Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 142 The past events of Li Zhen and Wang Yun

Finally, after Li Quan sorted out his clothes, he immediately took out his small villa.

Women are so terrible.

Li Quan used the water mirror technique, and the mirror appeared in front of Li Quan, and Li Quan's appearance appeared in the mirror.

Li Quan in the mirror has several strawberry marks on his neck, which were left on Li Quan by Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong.

As for the process, it is not convenient for Li Quan to go into details, because nearly 2,000 words of content have been lost among book friends.

Of course, the two girls were still in perfect condition. The reason why Li Quan was able to 'escape' was because they just wanted to tease Li Quan and did not really want to have sex with him.

But Li Quan is busy improving his strength now and has no intention of doing so.

Dragon nature is lustful, which refers to the dragon clan, not the real dragon Li Quan.

It was easy for Li Quan to restrain his desires.

Of course, after trying it once, Li Quan couldn't guarantee whether he could maintain it.

Li Quan is now relieved about the safety of the two girls. After all, with the double protection he has given, plus Li Bing is guarding the Blue Star, and Dongfang Qingwan is guarding the Milky Way, there will basically be no major problems.

At this time, Li Quan was planning to return to his home and get two telepathic things for his parents.

In a flash, Li Quan returned to his home.

Of course, Li Quan directly covered the strawberry mark on his neck with the skin transformed from his dragon scales.

If your parents see you, you will inevitably ask questions about how things are going.

At this time, Li Zhen and Wang Yun were not at home.

Huh? Where did they go? Li Quan had a look of confusion on his face, but he soon sensed the presence of his parents.

At this time, Li Quan's parents Li Zhen and Wang Yun were in Xianming Mountain.

Moreover, it seems to be within the mountain body of Xianming Mountain.

wrong! It shouldn't be said to be a mountain, but the space hidden in Xianming Mountain.

There is actually space in this Immortal Life Mountain? Why didn't I discover it last time?

Li Quan had a trace of doubt on his face, but if he wanted to know why, he would just go there and find out.

Li Quan's figure suddenly appeared in Xianming Mountain.

The space where Li Zhen and Wang Yun are located is located in Xianming Mountain, and this space seems to be very special, requiring special means to enter it.

Without special means or by entering normally, even experts at the small galaxy level or even the large galaxy level cannot enter.

What kind of person can leave such a restriction? Unfortunately, Li Quan did not realize that the owner of this space had the same aura as the person who placed the solar system seal and the galaxy seal.

In other words, these are two different people.

In ancient times, the so-called top powers were only stellar-level experts.

What kind of person set it up?

What is the purpose of the person who created this space?

Li Quan didn't know anything about this, but since this matter concerned Li Quan's parents themselves, Li Quan had to find out.

Li Quan's figure directly broke the restriction of space, passed through the void, and came directly to the space in Xianming Mountain.

This space seems to be unique, similar to a small world.

Not to mention the beautiful scenery, the air also carries a faint fragrance.

The most important thing is that Li Quan unexpectedly discovered that this place has energy that is higher than Lingyuan, and is similar to the energy of the extragalactic galaxy.

What exactly is this place, and why does such a place exist in Blue Star? Li Quan was confused.

Just as Li Quan was walking, he heard Li Zhen's call suddenly.

Looking back, I found that Li Zhen and Wang Yun seemed to be very surprised by Li Quan's arrival.

Xiaoquan, how did you get here?

After Li Quan came to Wang Yun and Li Zhen, Wang Yun asked curiously.

After all, this place is very secretive. I didn't expect that Li Quan could find it.

I had something to do and planned to say goodbye to you. When I got home, I found that you were not at home, so I sensed it and found that you are here.

By the way, parents, what on earth is this place?

Here? As he spoke, Li Zhen put his arm around Wang Yun's shoulders and said with a smile on his face: This is the place where your mother and I first met.

After hearing this, Wang Yun's face turned slightly red. Obviously, even an old couple would be shy when recalling the memories of their youth.

However, the two of them were shy, and Li Quan just took a bite of the rations.

The kind that is caught off guard.

Ahem, Mom and Dad, let's talk about it, don't stuff dog food into my mouth casually.

Okay, you boy, we are just reminiscing about our youth.

While speaking, Li Zhen began to talk about the process of his first contact with this space.

It turns out that when Li Zhen was a child, he was just an ordinary rural boy born in Guangbei Village.

On the day when Li Zhen was fifteen years old, Li Zhen went hunting alone in Xianming Mountain.

The young man was so bold that he dared to go hunting in the mountains with a shotgun, and he was not afraid of tigers or bears on the mountains.

And on that day, Li Zhen met his destined person: Wang Yun.

Wang Yun is not from Guangbei Village, but from nearby Jianghai City.

She is considered a city person, and she is also the kind of eldest lady.

However, due to the decline of her family, her parents were killed by her enemies, and Wang Yun fled all the way to Xianming Mountain.

That day, the boy and the girl fell in love, and Li Zhen took the young Wang Yun into the Immortal Mountain with him to avoid being chased by his enemies.

However, God seemed to give them a little more difficulty, and the two of them were directly forced to the edge of the thousand-meter-high cliff of Xianming Mountain.

Under the cliff is an endless abyss.

The result was obvious. The two of them accidentally fell down the cliff.

But at that moment, a golden light suddenly lit up.

When they opened their eyes, they found a giant dragon surrounding them and taking them to this place called the Dragon Source.

Of course, Long Yuan is just Li Zhenqi’s name.

This giant dragon looks like a phantom, like a mosaic, and it's the kind of thing that is just randomly added.

The golden dragon directly gave the two of them several treasures.

Demon-slaying sword, demon-eliminating bow, demon-tying rope, and demon-catching bag.

In addition, there are also a series of techniques such as the Demon-Slaying Technique and the Demon-Expelling Heart Sutra, which were taught to the two of them in one go.

When the two woke up, the golden dragon had disappeared without a trace, leaving only the dragon source and these treasures and techniques to them.

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