Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 166 Hu Shengjun!

Why are you so unlucky? After hearing what his little sister said, Li Quan asked with a smile on his face.

His background is very strong, and he is protected by the Dragon King.

Li Xiaotuan said to Li Quan seriously.

The reason why Blue Star is in its current situation is all because of the true dragon among the dragon clan.

If the real dragon does not emerge, then the Dragon King will be the strongest.

Moreover, this Dragon King can be said to be the spokesperson of the real dragon. If someone is unhappy and offends the Lord of Immortal Life Mountain, then Li Quan will fight with the Lord of Immortal Life Mountain.

It would be okay if Li Quan lost, as this would not offend the Lord of Immortal Life Mountain.

After all, the Lord of Xianming Mountain does not kill, so Li Quan can still live.

If Li Quan beats the master of Xianming Mountain, and beats him very hard, he will offend the master of Xianming Mountain, and then sue the Dragon King.

Wouldn't their family become sinners for the ages?

Dragon King, why do you, a girl, like to make others' ambitions destroy your own prestige so much?

Seeing Li Xiaotuan's nervous look, Li Quan rubbed Li Xiaotuan's little head and smiled.

Brother, I'm not kidding.

Li Xiaotuan was anxious. How could Li Quan not have any sense of crisis?

Moreover, why would they encounter the Lord of Immortal Life Mountain while wandering around?

Generally speaking, shouldn't the Lord of Immortal Life Mountain be resting in Immortal Life Mountain at this time?

Why does it appear suddenly?

Therefore, Li Xiaotuan could only pray in his heart that the Lord of Immortal Life Mountain just happened to pass by and just took a look at them before leaving.

However, things always develop in a direction that Li Xiaotuan does not want.

The Lord of Immortal Life Mountain had already felt Li Quan's aura the moment he stepped into the mountain.

Li Quan, the Lord of Immortal Life Mountain will never forget!

Yes, the Lord of Immortal Life Mountain is indeed the tiger who was given dragon energy by Li Quan twenty-seven years ago and forced to transform into the dragon clan.

Because he was the first dragon enlightened by Li Quan, the talent of the Lord of Immortal Life Mountain can be said to be comparable to Ao Shun and Ao Xue who jumped over the dragon gate.

Now, on this Immortal Life Mountain, it only took more than ten years to successfully achieve the strength of the Mahayana stage.

Although the Mahayana period is nothing in the universe, in fact, because there is no way to leave Blue Star, it is not even qualified to become cannon fodder.

However, compared with everyone on Blue Star, the strength of this Mahayana period is not comparable to that of a half-planet level expert, and it is already the top combat power on Blue Star.

But now, after feeling Li Quan's strength, of course it appeared.

However, when he was about to approach Li Quan, Li Xiaotuan directly grabbed Li Quan's hand, seemingly fearing something in his heart.

Moreover, after seeing Li Quan's eyes, the Lord of Xianming Mountain seemed to see something. He just came to Li Quan, glanced at Li Quan and Li Xiaotuan silently, and then looked at Li Xiaotuan's highly concentrated energy. Leave next.

During the whole process, Li Xiaotuan tightly sealed his breath, for fear that his breath would offend the Lord of Immortal Life Mountain.

After the Lord of Xianming Mountain turned away and disappeared from Li Xiaotuan's sight, Li Xiaotuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The baby is scared to death, brother, let's go back.

Being so frightened by the Lord of Immortal Life Mountain, Li Xiaotuan felt that his life span had been shortened by one second, and he felt heartbroken.

What are you doing going back so soon?

It's such a joy to have a friend come from afar. Long time no see. It's been a while since I've seen you.

Just as Li Quan finished speaking, he saw a handsome young man with yellow hair, who looked to be in his twenties, appearing among the trees in the forest beside the road.

The clothes on his body are somewhat similar to ancient clothes.

Long time no see, sir.

The moment he saw Li Quan, the man whom Li Quan called Hu Shengjun paid homage to Li Quan.

Brother, brother, why does this handsome guy call you sir?

Li Xiaotuan's expression suddenly became full of gossip, and he kept tugging on Li Quan's clothes, as if he wanted Li Quan to tell her.

Well, it's because this guy made a bet with your brother and me more than 20 years ago, and the loser will be called the winner from now on.

Well, it is true that if I am not talented, I will indeed lose.

Having said this, Hu Shengjun said with a hint of sadness on his face.

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan curiously asked Hushengjun: Brother Hushengjun, what are you betting with my brother?

It's such a big bet.

This. Hu Shengjun was obviously a little unable to react after hearing this. She did not expect that Li Xiaotuan would ask this.

This guy is embarrassed to say it.

Yes, sorry.

After hearing what Li Quan said, Hu Shengjun said quickly.

But I can tell you that it is a game that determines one's destiny.

What game is this? Brother, just tell me!

Li Xiaotuan's little face was full of curiosity, and he was almost going crazy with anxiety.

Li Xiaotuan has never been so eager since Li Quan came back.

Well, I can tell you.

That is

What is that? Li Xiaotuan stopped breathing and sounded seriously.




As if he felt that Li Xiaotuan didn't hear clearly, Li Quan repeated it again.

However, after hearing Li Quan's words, Li Xiaotuan's whole face showed the expression are you fucking kidding me?

Yes, it's just guessing. I think back then, your strength was so strong. I fought with you for hundreds of rounds, but in the end, I was defeated by you.

I was defeated by you, and I was deeply impressed by your strength.

I, Mr. Hu Sheng, am a person who fulfills his promises,

Therefore, in order to fulfill my promise, I will call him your Lord all my life.

However, after hearing Hu Shengjun's words, Li Xiaotuan felt that the world was crazy.


It's not that the world is crazy, but that Mr. Husheng is a fool.

She actually fought hundreds of rounds of guessing games with her brother, and was finally impressed by her brother's strength.

Doesn't guessing just depend on luck? Except for a few people who can telepathize, isn't it just random?

Sir, I haven't seen you for more than twenty years. Where have you been?

It's okay, I just went for a walk in outer space and improved my strength by the way.

It's you, your strength has improved quite a bit. As he said this, Li Quan patted Hu Shengjun's shoulder and said with a smile.

The true identity of this Lord Husheng is the Lord of Immortal Life Mountain!

The tiger that almost scared Li Xiaotuan just now!

It was also the tiger that Li Quan initiated.

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