Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 161 The unsurpassable Wuling Hongguang!

If Wang Ao is not the champion, then who is the champion?

Li Siling?

However, Li Siling was obviously slower than Wang Ao when he crossed the line.

So the question is, why does Wang Ao say that he is not the champion?

At this moment, someone suddenly thought of Wuling Hongguang, who joined halfway at the beginning of the game.

The game is over, but where is Wuling Hongguang? !

As if they were aware of this problem, everyone was looking for the legendary Wuling Hongguang who suddenly broke in halfway.

However, what is regrettable is that the Wuling Hongguang disappeared the moment Wang Ao and Li Siling entered the speed of light.

The winner this time is the legendary Wuling Hongguang.

It's the Wuling Hongguang who we call an unsurpassable myth.

After Wang Ao said these words, everyone was shocked.

Unexpectedly, this is actually true!

The legendary Wuling Hongguang actually exists, and it appeared at the competition just now and won the championship.

The three legends came together. Although the time did not last very long, only a short ten minutes, everyone present really saw the history of hearse drifting, the three legends came together!

this day! It is destined to become a scene in the history of hearse drifting!

At this moment, the host suddenly noticed a sentence written with a black oil-based pen on the glass window of the 'mount' driven by Wang Ao and Li Siling.

Look, there's a sentence here!

At this time, Li Quan grabbed Li Xiaotuan's back collar and said, Let's go, little sister, what's so good about this?

I don't care! I just want to watch!

Besides, I don't believe you are the driver of the so-called Wuling Hongguang, unless you take out the Wuling Hongguang and show it to me!

Wuling Hongguang?

At this time, Wuling Hongguang had been put back to its original position by Li Quan, and Li Quan didn't seem to take it out.

I just left marks on Li Siling and Wang Ao's cars, which can prove that I am the driver of Wuling Hongguang.

What mark?

Time traveler.

While Li Quan silently said these five words, the camera and the host's excited voice also directly captured the fonts left by Li Quan on Wang Ao and Li Siling's 'mounts'.

These are actually the five words left by the driver of Wuling Hongguang!

Time Traveler!

Could it be that this time traveler is the name of the legendary Wuling Hongguang driver?!

As soon as these words came out, Li Xiaotuan, who originally did not believe that Li Quan was the driver of Wuling Hongguang, finally admitted it.

However, after the loss, there is endless joy.

Unexpectedly, Li Quan turned out to be one of the three legends of hearse drifting!

Moreover, he is still the Wuling Hongguang driver who is said to be unsurpassable!

Brother! How did you do it?

Why can you surpass both of them in an instant?

Can you tell me about it? Li Xiaotuan was originally a lover of hearse drifting. However, due to the objections of Li Zhen and Wang Yun, he was unable to drive the hearse.

Now, after learning that Li Quan is one of the three legends, how can we not be excited.

Little girl movie, what's so fun about this?

With so much time, it's better to practice honestly.

What? After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan's face was full of displeasure.

He is talented and intelligent! He is extremely talented in cultivation. He is in the thirty-sixth transformation of Tiangang and the seventy-two transformations of Earthly Evil. He has reached the point of flexibility.

Furthermore, at such a young age, your sister and I have already become a strong person in the Nascent Soul stage at the age of seventeen!

The most important thing is that he is the youngest Nascent Soul Stage powerhouse in the history of Blue Star!

In terms of cultivation and so on, people can easily surpass others.

So what?

You can first practice your Thirty-Six Transformations of Tiangang and the Seventy-two Transformations of Earthly Demon to perfection, and then you can tell me about the hearse drifting.

Li Xiaotuan felt unhappy after hearing this.

Tch, if you don't tell me, don't tell me. You think people are very rare.

Just a moment later, Li Xiaotuan came over and asked Li Quan: Brother, are you really not going to tell me how you surpassed them with Wuling Hongguang?

Little girl, let's go. It's getting late. It's time to go to your two sisters-in-law.

Hey! Brother, tell me!

With the departure of the two brothers and sisters, the matter of the hearse drifting also came to an end.

However, when heading to Jiangdu City, Li Xiaotuan threw his flying sword in front of Li Quan.

Huh? What's wrong?

Li Quan was very puzzled by Li Xiaotuan's behavior.

Brother, I've been flying with you for such a long time, it's time for you to fly with me!

While speaking, Li Xiaotuan jumped directly behind Li Quan, and then pressed on Li Quan's back.

Li Quan felt the softness on his back, and said with a look of helplessness on his face: Little sister, there is a large crowd here, how can you behave like this?

I don't care! Who made you my brother?

You didn't play with me when you were little. This time, you finally come back and you must play with me!

While speaking, Li Xiaotuan buried his face directly on Li Quan's back. After hearing this, Li Quan sighed helplessly.

Just as he was about to fly with his sword, a voice with a slightly shrill voice that sounded like a eunuch sounded.

Yo yo yo, isn't this the famous little devil in our imperial capital?

I didn't expect that the little devil king of our imperial capital would actually look like this young girl Huaichun.

Hey, this handsome guy, you look so handsome. Could it be that you are the boyfriend of this little devil?

Oh my, do you know the character of this little devil?

Let me tell you, this little devil is very domineering and needs to be first in everything.

For example

In front of me, a man with heavy makeup and a red robe suddenly appeared.

After appearing, he fiddled with his orchid fingers and started pointing at Li Xiaotuan behind Li Quan.

Do you know this guy? Li Quan couldn't help but ask Li Xiaotuan as he looked at this man with Nascent Soul level strength.

To be honest, this man is an eyesore.

Especially with the heavy makeup, it’s enough to just pretend to be a ghost at night.


While speaking, Li Xiaotuan's tone seemed a bit wrong. Not only that, he also gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

It seemed that there was a grudge between the man in front of him and Li Xiaotuan.

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