Wait, what did you say?

I wish I hadn't told you, right? Li Quan had a hint of doubt on his face. He had never told Li Bing to give him this thing.

Moreover, the value of this interstellar navigation map cannot be purchased with Li Quan's current wealth.

How is this going?

This, ah, I forgot, this is what father gave me originally, and you told me to give it to you when father goes to regain your strength.

After hearing this, Li Quan was completely confused. When had he warned Li Bing?

Could it be that he was the same kind as Li Bing said?

Suddenly, Li Quan seemed to have thought of something.

There is only one true dragon in the entire universe from the beginning to the present. This is basic common sense among the entire dragon clan.

It is also believed that the real dragon cannot be offended and replaced.

Anyone who wants to offend and take the place of a real dragon will be subject to special punishment.

But now, what Li Bing is talking about is the true dragon companion that Li Quan mentioned before when the three sisters were born millions of years ago.

But according to the attitude of Li Bing, Li Lan and Li Ya towards Li Quan, they would not deceive Li Quan.

Moreover, they have lived for millions of years, so it is impossible to admit the wrong person.

It seemed that Li Quan had a bold guess about the real dragon.

Father, what's wrong with you?

Oh, I forgot. My father, your memory has not recovered yet, but it doesn't matter. It won't be long before you, father, will remember the past.

Is that so? After hearing this, Li Quan rubbed Li Bing's little head and said with a smile.

Li Quan didn't know much about real dragons. Since Li Bing said that he would know everything in the future, let's wait until the future to discuss this matter.

Bing'er, I'm asking you to protect Blue Star. If something unexpected happens, remember not to show off and find your grandparents. Do you understand?

Yes, Father!

Father, please be careful when you are done.

After hearing this, Li Quan responded with a smile: Okay, I understand.

That's it, you go back and protect Blue Star. Blue Star's future will be left to you.

While speaking, Li Quan directly transformed into his true body.

Sure enough, after Li Quan transformed into his true body, he felt full of comfort.

The dragon swims in the sea, not in the ocean, but in the sea of ​​stars!

Li Quan transformed into his true body, then broke through the space and started heading towards other galaxies outside the Milky Way.

All Li Quan has to do is to devour the galaxies and convert all their energy bodies into experience.

This process is very long. After all, one that is comparable to the size of the Milky Way is more than 100,000 light-years across.

As for Li Quan, even with full firepower, his body can only grow to about a thousand light-years in size.

However, once a galaxy the size of the Milky Way is swallowed up, Li Quan's strength will probably increase a lot.

However, the further you get to the back, the more experience the experience bar requires, and the more galaxies will be swallowed.

The time spent will naturally increase gradually.

In an instant, Li Quan left the Milky Way and came to the Shenhe Galaxy, a place where galaxies gather.

Here, there are countless galaxies larger or smaller than the Milky Way.

The size of the Kamigawa galaxy is fifty thousand times larger than that of the Milky Way. This is enough to show how powerful the super-galaxy-level powerhouses who can dominate extragalactic galaxies are.

In the eyes of mortals, a strong man of this level is indeed no different from a god.

There are countless galaxies similar to the Milky Way in the Kamigawa Galaxy. Naturally, Li Quan can also use so many galaxies to enhance his strength.

Li Quan teleported to a galaxy fifty thousand light years away from the Milky Way in an instant.

This galaxy is 200,000 light-years in size, twice as large as its Milky Way galaxy, which is 100,000 light-years across.

There are many powerful people at the level of small galaxies, and there are even several times the power of large galaxies.

However, even if there is no seal, bathed in the Kamigawa Galaxy, and has been baptized by the dark matter energy of the Kamigawa Galaxy for many years, it is still unable to give birth to a super-galaxy level powerhouse.

You can see how difficult it is for a super-galaxy-level powerhouse to achieve such a level of existence.

Basically, the probability is zero.

It can be said that it is the kind that must die.

If it weren't for Li Quan helping Dongfang Qingwan, Dongfang Qingwan would not have been able to break through to a super galaxy level powerhouse.

Although this galaxy is twice as big as the Milky Way, there are many more creatures living in this galaxy than the Milky Way.

Li Quan is not a murderous person. In order to improve his own strength, he can't let a galaxy twice the size of the Milky Way lose his home, or lose his life because of it.

Forget it, let's place you all in other galaxies. In a moment of thought, all the creatures in Li Quan's galaxy disappeared in an instant.

The next second, it was transferred to a galaxy that was one hundred thousand light-years away from them and only about 150,000 light-years in size.

Don't worry, if so many creatures squeeze in, this galaxy will become overcrowded.

In fact, 97% of a galaxy is inhabited by no living beings.

Therefore, Li Quan was so bold in absorbing energy bodies in the galaxy before.

After 'moving' all the creatures away, Li Quan directly opened his caged dragon's mouth, and a huge suction force began to appear from Li Quan's mouth.

The place where Li Quan is located is the center of this galaxy. The center is the center because there is a powerful celestial body in it that maintains the formation of a galaxy.

This celestial body is called a black hole!

Li Quan's swallowing is similar to that of a black hole.

The black hole, on the other hand, is absorbing the energy around it every moment, pulling in stars and other objects and absorbing them into it.

Once it breaks out, its power is very powerful, no less than a full blow from a powerful person at the level of a large galaxy.

Once a galaxy about 100,000 light-years erupts, all galaxies within 50 light-years will be affected or even destroyed.

Of course, this process is very long, and it would be impossible to do it without hundreds of millions of years.

Li Quan only needs to devour the celestial black hole in its center, obtain the energy that has been absorbed for countless billions of years, and speed up the devouring process instead of the black hole to make his experience bar move.

Although, Li Quan's experience bar is also improving rapidly now.

When he broke the seal before, Li Quan's level was only level 130, but now, more than half of the experience bar has been gone, and it is still growing.

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