Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 122 The teaching is over!

The scene was very spectacular, with thousands of people worshiping and thousands of dragons soaring. It was much better than the last time the dragon gate was established.

For some reason, Li Quan felt a sense of accomplishment after seeing such a scene.

It’s time to teach the Fa.

The so-called teaching method is nothing more than purchasing a gift package worth 20 million worth of wealth from the system store.

The things in it are all random. There are a million exercises, spells and so on. They are awesome, including the God of War Atlas and Shura War Techniques.

Of course, the only thing missing is the perfect Qi training method, but even the worst perfect Qi training method will become invincible at the same level after practice.

Fortunately, because of Feng Jiutian's killing, Brahma Stone can also obtain wealth worth something. Although it is only half, the wealth value obtained by slaughtering the entire True Phoenix lineage is more than 500 billion. Worth something.

In addition, Li Quan also has daily wealth income, and now his wealth has accumulated to 600 billion.

We spent 200 billion, and now we still have more than 400 billion, so we are not panicking at all.

Following Li Quan's control, colorful lights began to appear in the air. Everyone, even the dragon, could feel the powerful aura in this colorful light.

Is Lord True Dragon going to teach you the Dharma?

For some reason, everyone was so excited after seeing such a scene that they didn't even dare to breathe.

Soon, Li Quan controlled this colorful ball of light and threw it upward.

The light group seemed to be affected by special power in mid-air, shooting towards all parts of the world.

Everyone here watching Li Quan teach the Dharma in person was stunned.

Is this the Dharma?

Shouldn't he be reciting some mantra and then carrying golden lotus on his back or something?

why is it like this?

Countless meteors began to shoot out from the colorful light cluster.

The color of the meteor represents the preciousness of the treasure. Gold is the most noble, followed by purple, blue, green, and white. Among them, red represents special skills and the like.

Meteors are falling all over the world, some falling in deep mountains, in no-man's land, in the ocean, in cities, and in rural areas.

Of course, there are a few of them on site, but there are tens of thousands of people here, so how can just a few of them take care of everyone?

As a result, chaos began at the scene.

And because of this, Li Lan's role appeared.

Although Li Lan was only a thousand feet in size at this time, among all the dragons present, Li Lan was the second largest.

Just as intimidating.

Not only that, in addition to Li Lan, Li Ya also appeared from the ocean on purpose, and also transformed into a thousand-foot-long dragon, sitting on the left and right.

After seeing the commotion of the crowd below, they began to exert pressure. Those who were making a fuss and wanted to snatch the meteor were suppressed on the spot and unable to move.

At this moment, everyone panicked.

Opportunity comes to those who are destined to get it. At this moment, Li Quan suddenly spoke human words, and his voice sounded like thunder, resounding throughout the entire Blue Star.

On the Blue Star, those who had fought over the meteors and had murderous intentions were immediately suppressed to the ground after hearing Li Quan's words, unable to move.

Everyone panicked. Is this the strength of a real dragon?

The sound alone has such a power of intimidation, and he is worthy of being the supreme among the dragons.

Those who had not snatched the meteor and complained about Li Quan all put away their dissatisfaction.

Voice has such power, wouldn't it be worse if Li Quan knew what they were thinking?

Therefore, for the sake of his own life, he put away all his dissatisfaction with Li Quan.

For a time, Li Quan's wealth soared crazily, reaching 10 billion, 20 billion, and did not stop until it reached 50 billion.

It seems that any intelligent creature can generate wealth for Li Quan.

However, it must be a sigh from the heart. If fear can gain wealth value.

Li Quan massacred the Jiutian clan before, wouldn't the wealth gained from it be about to explode?

There are a million copies of the techniques in Meteor, but now only a little over 100,000 have been divided among them.

Among them, the rest flew to an uninhabited area. In this way, everyone may receive the reward of a true dragon's teaching.

After Li Quan glanced at the commotion at the scene, his figure boiled into the air.

After seeing Li Quan fly away, Ao Xue, who was only a hundred meters long, followed closely behind Li Quan.

Ao Shun, who was surrendering by the side, saw his daughter's figure. For some reason, there was always a trace of envy and pride in his eyes.

After all, Ao Xue is his daughter.

Okay! Master True Dragon's teaching is over. In addition to the opportunities on land, there are also countless opportunities in the ocean. The disciples of the Dragon Clan are not allowed to snatch them!

Anyone found to be looting will be expelled from the Dragon Clan!

As soon as these words came out, all the dragons present surrendered. After the real dragon Li Quan left, Dragon King Ao Shun became the dragon with the highest status among the dragons.

They finally lost their trash blood and became members of the dragon clan. If they were deprived of their dragon clan identity, they would become the same beasts they were from the beginning, and they were not willing to do so.

Okay, everyone, please leave. After hearing Ao Shun's words, all the dragons became excited.

Ten thousand dragons entered the water and began to spread around, looking for opportunities hidden in the ocean.

When Ao Shun saw this, he sighed helplessly.

In fact, he also wanted to look for opportunities, but it was a pity that he, the Dragon King, wouldn't give him the face.

It would be a shame for a dragon king to compete with a junior for a chance.

Just when Ao Shun was about to return to the East China Sea Dragon Palace, he suddenly felt Li Quan's call.

In the universe.

The figure quickly flew towards the space where Li Quan was locked, and soon arrived in front of Li Quan, transforming into a human form.

Dragon head body.

At this time, Li Quan was floating in the universe, looking at Blue Star quietly, while Ao Shun came to Li Quan and asked Li Quan respectfully: I don't know what you want from me, Lord True Dragon. What's the matter?

Ao Xue on the side grabbed Li Quan's palm. Ao Xue's cultivation was only at the Nascent Soul stage, and she simply could not stay alone in the universe for a long time.

Of course, this is for you. said his colleague, Li Quan spent 2 billion wealth points to buy the Thirty-six Transformations of Tiangang and the Seventy-two Transformations of Earthly Evil from the system store.

Pointing his finger in front of Ao Shun, he saw these two secret books instantly appearing in front of Ao Shun.

This, this is! Ao Shun's face was full of excitement after seeing these two books.

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