Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 163 Goodbye Beauty

And when Li Quan and Li Xiaotuan appeared at Wang Keyuan's home in Jiangdu City, Li Xiaotuan was so frightened that he hugged Li Quan's arm tightly.

Brother! Tell me honestly, you, where is your strength?

Li Xiaotuan was almost scared out of her mind. What did she see just now?

It actually reached the speed of light in a short period of time!

You know, if you want to reach the speed of light, it is impossible to enter without sufficient strength.

Moreover, her flying sword cannot have this function.

You will know these things when you grow up.

I have grown up! I am already seventeen years old! I will be an adult in one year!

But you are still young and have not grown up yet.

Besides, in the eyes of your parents, you are still a child. Li Quan smiled and touched Li Xiaotuan's little head.

This little girl actually showed off her skills in front of Li Quan while Li Quan was carrying her flying sword.

After Li Quan takes over, he will naturally give Li Xiaotuan a hard blow.

Directly entered the light speed racing, no, it was the flying sword.

He also told Li Xiaotuan that as long as Li Xiaotuan let go and fell, Li Xiaotuan would be crushed into meat patties due to the speed of light.

Just such a sentence frightened Li Xiaotuan so much that he hugged Li Quan's waist and refused to let go.

If it weren't for the fact that Li Quan's clothes were made of his own dragon scales, he would have been torn to pieces by Li Xiaotuan.

Huh! I don't care! Brother, just tell me quietly, I won't tell anyone else.

Li Xiaotuan said playfully towards Li Quan.

However, Li Quan just smiled back, rubbed Li Xiaotuan's little head and jumped off.

Li Xiaotuan was very angry when he saw it.

Wang Keyuan's home is located in a ring area of ​​Jiangdu City.

Here, there are two villas of several hundred square meters, with their own small gardens and swimming pools.

Li Quan did not cover up his movements after falling directly from the sky.

Wang Keyuan, who was practicing in the house, seemed to feel someone coming in from her yard.

A figure appeared behind Li Quan in an instant, and was about to catch Li Quan, the 'thief' who had slipped in openly.

However, the moment he reached out his hand, Li Quan's figure disappeared. At the same time, Li Xiaotuan's voice suddenly sounded from high in the sky.

Sister-in-law! I'm coming!

After hearing this, Wang Keyuan subconsciously raised her head and found that Li Xiaotuan was falling from high in the sky.

Not only that, Wang Keyuan suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder.

And before Wang Keyuan could react, a familiar chest appeared in front of her.

I'm back. Li Quan said silently.

After Wang Keyuan heard Li Quan's words, she was stunned for a while. When she came to her senses, she hugged Li Quan directly with both hands, and tears began to gather in her eyes.

Welcome back, Li Quan.

Wang Keyuan's voice was very trembling. She had been waiting for Li Quan for twenty-seven years and he was finally back!

I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.

‘Thanks to you for taking care of my parents and this crazy girl over the years, thank you for your hard work. ’

It's not hard, it's not hard, it's all worth it when you come back.

While saying that, he started kissing Li Quan directly. The two of them didn't agree with each other and had a wet French kiss.

Tsk tsk tsk, sister-in-law, brother, you two are showing off your affection. Can you please consider my feelings?

On the side, Li Xiaotuan directly covered his eyes with his hands to prevent him from seeing these inappropriate things for children. However, the space between his hands seemed a bit weak.

You crazy girl, you have no decency.

If you want to show your affection, I can also find you a boyfriend.

Hey! I don't need it! This girl wants to be alone!

While speaking, Li Xiaotuan puffed up his chest and said.

After Li Quan arrived, Wang Keyuan's mother Jiuyan also appeared in the villa.


Aunt, long time no see. It seems you are recovering well. Li Quan said with a smile when he saw Jiu Yan coming out of the villa.


Li Xiaotuan hugged Jiu Yan directly, and Jiu Yan looked at Li Xiaotuan with a doting expression.

Treating Li Xiaotuan is like treating his own daughter.

Hey, Xiaotuan, you haven't seen your aunt for a week. Do you dislike her?

How can it be!

By the way, aunt, where is uncle?

Your uncle, he is in the imperial capital with Ren Changjiang.

Huh? What are uncle and the others doing in the imperial capital?

Li Xiaotuan asked curiously.

Children, don't ask so many questions. The two of them have important things to do, so they went to the Imperial Capital.

I see. It just so happens. Auntie, I'll be back today, so you can go to my house for dinner together.

Well, okay. Anyway, at home, I am having dinner with this girl Keyuan. It would be better if it is more lively.

By the way, Honghong and the others?

Just go and call them now. It just so happens that my dad and the others have something important to tell you.

While speaking, Li Quan looked at Wang Keyuan with a wicked smile on his face and said with a smile.

Tsk, why do I feel like you have evil intentions?

After Wang Keyuan saw Li Quan's smile, she subconsciously took a step back and protected her chest.

No, I'm going to Sister Hong's place first and will be back later.

As he spoke, Li Quan took off directly and headed to Ren Hong's home.

Ren Hong lives next door.

There are two villas within the first ring of Jiangdu City, one of which belongs to Wang Keyuan's family, and the other one belongs to Ren Hong's family.

When Li Quan came to Ren Hong's house, he found that Ren Hong and Feng Qian were also in a state of cultivation.

Feng Qian's strength has now reached the stellar level, and it can be said that she has made rapid progress.

But yes, in this excellent environment, coupled with so many years of suppressed strength, achieving star level is a matter of course.

As for Ren Hong and Wang Keyuan, they have reached the integration stage.

There is only one step left to break through to the state of the Mahayana stage.

However, if you want to take this step, you need to clearly understand your own path and clear your own obstacles. Only in this way can you directly achieve the Mahayana stage.

It can be said that the fusion period and the Mahayana period are a stuck point. In the universe, many people are stuck at this point because they cannot understand it clearly.

Li Quan's figure appeared next to Ren Hong in an instant. Looking at Ren Hong who was concentrating on practicing, a stick of dogtail grass suddenly appeared in Li Quan's hand, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

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