Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 119 Three Talents Sutra

After successfully deceiving Feng Jiutian, Ao Shun and several dragons came to Li Quan's small villa.

I don't know, Master Zhenlong, why did you ask Xiaolong to come here? Ao Shun didn't know what happened to Li Quan, so he actually asked him to come here himself.

There is something you need to do.

This is for you. As he said this, Li Quan handed the chip in his hand to Ao Shun.

This is all the technology about the true phoenix lineage that was previously obtained from the red flame star and the true phoenix lineage.

These technologies can help Blue Star move into a higher technological civilization.

Lord True Dragon, what is this? Ao Shun looked at Li Quan with confusion, obviously not knowing what the chip in Li Quan's hand was.

The information contained here is from the technological civilization of the True Phoenix lineage. Please hand this over to the current Human Emperor.

In this case, Blue Star's overall strength can also be improved a bit.

As for why Li Quan didn't go there in person?

It’s not good to give the stolen goods directly, it’s better to let others give it to you.

No, not other people, but other dragons.

This is very simple. I wonder if you have anything else to give me, Master Zhenlong?

Yes, I will give you the method tomorrow to see how much all the creatures on the Blue Star can understand.

After hearing what Li Quan said, Ao Shun was shocked.

What a shocking thing that the real dragon personally taught the Dharma.

Do you want to be so excited? Seeing Ao Shun's excited face, Li Quan said with disgust.

No, no, Lord True Dragon, you don't know something. It is a great honor to be able to hear your teachings.

This is something that no other dragon can dream of. I didn't expect that the little dragon would encounter it!

This is not to blame Ao Shun, after all, the true dragon is the supreme being among the dragon clan, and his every move is related to the future direction of the dragon clan.

For example, if the real dragon allows the dragon clan to be on good terms with the human race for generations, then the dragon clan will fulfill the true dragon's will and be on good terms with the human race for generations.

Forget it, there are only so many things I need you to do. You can take care of the rest by yourself.

That. After hearing Li Quan's words, Ao Shun seemed to have something he wanted to say.

whats the matter?

Master Zhenlong, I wonder how my little girl's practice is going now? Ao Shun asked curiously.

After all, no matter what, Ao Xue is Ao Shun's daughter. There is no parent in the world who doesn't care about their children.

Therefore, Ao Shun subconsciously gossiped.

She is very savvy. I believe she will become famous soon. After hearing Ao Shun's words, Li Quan said calmly.

However, he was already panicking in his heart. Li Quan had not paid attention to Ao Xue for so long.

In the past, I just threw the scriptures next to Ao Xue, and asked Ao Xue to study by himself with a few caring greetings.

However, it is impossible for Li Quan to expose himself, face is important.

That's it. Thank you Lord True Dragon for your cultivation.

It's okay, after all, he is a descendant of my dragon clan. Li Quan nodded and said silently.

Soon, Ao Shun left with his men, and Li Quan came to Ao Xue after Ao Shun left.

I found that beside Ao Xue, Li Lan was reading the scriptures with Ao Xue.

Eh? Dad!


Well, Xiaoxue, how are you reading the scriptures?

Master, these scriptures you gave are so profound. Xiaoxue can't understand them. However, for some reason, although I can't understand them, there is a strange attraction that attracts me.

After hearing this, Li Quan looked at the scripture in Ao Xue's hand. This was a scripture called Sancai.

The main content is to understand the three realms of heaven, earth and man. The deeper the understanding, the more benefits you will get.

It's okay, don't worry. Since it's difficult to read it thoroughly, let's read it in another way. We have plenty of time.

Ao Xue has already reached the Nascent Soul stage at a young age, which is already a genius among the Dragon Clan.

The lifespan of the dragon race is longer than that of most races, so Ao Xue doesn't have to be so anxious to realize it.

Moreover, Li Quan would not let a half-hearted student go out and have a career. After all, if Ao Xue was defeated and defeated, it would be Li Quan who would lose face.

After all, the name of True Dragon is the supreme existence of the Dragon Clan. True Dragon disciples should sweep across the world and be powerful in all directions.


After hearing Li Quan's comfort, Ao Xue happily agreed.

She originally thought that Li Quan would blame her, but she didn't expect that Li Quan would be so gentle. As expected of a true dragon, he was so kind and kind to everyone.

However, what Ao Xue didn't know was that if someone hadn't stopped them, everyone in the Jiutian lineage and even the True Phoenix lineage would have been exterminated.

By the way, Lan Lan, how is your cultivation progress now? Since becoming a stellar being, Li Lan can also start practicing.

Although Blue Star has become a star life, it is different from other star life.

Others only have one consciousness, but Blue Star has three.

These three represent the will of the three sisters respectively.

Hey, hehe, it's still half a planet level. After hearing this, Li Lan smiled a little awkwardly.

You girl, if you don't practice hard, you will just play around all day long. As he said this, Li Quan tapped his finger directly on Li Lan's little head.

Li Lan subconsciously cried out in pain, and Li Quan was speechless when he saw this.

Although it looked painful, Li Quan did not exert any force.

Okay, you girl, you have to work hard to practice. Your eldest sister has now entered the star level, your second sister has entered the planet level, and you are the only one who is still stuck at the half-planet level. Isn't it embarrassing?

Don't lose it! After hearing this, Li Lan said with an upright face.

Oh why?

Because, I have the eldest sister and the second sister to protect me! Moreover, even if the eldest sister and the second sister are defeated, you will still have dad to protect me!

You stupid girl. Li Quan dunked on him after hearing this, and Li Lan almost cried.

From today on, I will send you to your eldest sister to practice. As soon as Li Quan's words came out, Li Lan panicked.

If the second sister can still be criticized, then the eldest sister Li Bing is definitely the existence that Li Lan fears.

No! Dad! I was wrong!

If you are wrong, I will send you away.

No, no! If I go, who will manage the normal operation of the earth?! Li Lan suddenly shouted in a desperate voice.

You manage the proper functioning of the earth?

That's right! The earth needs to be managed to function properly, otherwise strange things will happen!

For example, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.!

Li Lan said with a serious face, that look was amazing.

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