Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 120 True Dragon’s Teaching

Is that so? Li Quan was not clear about some things on Blue Star.

Of course not. At this moment, Li Bing's figure suddenly appeared in the villa, and tapped Li Lan's forehead heavily with his finger.

Oops! My head! Li Lan was hit so hard that he couldn't help but shed tears of sadness.

You guy, you dare to deceive even my father, you are really brave. Li Bing crossed his arms on his chest and said to Li Lan with a serious face.

Hey! I don't dare anymore. Li Lan didn't dare to resist when he saw this.

Father, Blue Star's ecosystem does not require us to maintain it ourselves. It will adjust automatically just like our body.

Otherwise, Blue Star would have been destroyed a long time ago during the hundreds of years since I left it.

While saying this, he tugged Li Lan's ears with his fingers.

You girl, you are just idle all day long. Don't you know how to improve your own strength so that you can help your father?

嘤嘤嘤嘤! I don't dare to do it anymore. Besides, aren't you and Li Ya the ones who help father?

You little girl, how dare you talk back! said the colleague, Li Bing once again hit Li Lan on the forehead.

Hey! Stop fighting. Can I go to practice with you? Li Lan was about to cry.

Unexpectedly, Li Bing would suddenly appear here.

In fact, as long as he is in the area where Blue Star is located, Li Bing can feel the situation in the small villa. Naturally, the conversation between Li Quan and Li Lan is also clear.

Hurry up and apologize to Father!

Dad, I'm sorry. Under pressure from Li Bing, Li Lan had no choice but to apologize to Li Quan.

Okay, okay, you can just practice with your eldest sister honestly. After all, your strength is really not good enough.

There are many experienced and powerful people in the galaxy, but I really look down upon Li Lan, who has only half a planet's strength.

However, Li Quan didn't need Li Lan or the others to do anything, he just wanted them to have the ability to protect themselves.

It's a pity that Li Lan likes to be playful by nature, so the current strength gap is really too big.

Okay, Father, I will take my little sister and leave first. If necessary, just give us orders.

While speaking, Li Bing grabbed Li Lan's back neck with one hand, and then left amid Li Lan's desperate wail.

This girl. Li Quan expressed his helplessness about this.

Xiaoxue, work harder, don't force yourself, I believe you can understand. Li Quan glanced at Ao Xue beside him, rubbed Ao Xue's little head and said with a smile.

After hearing this, Ao Xue nodded her little head excitedly, thinking: Master actually values ​​me so much! I must not let the master down!

However, Ao Xue didn't know that it wasn't Li Quan who liked Ao Xue, and accepting Ao Xue was just a whim. Didn't you see that after Li Quan accepted Ao Xue, Ao Xue didn't receive any guidance from Li Quan? ?

At most, Li Quan would exchange some scriptures from the system store and let Ao Xue practice on his own.

At night, in the imperial capital, Ao Shun's divine movement appeared behind Ji Xuan in an instant.

And Ji Xuan also felt Ao Shun's aura, and smiled at Ao Shun with a smile on his face: I don't know what happened when the Dragon King came?

Both are the supreme rulers of the same race, and their status is the same. Although Ji Xuan's strength is only at the Nascent Soul stage, compared to Ao Shun, whose strength has reached the planet level, he is simply as good as heaven and earth. gap.

However, because the two are allies, they still need to have corresponding respect and status.

Lord True Dragon has obtained all the technology of the True Phoenix lineage from the Red Flame Galaxy. As long as you can crack it, the strength of our Blue Star Alliance will be even greater.

While speaking, Ao Shun stretched out his hand, and a chip suddenly appeared on his palm.

This is the chip that Li Quan asked Ao Shun to give to Ji Xuan. It is loaded with technology from the True Phoenix lineage.

Is this the true phoenix lineage?

Yes, you must have seen that huge sacred phoenix not long ago, right?

The body of the sacred phoenix was so huge that Ji Xuan naturally saw it.

This is the technology from the mother phoenix clan, and this is what Lord True Dragon gave us.

When Ji Xuan saw this, he accepted the chip with excitement. This chip is now a treasure of the country.

I don't know where Lord True Dragon is, why don't you come and meet me? Ji Xuan asked with a smile on his face after accepting the chip.

Human Emperor, there are some things that you should be aware of.

How can we be able to see Lord True Dragon's face at will?

The identity of the True Dragon Master is due to his dignity. Even you and I cannot meet without the True Dragon Master's summons!

Ji Xuan didn't expect that Ao Shun would be so excited. He just said something casually.

I see, I was the one who was abrupt.

It's okay. Just pay attention to these things in the future. Lord True Dragon is a supreme existence and no one can blaspheme him.

By the way, tomorrow, Lord True Dragon will teach the Dharma in person. The location is not known yet. However, Lord True Dragon will teach the Dharma in person. If you can understand even one part of it, you can become a strong man.

After hearing Ao Shun's words, Ji Xuan became curious.

True dragon's teaching?

Ji Xuan only knew that Li Quan threw down the dragon gate on the Pacific Ocean. Now, more and more creatures have become dragons, and the dragons have begun to prosper.

According to legend, in ancient times, the dragon clan was the overlord of the universe. These things are all one-sided and intermittent, and no one knows whether they are true or false.

However, the real possibility is high.

True dragon's teaching? With this, Blue Star will rise. No matter what, Blue Star will rise. This is a destined thing, and no one can stop it.

However, if Blue Star wants to rise, it will have to face enemies in the universe.

They don't know how many enemies there are in the universe, but what is certain is that the enemies in the universe are not weak.

Well, that's it. As for when it will start, I don't know yet, but I can be sure that it will be tomorrow.

Okay, I will also take charge of the new dragon clan among the dragon clan.

Whether they can rise this time depends on this time.

After Ao Shun finished speaking, his figure disappeared directly. In mid-air, a giant blue dragon appeared on the sky and let out a long roar of a giant dragon before sinking into the sea.

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