Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 121 Ten thousand dragons worship!

Is the true dragon passing on the law? Ji Xuan muttered these three words and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Come here, I have something important to discuss!

Soon, the imperial capital once again fell into the scene of late-night conversations.

Early the next morning, when Li Quan woke up, he found that the little lolita Li Lan was sleeping next to him.

Huh? Li Lan?

Hey, Dad, you're awake! Li Lan said hello with a smile on his face after seeing Li Quan wake up.

Didu, haven't you already gone to practice somewhere with your eldest sister?

Oh, you're talking about this. Dad, aren't you going to teach the Dharma today, so eldest sister will let me out and maintain order at the scene.

Li Lan said with a smile on his face, two little tiger teeth peeking out, looking really cute.

Is it?

Of course it is! Li Lan said loudly after hearing it.

Well, it seems to be true, otherwise, Li Lan would definitely be captured by Li Bing.

After all, with Li Bing's strength, it is not a problem to come at any time.

Okay, but there shouldn't be anyone responsible for causing trouble at the scene I'm at, right?

That's not certain. After hearing this, Li Lan said with a smile.

When Li Quan saw this, he couldn't say anything.

Soon, after washing their faces, Li Lan and Ao Xue had breakfast together in the small villa.

The breakfast was very simple, consisting of the extremely delicious Dragon Palace brand caviar from the deep sea, the Shennongshan steak, the most famous cheese in Blue Star, and a bottle of daughter's red that had been stored for two thousand years.

The taste is quite good, but Li Quan will feel a little tired of eating these often.

It still tastes better than before.

After watching TV for a while, Li Quan saw that the time had reached ten o'clock and it was time to teach the Fa.

As for the location where the Dharma is taught, of course it is above the Pacific Ocean.

Anyway, no matter where it is, Li Quan's voice can be transmitted to the entire Blue Star. However, Li Quan is not transmitting the method orally, but intends to create a chance meteor shower.

At this time, Li Quan's wealth has accumulated to 200 billion. It has to be said that although this wealth is easy to accumulate, it is even easier to spend.

It's time too.

Huh? So fast?

Is it soon? Seeing Li Lan's surprised look, Li Quan asked doubtfully.

No, no! Li Lan realized at this moment that he was on a mission.

The content of the task is to maintain the order of the scene and prevent accidents from disturbing Li Quan's enjoyment.

In that case, let's go, Xiaoxue, do you want to come with us?

Can I really do that? Ao Xue asked excitedly after hearing Li Quan ask Ao Xue to follow him.


After hearing Li Quan's reply, Ao Xue looked excited, as if she had advanced to several major realms in a row.

Do you want to be so happy?

Li Quan saw Ao Xue's excited look and was speechless.

However, what Li Quan didn't know was that among the dragon clan, being able to follow a real dragon is the greatest honor for a member of the dragon clan.

And Ao Xue is a member of the Dragon Clan. Now, Ao Xue is allowed to follow Li Quan. Isn't this a great honor?

Great! Ao Xue was so excited that her whole body bounced and hit the ceiling directly.

The ceiling could not withstand Ao Xue's strength, and a big hole was directly knocked out.

But it doesn't matter. With Li Quan's strength, repairing a small gap is just a piece of cake.

Let's go, we're just going out together, why are you so excited? Li Quan was also very helpless about Ao Xue's actions.

Soon, Li Quan transformed into a giant dragon, with clouds forming under his feet, and began to hover in the sky, heading towards the Pacific Ocean.

And Ao Xue followed suit and transformed into a hundred-meter-long white dragon. It looked so crystal clear and adorable.

Li Quan and Ao Xue both transformed into dragons, and Li Lan naturally couldn't lag behind.

I saw that Li Lan quickly transformed into a thousand-foot giant dragon. Although Li Lan's true form was more than that, Li Quan was the supreme being of the dragon clan. When traveling with Li Quan, he could not overshadow Li Quan's power. prestige.

Otherwise, Li Bing and Li Ya will definitely play a doubles match together.

Soon, over the Pacific Ocean and Longmen, a thunder resounded throughout the world, and Li Quan's figure descended on the Pacific Ocean.

At the same time, everyone in Tenglong Kingdom also began to get excited.

They all have contact with cultivators, but due to their own talent, it is difficult to achieve anything even if they practice.

However, the True Dragon Transmission directly gave them hope.

Although Li Quan said that he would teach the Dharma today, he did not mention the time and place.

However, there are smart people who choose the Pacific Ocean and Longmen.

The reason is that since Li Quan has set up a dragon gate in this place in the Pacific Ocean, the probability of spreading the law here will be very high.

Lucky for them too, because they guessed it right.

The moment they saw Li Quan's figure, everyone present cheered because they guessed correctly, the real dragon taught the Dharma, and those who are closer to the tower get the moon first. This is an eternal truth.

Li Quan has come out, so naturally the Dragon Clan cannot lag behind.

I saw Ao Shun transformed into a hundred-foot dragon, leading an army of dragons and rising out of the Pacific Ocean.

The dragon armies are all different, not to mention different colors. Although their shapes are all in the form of dragons, they also have their own merits.

This is because any creature with the blood of the Dragon Clan can jump over the Dragon Gate and become a member of the Dragon Clan.

However, they only jumped to the first dragon gate, not the ninth dragon gate.

The ninth dragon gate is located above the atmosphere. It is difficult to successfully jump to it.

And during the jump, they had to be oppressed and baptized by the power of the dragon gate. So far, the only ones who can successfully jump to the ninth dragon gate, which is the last real dragon gate, are Ao Shun and his daughter Ao Xue.

Little Dragon Ao Shun, bringing millions of dragons with him, pays homage to the True Dragon!

While shouting, Wan Long surrendered to Li Quan and occupied the entire sky several times.

Because there are so many dragon clan members here, compared to the few thousands at the beginning.

Now the number has reached more than 100,000.

When Li Quan saw this, he nodded with satisfaction. He put down a dragon gate in vain, and then produced dragons in large quantities.

With such a scene, it can be regarded as a feeling of pride, and the face is finally gained.

Li Quan glanced around, and wherever Li Quan's eyes glanced, they all surrendered to Li Quan.

Even those humans who arrived early kneeled down subconsciously after feeling Li Quan's gaze.

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