Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 162 Scarce Resources

who is he?

Hearing that this person was actually known to Li Xiaotuan, Li Quan couldn't help but tremble and asked.

This look is really disgusting. How can a good-looking man dress up like this and look like a ghost or a ghost?


This guy seems to be not a man

Li Quan could feel that this guy was missing something.

This guy is the Imperial Capital Training Academy. He is known as the 'Invincible of the East'. His embroidery needle skills are superb. Even I can fall for it if I am not careful.

Did he practice the Sunflower Book?

No, he practiced the Evil-Repelling Sword Technique.

Li Quan:? ? ?

What's the situation? When practicing Evil Sword Technique, shouldn't you use a sword?

Why are you suddenly using embroidery needles?

Fortunately, Li Quan thought this guy was practicing the Sunflower Collection.

Moreover, isn't Evil-Escaping Sword Technique supposed to be fictional?

However, what Li Quan didn't know was that after twenty-seven years of long practice, the skills above Blue Star could be said to be in full bloom.

Based on Basics of Qi Training, a practice manual that brings together experts from hundreds of schools of thought, countless techniques have been extended.

Among them, there is this book called Evil Sword Techniques.

Its own value is indeed much higher than other cultivation techniques. If it is based on the wealth value of Li Quan's system store, it is about one hundred thousand.

Ouch, you actually started chatting with your lover, and you didn't take her seriously at all. Are you disrespecting me too much?

Believe it or not, I stabbed your boyfriend with my embroidery needle?

Wang Xiu! Get out of here! Stop being disgusting!

Also! He is my brother!

Ouch, still so grumpy.

However, this brother is quite handsome.

While speaking, Wang Xiu used his delicate white hands to wipe Li Quan's body.

However, before he could touch Li Quan, Li Quan took a slight step back and opened Wang Xiu's hand.

Do not touch me.

Li Quan really didn't have a good impression of this guy. If it weren't for the fact that this guy knew his sister, he would have punched him and sent him to the Pacific Ocean.

Hey, brother, you also have a bad temper. Just like your sister, you are indeed a brother and sister.

Wang Xiu! Please be quiet, mother.

Isn't your family from the Imperial Capital? Why did you come to Jiangdu City all of a sudden?

Wang Xiu's family lives in the Imperial Capital, and he is a native of the Imperial Capital.

However, Li Xiaotuan obviously didn't know why Wang Xiu suddenly appeared here.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, don't you know that a demon appeared in the sky above Jiangdu City today?

This is a demon, a monster that appeared twenty-seven years ago. How can we do it without seeing it with our own eyes?

Well, the reason why Wang Xiu is here is entirely because of the sheep-headed monster.

However, the current sheep-headed monster's body was crushed by Li Quan, and its soul was also completely crushed by Li Quan.

Not only the goat-headed monster, but also his master Yaozu died due to self-destruction.

However, Li Quan was very confused about the existence of Demon Ancestor.

Why did the Demon Ancestor self-destruct so easily? Is there any conspiracy in this? In other words, the Demon Ancestor did not die, but pretended to self-destruct and left.

It's possible.

Moreover, Li Quan knew that the demon ancestor wanted to get the Blue Star, which meant that the entire galaxy would welcome countless demons in the future.

Brother, let's go. I'll feel sick every second I see this guy.

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan snorted coldly and said to Li Quan.

Li Quan didn't want to continue looking at this guy, it was too eye-catching.

Li Xiaotuan, remember, there will be a battle between you and me next week!

When Li Quan and Li Xiaotuan were about to leave, Wang Xiu left a direct message and left directly in the air.

Li Quan looked at Li Xiaotuan curiously and asked, Little sister, what did this guy just say?

What's your fight with him next week?

There is a battle to be resolved between this guy and me. As long as I can defeat him, then I will be the No. 1 student in the Imperial Capital Training Academy.

When the time comes, I will have a lot of cultivation resources, giving priority to my cultivation and breakthrough.

This is a benefit given to students by the Imperial City Training Academy, with the purpose of cultivating powerful and high-quality seeds.

Even if they are willing, they can directly join the Dragon Guard after graduation.

Dragon Guard, this is a place where only those at the Nascent Soul stage of strength can enter. Everyone inside is a talented person. Not only are they powerful, they are also MVP students every year.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to join after graduation. Everyone has their own ambitions. However, after joining, you will receive a large supply of resources.

You know, even in today's era, it is very difficult to obtain cultivation resources.

First, on the current Blue Star, equipment that can collect resources is being manufactured and researched.

Of course, you can also use the technology of the True Phoenix lineage. However, the technology of the True Phoenix lineage has not been completely deciphered until now.

Only a small half has been deciphered, and the remaining half has not yet been deciphered.

Practice resources, are they scarce? In Li Quan's eyes, cultivation resources have never been a problem.

Because Li Quan does not rely on cultivation resources to improve his strength, but relies on the improvement of his level.

As for how to improve, all you need to do is eat.

Of course it is scarce. There are more than 10 billion people on Blue Star. In addition, a large number of new dragons have been born over there. It can be said that the resources that can be allocated are very few.

Coupled with the current Blue Star policy and the implementation of universal cultivation, resources are basically concentrated in the hands of Tenglong Kingdom. Too few can be allocated to our hands, which is barely enough for daily cultivation.

After hearing Li Xiaotuan's complaint, Li Quan thought about it for a while.

It seems that there are only a few people who have successfully practiced the Golden Elixir Avenue technique given by Li Quan.

The reason is naturally that the more advanced the technique, the more spiritual energy it requires.

This also leads to the fact that there are very few people who can practice successfully.

It seems that if the blank space of resources is not filled, it will be difficult for Blue Star to grow.

At the very least, it would be difficult for Blue Star's strength to skyrocket in a short period of time.

Okay, let's not talk about this. I'm going to find your two sisters-in-law. Hurry up.

While speaking, Li Quan began to use his spiritual thoughts to control the flying sword under his feet, and then disappeared in an instant under Li Xiaotuan's disdainful eyes.

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