can call me Lord Husheng.

Hu Shengjun, this was Li Quan's temporary name. Now, it can be regarded as directly naming Hu Shengjun.

My lord, even if you give me some courage, I don't dare to call you by your name directly.

It is extremely treasonous to address people by their first names, especially as a subordinate under the management of Lord Husheng.

Unless you are on the same level as Mr. Hu Sheng or are a relative of Mr. Hu Sheng, otherwise, you cannot directly call Mr. Hu Sheng by his name.

In that case, you can call me Tiger King.

Yes, Lord Tiger King!

After the incident on Xianming Mountain, Li Zhen was seen returning home with his two brothers, Li Quan and Li Xiaotuan.

At this time, the house was quite lively, but one bad thing was that among the eleven people, there were only two men.

Yin is rising and Yang is declining.

Come on! I'm just waiting for you two guys. Why are you reluctant to come back after being out for so long?

After seeing Li Quan and Li Xiaotuan come back together, Wang Yun, their mother, complained directly to them.

This is not just a visit to Xianming Mountain. I haven't had dinner cooked by you for more than 20 years. I must have a big meal today.

That's necessary! If you don't let me eat all the dishes on the table, don't recognize me as your mother!

After hearing what Li Quan said, Wang Yun joked directly to Li Quan.

Wow, is it so serious?

Then I'm going to eat all these things, so don't grab them from me!

While speaking, Li Quan directly grabbed one of the big crabs and ate it.

I have to say that after eating the energy body for so long, and now finally having a real meal, Li Quan always felt a little touched.

Come on, Xiaoquan, you worked hard outside, eat more.

When the two aunts saw Li Quan eating, they hurriedly served Li Quan with rice and vegetables. In short, they put all the vegetables in Li Quan's bowl. Li Xiaotuan looked a little jealous.

Mom, aunt, others want it too!

Girl, are you jealous?


Li Xiaotuan shouted shyly when his little thoughts were exposed by the three people in an instant.

Everyone was excited when they saw Li Xiaotuan's appearance.

After the meal, everyone had tamed Li Quan like a pig. They forgot to put any food into Li Quan's bowl, for fear that Li Quan would starve to death.

Li Quan, on the other hand, accepted everyone who came and ate everything directly. He even ate the bones without being able to react for a while.

However, it's just bones, and I'm not afraid of swallowing Li Quan alive.

Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong teased Li Quan like a pig.

If I were a pig, you would be cabbages, destined to be thrown away by me.

As he spoke, he pounced directly on the two of them, causing everyone present to laugh.

After dinner, Li Quan sat on the sofa at home and watched TV. As for his parents, Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong's parents, they entered the room and seemed to be discussing important matters for the children.

In the living room, only Li Quan, Wang Keyuan, Ren Hong and Li Xiaotuan were left.

The three sisters, Li Bing, Li Lan, and Li Ya, left directly after dinner.

After all, after what happened today, they realized that their current strength was far from enough.

In the Blue Star Era of ancient times, they might have been considered powerful, but now, in the age of interstellar navigation, there are countless strong men in the galaxy alone. Their strength is really not enough.

Brother, can you tell me about your life experience outside for more than 20 years?

Li Xiaotuan, who was watching the TV entertainment channel, suddenly asked Li Quan.

Didn't I already tell you?

You will know these things when you grow up.

Now is not the time. Nature will tell you when you grow up.

Ah! Why are you saying this again? It's so annoying.

It's useless for you to hate me, because you haven't grown up yet.

Seeing the child's temperamental Li Xiaotuan, Li Quan said a little helplessly.

But you girl, why are your cultivation techniques so weak?

I remember that there is a secret book called Golden Elixir Avenue. Haven't you practiced it?

You said that, that book is very powerful after cultivation, but it requires too many resources.

It's not as good as the Three Yuan One Qi I'm practicing now.

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