Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 156 Hearse Drifting

Of course not. The place I went to is relatively far away. With your current strength, you are not qualified to know.

While speaking, Li Quan directly rubbed Li Xiaotuan's head and smiled.

However, when Li Quan was rubbing him, Li Xiaotuan deliberately avoided it. However, the gap between Li Xiaotuan's strength and Li Quan's was simply the gap between dimensions.

No matter where Li Xiaotuan wanted to hide, Li Quan would rub his head accurately.

In response, Li Xiaotuan pouted his little mouth and puffed up his cheeks, showing that he was very angry.

Why do you get angry just by rubbing your girl's head?

Hmph! What if you rub someone's head and they don't grow taller?!

You girl are already tall enough, how much taller do you want to grow? Li Quan said, dumbfounded after hearing this.

Li Xiaotuan is not short, already 1.7 meters tall.

Considering that the average height of women in Blue Star is only 1.6 meters, 1.7 meters is obviously a tall person.

I don't want it! I want to grow to 1.8 meters tall!

Girl, what's so good about being so tall?

This is good enough. Besides, since you are so tall, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to find a boyfriend in the future?

I don't want to find a boyfriend!

After hearing Li Quan's words, Li Xiaotuan's face turned slightly red, obviously shy.

Forget it, I won't tease you anymore, it's time to pick up your two sisters-in-law.

Okay! Brother, should we just fly there with our swords or drive there?

But if you want to fly with a sword, brother, do you have the relevant documents?

In Blue Star, a law has been promulgated, Safety Rules for Sword Flying by Monks in the Foundation Establishment Period.

Although you can fly with a sword, you must obtain relevant certificates and so on.

Li Xiaotuan has obtained the certificate and only needs to sign up to learn to fly with a sword during the foundation building period.

As for Li Quan, it seems that he has not obtained the certificate, but this does not prevent Li Xiaotuan from using his sword to lead others.

Why, flying one now requires so many requirements?

Of course, you need a flight certificate to learn how to fly with a sword.

If not, it's fine if you fly near home, but you absolutely cannot fly in cities or streets!

This is illegal!

Li Xiaotuan said to Li Quan seriously.

Okay, let's just fly with the sword. By the way, your brother, I just want to see how well you master your current cultivation.

Hey, hehe, as you wish! Li Xiaotuan said with a smile on his face after hearing this.

Here comes the sword!

With Li Xiaotuan's order, the small sword necklace hanging on Li Xiaotuan's chest detached at this moment and turned into a giant sword two meters long and ten centimeters wide.

You just use this sword to kill the enemy?

What kills the enemy?

After hearing what Li Quan said, Li Xiaotuan asked with confusion.

After hearing this, Li Quan suddenly thought of something.

In today's Milky Way, it is difficult for demons to sneak into it because of the protection of Dongfang Qingwan and some strong men at the level of large galaxies in the Milky Way.

Except for monsters with special abilities like the sheep-headed monster Chenos, it is basically impossible to appear in the galaxy.

Therefore, the new generation of Blue Star people do not know what it means to kill enemies.

To put it simply, although his cultivation is very strong, he has not killed the enemy.

Very pure.

Apart from killing some bad guys, he basically didn't do anything.

Cultivation, in today's view, seems to have become a symbol of practicing for longevity.

This has also resulted in people today being very slow to break through.

Except for a few freaks, of course.

Take Li Xiaotuan, for example, who is extremely talented and is known as the Little Demon King of the Imperial Capital Training Academy.

In the imperial capital, there are many extremely talented cultivation geniuses gathered together.

It's okay, I'm just asking.

Brother, tell me honestly, where have you been all these years?

Li Xiaotuan was very curious about Li Quan's whereabouts in the past twenty-seven years, but it was a pity that Li Quan did not tell Li Xiaotuan.

After all, Li Quan remembered that his parents did not want Li Xiaotuan to know their family's secrets so soon.

Only when Li Xiaotuan matures and both Wang Yun and Li Zhen feel that they are about the same will they tell Li Xiaotuan all the secrets.

You girl, stop prying so much and just use your flying sword honestly. No, let's control your flying sword.

Just a little bit! Come on, brother, hurry up, the old driver is going to drive!

While speaking, Li Xiaotuan jumped directly onto the flying sword, and Li Quan did the same, stepping on the flying sword.

However, although Li Quan looks very light, he probably only weighs about a hundred or more kilograms.

However, Li Quan's weight is unfathomable.

If it weren't for Li Quan deliberately controlling his power, a single kick could cause the entire Blue Star to collapse.

Therefore, when Li Quan 'slightly' stepped on the flying sword, the flying sword sank directly.

Li Xiaotuan was stunned and almost frightened.

what happened?

It's okay, I just want to help you test whether your flying sword is stable. However, little sister, your flying sword seems a bit weak.

Hmph! How is that possible! Brother, don't make trouble!

That's okay.

After hearing this, Li Quan smiled and responded.

Then the controller's own power jumped directly onto the flying sword.

This time, because Li Quan deliberately controlled himself, Feijian got up.

Hehe, Feijian No. 1! Charge!

As he spoke, a sword mark was left behind, and the figures of Li Quan and Li Xiaotuan were seen rising directly into the air driven by the flying swords.

The speed of the flying sword was quite fast, directly breaking through the sound barrier.

From here to Jiangdu City, at the current speed, it won't take long to arrive.

On the way to fly, Li Xiaotuan, the little devil, took great pains to tease Li Quan, spinning the sky 180 degrees, 380 degrees, 720 degrees, and flying like a roller coaster.

It's all there, but the kind that won't give up until Li Quan is stunned.

However, when Li Xiaotuan looked at Li Quan, he found that Li Quan was fine at all. Instead, he looked at Li Xiaotuan with a smile on his face.

What, little sister, do you like to play with this?

Of course!

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan patted his already D-shaped chest and said.

Huh? At this moment, Li Xiaotuan suddenly looked curiously at the place where Chunming Mountain was.

What's wrong?

The annual Hearse Drift Competition is actually held! How could such a beautiful show be missing from me!

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Xiaotuan was seen flying directly with his sword, heading towards the place where Chunming Mountain was.

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