Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 118 Above the level of a large galaxy!

The parents' side has already solved it. After all, this secret will be discovered by his parents sooner or later, so it is better to tell it all now.

That night, Li Quan rested at home. As for the small villa, Ao Xue and his team were left here to continue reading the scriptures.

The scriptures left by Li Quan were all purchased from the system store. Each copy is worth one million or even ten million.

It can be said to be very precious. As long as you can read it well and understand the principles, your cultivation will naturally skyrocket like a rocket.

As for why Li Quan chose to use this method to cultivate Ao Xue, firstly, Li Quan didn't know how to cultivate Ao Xue, and secondly, this method could improve Ao Xue's understanding.

The most important thing is that this method is equivalent to free-range education, which is perfect for people like Li Quan who cannot teach others.

Several days have passed, and the place in the Scarlet Flame Star is still like a purgatory on earth.

On the Scarlet Flame Star, there is no longer any life left, and all that is left is the red lotus karma fire that is constantly burning.

As for the corpses, they were all burned to ashes.

Among the red flame stars in Nuo Da, only Feng Jiutian was still alive.

Feng Jiutian successfully withstood the baptism of red lotus fire, and his strength has been promoted to the level of a large galaxy, although he has just been promoted.

Feng Jiutian, who successfully advanced, is more convinced that the Super God Phoenix System is real and is not someone else pretending to play a trick on him.

After all, being at the level of a large galaxy is not someone who can be promoted casually.

I didn't expect this to be true.

Nonsense, do you think I will trick you? After hearing this, Super God Phoenix System said with a look of disdain.

Of course not, don't be angry.

Hmph! I'll give you a thousand years of life for not respecting me! As he said this, Feng Jiutian's lifespan was directly reduced by a thousand years.

However, this is nothing to Feng Jiutian, who has now been promoted to the level of a large galaxy.

After all, a powerful person at the level of a large galaxy has a basic lifespan of four to five billion, not to mention a being like him with a very long lifespan, whose lifespan is even longer.

It is estimated to be about a billion years, so a thousand years of life is really painless and itchy.

Deduct it, it's just a thousand years of life, it doesn't matter if you deduct a million years.

As his strength and lifespan increased, Feng Jiutian began to float.

Okay. Just after Feng Jiutian finished speaking, his life span of one million years was directly absorbed.

I Feng Jiutian was stunned. He just said it casually. This super god Phoenix system has really been absorbed.

Didn't you tell me that? Why, do you regret it?

No, of course not. Hearing that Super God Phoenix System's tone seemed a little dissatisfied, Feng Jiutian quickly said in a flattering tone.

This Super God Phoenix System is an important opportunity for Feng Jiutian to rise, but it is an important opportunity for him to become the Ancestral Phoenix, so he cannot be offended.

Hmph! In that case, let's do the second task.

As long as you complete the second task, you can surpass the powerful people at the level of large galaxies and become the strongest people at the level of large galaxies! Super galaxy powerhouses!

Note: A super galactic powerhouse can destroy nearly half of the extragalactic galaxies with all his strength.

Becoming a super-galaxy-level powerhouse?! At this time, Feng Jiucai realized that there were super-galaxy-level existences above the large galaxy-level powerhouses.

However, Feng Jiutian had already seen the terror of a powerful person at the level of a large galaxy. Even with his newly promoted strength, nearly half of the galaxy would be affected by an all-out explosion.

And similar to those five large galaxy-level powerhouses who have survived for who knows how many years, who knows how powerful they are when they explode with all their strength.

However, Feng Jiutian heard that the Milky Way was sealed, and only powerful people above the level of large galaxies, that is, the level of super galaxies, could break it.

And Feng Jiutian also felt it carefully, and it was indeed the case.

He could clearly sense the seal that he had not yet sensed when he was at the level of a small galaxy.

Who did it? Why did they seal the Milky Way? Feng Jiutian didn't know this. However, Feng Jiutian's mission now is to complete the second mission issued by the Super God Phoenix System!

Suddenly, Feng Jiutian seemed to have thought of something, and asked the Super God Phoenix System: Can my current strength be enough?

Don't ask. If you ask, you can't.

With your current strength, if you directly face a strong man like Li Quan, you are still seeking death. Unless you can break through to the Tao Super Galaxy level, otherwise, don't think so much.

Okay, now your second mission has come out, to kill those sinful and powerful men above the half-planet level in the galaxy.

I guess I don't need to say more, right?

Feng Jiutian can do this massacre of the sinful and powerful members of his own race. After all, he is his own race, and he is the strongest, and no one can stop him.

However, if it is other races, a small number does not matter, but if the number increases, won't it attract the attention of the five strong men?

Feng Jiutian didn't think that his small body could handle those five powerful men joining forces, and he was not sure whether the super-god phoenix system was capable of killing them.

This is the second task. As long as you complete it, you can get the Phoenix True Crystal. This is a treasure that can directly transform your bloodline and become a super-galaxy level powerhouse.

You have to think clearly.

Now that he has become a powerful person at the level of a large galaxy, Feng Jiutian has a new goal.

Super galaxy level powerhouse.

Now the Super God Phoenix System is trying to get him to kill the strong men of other races. If he really does it, it will be equivalent to starting a war with all races in the galaxy.

If the strong men at the level of large galaxies do not take action, then Feng Jiutian will have nothing to fear.

Because the gap between large galaxies and small galaxies is like the gap between the Milky Way and the solar system.

Okay! Done!

The task is accepted and completed, within a limited time, within ten days.

W-What! In ten days?!

Don't worry, as long as you kill the sinful and powerful men below the level of the major galaxy, you will get a reward. This reward can kill five of them.

With these words from the Super God Phoenix System, Feng Jiutian immediately felt at ease.

If so, then he did it!

Among Blue Stars, the corners of Li Quan's mouth were slightly raised, looking very evil.

It is really difficult to get rid of all threatening enemies for Blue Star. Although, for Li Quan, it only takes a moment. However, if there are ready-made tools that people don't need, it would be a price drop to do it personally.

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