Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 157 Let me tell you a secret, I am Mysterio

The annual hearse drift? After hearing this sentence, for some reason, Li Quan always thought of the hearses carrying the dead twenty-seven years ago.

If you use these cars to drift, I don’t know how strange the scene will be.

Yes, it's the annual hearse drift.

As if he had thought of something, Li Xiaotuan said seriously to Li Quan: It's not the hearses of the dead people you imagined. This is a sports car that has been amplified by magical weapons.

Because the magic weapon requires spiritual energy to increase its power, it is called a hearse.

The hearse can be said to be an entertainment project. After all, in this era of national cultivation, cars are gradually being phased out.

Indeed, the only cars left today are hearses.

The power source of the hearse is spiritual energy. As long as there is spiritual energy in the air, the hearse can start.

The old era refers to before the era of universal cultivation. After the old era, all cars have been cancelled, and hearses have been used instead.

Why are you so excited when you hear about the Hearse Drift Competition?

Hey, of course, what young people like to watch most nowadays is the hearse drift competition.

Also, I heard that there are several legendary figures in this hearse drift competition.

A legendary figure?

Upon hearing this, Li Quan couldn't help laughing.

Who is it that can be called a legendary existence?

However, it’s still early, so it doesn’t matter if you take a look.

When Li Quan and Li Xiaotuan arrived at Chunming Mountain, it could be said that there was a sea of ​​people on Chunming Mountain.

Wherever Li Quan looked, the vast majority of the audience were young people, aged around eighteen or twenty.

It is indeed a competition that young people like.

Brother! Look! This is my favorite hearse master!

I didn't expect that she would come too.

The person Li Xiaotuan pointed at was a pretty-looking woman with a cultivation level around the Nascent Soul stage.

This kind of strength can be said to be very powerful. After all, after more than twenty years, there are very few people who can reach the Nascent Soul stage.

It is estimated that there are only tens of thousands of them on the entire Blue Star.

This, this! At this moment, Li Xiaotuan's tone seemed a little excited, and his fingers tremblingly pointed at the man next to the previous woman.

The man seemed to be a middle-aged uncle. He had a chin-shaped beard and looked like one of those middle-aged handsome uncles.

It turned out to be him, Li Siling!

Li Siling? Who is it?

Li Siling, you don't know either? After hearing Li Quan's words, Li Xiaotuan said with disdain.

How did I know? You don't know that I haven't returned to Blue Star for twenty-seven years. As he said this, Li Quan gently hit Li Xiaotuan's head with his fist.

No matter how Li Xiaotuan tried to dodge, he still couldn't avoid Li Quan's fist attack.

He could only accept Li Quan's fist helplessly.

Smelly brother! Li Xiaotuan could not avoid it, so he could only speak obscenely.

Li Siling is the master of hearse drifting and can be said to be the developer of hearse.

“If it hadn’t been for him, there wouldn’t have been the Hearse Drift and the Hearse.”

I heard that when Li Siling was young, he seemed to be surpassed by a modified Wuling Hongguang. Therefore, he worked hard and started modifying cars.

After the final few years, the hearse was successfully developed.

This is the birth of the hearse!

Speaking of this, Li Xiaotuan's face was filled with excitement, as if Li Xiaotuan had created it himself.

Huh? Why do I always feel that this guy is a bit familiar. For some reason, after Li Quan heard Li Xiaotuan's words, he took a serious look at Li Siling and found that Li Siling's appearance seemed a bit familiar, as if he had seen him there. .

This! It's him! He's here!

Next door to Li Siling, there is an uncle who is as handsome as Li Siling.

Unlike Li Siling, this uncle did not have a beard. His dry face and evil-looking eyes instantly killed most of the girls present.

This is simply the image of a male god in the minds of these girls.

Why is this guy so familiar? Li Quan touched his chin and asked with confusion.

Why are you so familiar with it? This is Wang Ao, who together with Li Siling is known as the Hearse Shuangsha!

It is said that Wang Ao and Li Siling were racing on Chunming Mountain 27 years ago. Suddenly, there was a mysterious guest riding the Wuling Hongguang, the ancestor of the legendary hearse that they called the legendary hearse, and killed them in one fell swoop. Beyond, behind.”

Finally, as Li Siling just said, he brought out the hearse, and Wang Ao is called the God of Hearse!

Although Wang Ao and Li Siling are equally strong in strength, if they really compare, Wang Ao's driving skills are superior.

And their dream is to have a battle with the Wuling Hongguang driver who was called the ancestor of the hearse.

It's just a pity that no matter how hard they search, they can't find that person. It's a bit of a pity.

When he said this, Li Xiaotuan felt a little disappointed.

After Li Quan stared at Li Siling and Wang Ao, and then heard what Li Xiaotuan said just now, he was suddenly confused.

Twenty-seven years ago, Wuling Hongguang was a bit familiar.

Aren't these two guys the same guys who drove Maserati and Bugatti Veyron back then?

And the mysterious guest who is said to be driving Wuling Hongguang is Li Quan himself.

Why, do you really want to see the so-called mysterious guest?

Of course, these are two legendary figures who want to compete with them again. Those of us who are hearse enthusiasts naturally want to see the so-called mysterious guest.

If I said that the mysterious guest twenty-seven years ago was me, what would you think?

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan folded his hands on his chest, looked at Li Quan with a raised eyebrow, and kept making tut-tut sounds at the same time.

Brother, do you still want to lose face?

Why am I so shameless?

My greatest advantage is that I do what I say and don't like to lie.

Do you think I will believe it?

What, you don't believe it?

How can you expect me to believe that?

Well, obviously Li Xiaotuan doesn't believe that Li Quan is the mysterious guest who tortured these two guys twenty-seven years ago.

In this case, don't blame Li Quan for being cruel and ruthless, and will torture them again.

After devouring upgrades in the universe for so long, Li Quan also felt a little bored. Since fun came to him, of course he wanted to play.

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