Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 155 The extremely talented Li Xiaotuan

Okay, it's all my fault, okay. Li Quan also knew that it was his fault, but fortunately he admitted it all.

It's good to know.

By the way, your sister still doesn't know your true identity and some of our affairs, so...

Why hide it?

I'm not hiding it, I'm just waiting to tell this girl about our family's situation when the time is right.

You don't know your sister? Soon, Li Zhen began to talk to Li Quan about his experience in raising his daughter.

After hearing what Li Zhen said, Li Quan finally understood why Li Zhen did this.

It is said that a daughter is her father's little cotton-padded jacket.

However, their little cotton-padded jackets are simply poisonous cotton-padded jackets.

It was better when I was young. After all, I was still young and didn't understand anything, so I seemed quiet.

However, after coming into contact with cultivation, everything changed.

The most important thing is that, having inherited the talents of Li Zhen and Wang Yun, Li Xiaotuan's talent can be said to be very outstanding.

This word can be used to describe Yiqi Juechen.

Although he is only seventeen years old now, his cultivation level has reached the terrifying peak of Nascent Soul!

The kind that is only one step away from entering the fusion stage.

It is precisely because of this that Li Xiaotuan will continue to skip grades and then enter higher-level schools to study.

In addition to his outstanding talent, Li Xiaotuan's level of practicing magic can also be described as terrifying.

What seventy-two changes into thirty-six changes, it just happened.

Even some practice instructors who have been immersed in thirty-six transformations, seventy-two transformations and other techniques for more than ten years may not be able to compare with Li Xiaotuan now.

It is precisely for this reason that Li Xiaotuan, with his extreme talent and various auras, has become separated from his peers on countless streets.

It is precisely because of this that Li Xiaotuan's personality changed drastically and he began to like playing pranks.

But because Li Xiaotuan still looks like a fish and a goose, and because of Li Xiaotuan's extreme talent, the school turns a blind eye to Li Xiaotuan's behavior.

Today, the little devil of the imperial capital is Li Xiaotuan.

Although Li Xiaotuan is only a freshman in college now.

Oh, I only realized that this girl is more active than you since I gave birth to her.

Isn't this normal? It's good for girls to be more active.

Your mother thought so too, which led to this girl's character.

So, Dad, what do you want me to do?

Yes, I just want you to take care of this girl. After all, you are her brother. By the way, you two have never been in contact since you were young. Let's cultivate the relationship between brother and sister.

That's counterintuitive. Being idle is idle anyway.

Li Quan simply agreed. There was nothing to do anyway, so it was no big deal to take care of this little sister, who was called the little devil.

After Li Quan came out, Wang Yun came face to face.

Mom, I haven't eaten anything you cooked for a long time. I miss you so much.

After seeing Wang Yun, Li Quan transformed into a good son of an ordinary person and smiled directly at Wang Yun.

Okay, let me cook a big meal for you brat today!

Mom! Here's me! I'm your precious daughter! Besides, she just came back today!

You girl, your brother hasn't been home for more than 20 years. Now that he is home, how can he compare?

Of course Wang Yun knew that Li Xiaotuan was jealous, so she scratched Li Xiaotuan's nose and cursed with a smile.


After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan made a face at Wang Yun. Wang Yun saw this and knocked Li Xiaotuan's head helplessly, and then went to the street to buy groceries.

By the way, Xiaoquan, please call my two daughters-in-law as well.

I go?

Otherwise? Do you still want your mother and me to go?

These are your wives. Besides, you brat took so long to come home. It's already difficult for someone to wait for you. Why don't you go and ask them in person?

Okay, okay, I'll be there in a minute. Li Quan also knew that this girl had been waiting for him for twenty-seven years.

Twenty-seven years, although it is nothing to a cultivator, but to the two of them who were still young girls, it is really a long time.

Brother! I'm going too! I also want to see the sisters-in-law!

Of course Li Xiaotuan knew Li Quan's two girlfriends.

Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong.

These two people were very good to Li Xiaotuan. Basically, they would come to Li Quan's home every once in a while to accompany Li Zhen and Wang Yun.

Of course, it is also up to Li Xiaotuan to take care of him.

Okay, by the way, dad just told me, you girl is really dancing.

Impossible! I'm just a little more lively! How can I dance?

By the way, brother, can you tell me where you have been in the past twenty-seven years?

Li Xiaotuan looked at Li Quan with curiosity on his face and asked.

Didn't Mom and Dad tell you where I went?


Li Xiaotuan also had a look of helplessness on his face. Li Xiaotuan had no idea where he and Li Quan were going.

And whenever Li Xiaotuan asked, Wang Yun, Li Zhen and his group would say: He went to a place far away.

If he hadn't seen Li Quan really come back, Li Xiaotuan would have really thought that Li Quan had gone to a place very far away.

Therefore, when I saw Li Quan suddenly appear, I was very surprised.

At the same time, Li Xiaotuan was confused. Every time Li Xiaotuan's strength improved, Li Xiaotuan went back to investigate the strength of Li Zhen and Wang Yun.

However, it is impossible to know the cultivation level and realm of Li Zhen and Wang Yun.

It is impossible to ask Li Zhen and Wang Yun to tell Li Xiaotuan, and the same is true for Li Quan.

In Li Xiaotuan's eyes, Li Quan today is just like an ordinary person who poses no threat and has never practiced.

However, in this era of universal cultivation, it would be a lie to say that you have never practiced.

Therefore, I am very curious about Li Quan, whose cultivation level is unknown like his parents.

Brother, can you tell me where you have been in the past twenty-seven years?

Did you go to Cangmu Star to practice?!

Cangmu Star in the Cangmu Galaxy is the headquarters of the Dragon Clan.

The teaching level inside is no less than that of the current Blue Star Imperial Capital.

In addition, due to the alliance between the two, the Cangmu Galaxy and the Solar System have established a space wormhole orbit.

It is just to facilitate the back-and-forth communication between the two. However, the cost of a trip can be described as a day off. Even wealthy people like Wang Ruobin and Ren Changjiang, who are among the top ten in Blue Star personal wealth, dare not squander it casually. .

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