Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 143 Interstellar Navigation Map!

In the end, Wang Yun chose to remain anonymous. At the same time, she was taken home by Li Zhen. Because they were close friends of life and death, the two fell in love.

So he got married early, and then began to practice. It was not until he was twenty years old that he gave birth to Li Quan.

With Li Quan, they didn't want Li Quan to know about his cultivation, so they hid the cultivation matters and acted like ordinary people.

At the same time, this is why Wang Yunhui has special respect for Shenlong and others.

If it weren't for Shenron, the two of them wouldn't be together at all.

After Li Quan heard this bloody and dog-torture story, he had to say that if some main tasks were added, Li Zhen would be a perfect template for the protagonist.

Jump off a cliff, and then have an adventure, you may not have fame and fortune, but your life is not poor, it is still enjoyable, and most importantly, you have a beautiful woman like Wang Yun.

It is simply a perfect template for a winner in life.

But Li Quan was not envious at all.


Li Zhen could only marry one person in his life, and that was Wang Yun, Li Quan's mother.

But Li Quan was different. The girls came to him on their own. The most important thing was that Li Quan hugged her, which made her twice as happy.

So, you all came to this place because you met the so-called golden dragon shadow?

After Li Quan felt the breath of this space, he asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Yeah that's right.

Perhaps this was left behind by someone from the dragon clan.

The reason why we can become cultivators is all because of that golden dragon shadow.

Moreover, this golden dragon shadow is very special. It gives us a feeling, as if it is not a creature of this world.

After hearing this, Li Quan touched his chin and thought.

Is there such a giant dragon among the dragon clan?

According to Li Lan and the others, since their birth in ancient times, their strength has been the top among Blue Stars.

And this Immortal Mountain, if placed in ancient times, would be just an ordinary hill, with nothing special about it.

Even if there is, then there are wild animals or something here.

When exactly this space was born, none of these things are known.

However, Li Quan has already noticed the safety of this dragon source space.

It is very stable, ten times more stable than the space around its blue star.

Strong men at the level of large galaxies cannot even think of tearing down the space barrier of the Dragon Source Space.

Other than that, there is no danger here. The most important thing is that the energy concentration here is the same as the dark matter energy level in extragalactic galaxies. It is just right for practitioners to practice, and it is also the maximum endurance of the practitioner's physique.

Obviously, the reason why this Longyuan space appears here is definitely not accidental, but has a purpose.

As for what the purpose was, Li Quan didn't know.

However, since Li Zhen and Wang Yun have been cultivators here for so long, there have been no accidents, which Li Quan is relieved about.

Moreover, Li Quan did not find any danger in this dragon source space, but its origin was unknown.

By the way, what are you doing here?

You said something happened before. What's the matter? Wang Yun asked with a trace of doubt on her face.

Yes, I have to improve my strength recently, so I need to go out. I don't know when I can come back, so just to be on the safe side.

Li Quan was seen placing a telepathic mark on the two of them. As long as Li Zhen and Li Quan called Li Quan three times in their hearts, Li Quan could sense that someone was calling Li Quan.

In the meantime, with the space coordinates, Li Quan can quickly rush back to Blue Star.

You want to go out? Where?

Other extragalactic galaxies.

After hearing this, Li Zhen and the others looked surprised.

Obviously, they did not expect that Li Quan would leave the Shenhe Galaxy and go to other extragalactic systems.

Or, the Kamigawa galaxy is too small to accommodate Li Quan.

Well, be careful. If something happens, don't bear it. Go home. Home will always be your safe haven.

After hearing this, Li Zhen sighed helplessly.

When his son grows up, if Li Quan has not yet become a true dragon, Li Zhen can protect Li Quan.

But now, Li Quan's strength is enough to destroy the Kamigawa galaxy with a single thought. What is the difference between this kind of strength and the superior gods?

Okay, I understand. After hearing this, Li Quan responded with a smile on his face.

It's just that shelter or something is just concern.

At Li Quan's level, the enemies he provoked were basically beyond the galaxy.

An existence of this level can destroy the extragalactic galaxy in just one thought.

Above the extragalactic galaxies is the super galaxy cluster. However, currently, there is no existence above the super galaxy level in the super galaxy cluster where the Kamigawa Galaxy is located.

There's nothing to worry about.

Okay, come back early.

Li Zhen patted Li Quan's shoulder and sighed helplessly.

Unexpectedly, his old Li family would actually give birth to a real dragon, and it was also a real dragon that sailed in the sea of ​​stars.

I wonder how Li Zhen can show off to his father and ancestors after he dies?

However, if Li Quan is here, Li Zhen probably won't die.

After bidding farewell to Li Zhen, Wang Yun and Li Quan's two 'friends', Li Quan appeared outside Blue Star in an instant.

Looking at this beautiful planet, I sigh helplessly.

Suddenly, Li Quan seemed to feel something, and Li Bing's figure suddenly appeared in front of Li Quan.


Well, what's the matter?

Li Quan subconsciously rubbed Li Bing's little head and smiled.

Father, this is for you.

After hearing this, Li Quan took a drawing handed over by Li Bing with a puzzled look on his face.

Li Quan opened it and found that it was an interstellar chart.

Suddenly, the moment Li Quan opened it, he saw the interstellar chart turning into points of light and entering directly into Li Quan's sea of ​​consciousness.

After Li Quan reacted, he found that he had the universe in his mind, the location of the super galaxy cluster where the Kamigawa Galaxy is located.

How come this ability is the same as what is sold in Li Quan System Store?

Moreover, Li Quan checked similar prices through the system store and found that there was actually an interstellar navigation map in it.

And the price is impressive, with a price of 10 trillion.

With such a high price, logically speaking, this is a rare thing in the universe. Why does Li Bing own it?

Bing'er, where did you get this?

Isn't this interstellar chart what Dad told me to give you before?

Li Quan:? ? ?

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