Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 165 The Lord of Immortal Life Mountain

What happened back then? Li Xiaotuan looked at Xing Fengqian curiously and asked.

What happened back then, oh, I'm old, I can't remember anything.

With a smile on her face, Feng Qian rubbed Li Xiaotuan's little head and said with a smile.


Li Xiaotuan was obviously unhappy. Isn't this just trying to titillate people? There are such bullies out there!

Auntie! Speak quickly! Don't whet people's appetites!

To say that Feng Qian is older, it's not clear how old she is. After all, Li Xiaotuan's relatives are all older than her.

Moreover, everyone in this category is a cultivator, very powerful, and they have lived for tens of thousands of years. How could they forget it when they get older?

He definitely refused to say it.

Li Xiaotuan knew everything about Li Quan and everything at home. However, no one told her about everything at home.

Therefore, whenever this happens, Li Xiaotuan will be very depressed.

Weird, Tuan Tuan will know when he grows up.

Ahhh! I'm going to be seventeen years old!

So what? You are still young, seventeen years is nothing.

And, in my eyes, you are all my children. Feng Qian, a colleague who said this, rubbed Li Xiaotuan's little head and laughed.


Li Xiaotuan was angry, really angry, like an angry pufferfish, puffing up his little mouth.

It looks really cute.

Okay, no more talking, we're here.

After flying for nearly ten minutes, we finally arrived at Guangbei Village from Jiangdu City.

For more than ten minutes, Wang Yun had not returned from the supermarket.

Therefore, all the women went directly to the supermarket, leaving only the two brothers Li Quan and Li Xiaotuan back home.

At the door of the house, Li Zhen was seen sitting at the door smoking a cigarette. After seeing Li Quan and Li Xiaotuan come back, he asked with confusion: Xiaoquan, where are they?

They naturally refer to Li Quan's two girlfriends as well as Feng Qian and Jiu Yan.

Auntie and the others went to the supermarket. As you know, there were a lot of people at this meal today, so we went to help.

Oh I got it.

Dad, let me go to Xianming Mountain for a walk.

Well, that's alright, go ahead and I'll call you during dinner.

Brother, I'm going too.

What are you going to do?

Li Quan turned around and asked Li Xiaotuan with a puzzled expression.

People are going too!

Li Xiaotuan directly inserted his waist and said to Li Quan.

Okay, whatever you want.

It's not a big deal anyway, just a quick trip.

Soon, the two brothers and sisters had arrived at the foot of Xianming Mountain.

Twenty-seven years have passed, and Xianming Mountain has remained as it was before, with its original ecological environment.

Twenty-seven years have passed, but I didn't expect it to be the same as before. I thought it had been transformed.

How could it be transformed? At this time, Li Xiaotuan said from the side.


There is a dragon living here, and it is a powerful dragon.

I heard that his strength has reached the Mahayana stage, but I don't know if it's true.

Anyway, this dragon's status is quite high. It manages all the mountain spirits and wild monsters on the Immortal Life Mountain and prevents these mountain spirits and wild monsters from entering human society.

And we humans cannot hunt these mountain spirits and wild monsters when we enter it, otherwise we will be punished by the dragons living in this Immortal Life Mountain.

After hearing this, Li Quan seemed to have thought of something, and asked Li Xiaotuan curiously: Does this dragon look like a tiger?

Eh? Brother, how do you know?

After hearing what Li Quan said, Li Xiaotuan said in surprise.

This dragon looks a bit like a tiger, except it has two dragon horns on its head and its tail becomes a dragon tail.

The limbs are all dragon claws, and the body is also a dragon body. However, the color of the scales on his body is like the color of a tiger.

What, brother, how did you know?

This dragon only appeared about ten years ago, when Xianming Mountain was about to be included in development.

The moment he came out, the strength of the Mahayana period directly intimidated everyone. If Ao Shun, the king of the dragon clan, had not come forward personally, I am afraid it would not have been so easy to solve.

Moreover, after the Dragon King Ao Shun saw the dragon in the mountain, he was also surprised and treated him with courtesy.

It's okay. Twenty-seven years ago, I met him by accident while wandering in this mountain.

Twenty-seven years ago

In modern history, there have been several major reforms. Among them, what happened twenty-seven years ago was a transformative development for the entire Blue Star.

It was also the year that honored Blue Star for its current achievements.

Okay, let's go in. Maybe with luck, we might encounter this tiger.

Brother, it's a dragon, not a tiger!

Although he looks like a tiger, he is really a dragon.

After hearing his little sister's serious words, Li Quan couldn't help but smile and said: Okay, okay, Long.

Soon, the brother and sister entered the Immortal Mountain together, and encountered a lot of wild animals on the way, but these wild animals all had a little bit of cultivation.

wrong! After attaining cultivation level, they can no longer be called wild animals, but should be called exotic beasts.

There are many strange beasts on Xianming Mountain. After all, because of the tiger, many wild animals on Xianming Mountain have also begun to practice.

Once you start practicing, your spiritual wisdom will naturally improve.

Therefore, after seeing Li Quan and Li Xiaotuan, he did not walk away in fear, but passed by leisurely.

There are even some strange beasts that play with the naughty little Li Xiaotuan.

When Li Quan and Li Xiaotuan had been walking in the Immortal Mountain for nearly half an hour, a burst of dragon roars and tiger roars resounded throughout the entire Immortal Mountain. Above the sky, they saw a head of nearly ten meters in size under their feet. The tiger riding on the auspicious clouds appeared in front of Li Quan.

After Li Xiaotuan saw the tiger, he subconsciously grabbed Li Quan's clothes and said, Brother, this is the Lord of Xianming Mountain!

Brother, don't keep staring at him. If you offend him, we will both be in trouble!

Although the strength of the Lord of Immortal Ming Mountain is at the Mahayana stage, Li Xiaotuan is not afraid.

If she is given a few more years to practice, how about the Mahayana period?

It's not a position that can be reached in just a few minutes.

However, now that her strength is weak, it is better not to offend her for these things.

Although Li Quan's strength is unfathomable in Li Xiaotuan's opinion, even stronger than the master of Immortal Ming Mountain, there is Dragon King Ao Shun behind him who can't stand him.

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