Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 117 Confession!

At this time, Li Zhen was sitting on the sofa in the small villa, and opposite Li Zhen was Ao Xue, who looked uncomfortable.

Little girl, are you really the apprentice of that brat Li Quan?

Yes, yes, I am the master's apprentice. After hearing this, Ao Xue answered directly without much hesitation.

However, his tone was a bit unnatural, as if he was extremely shy.

What can this brat teach you?

While speaking, Li Zhen directly picked up the scriptures placed on the table and looked at them, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

Did that brat give you these scriptures?

Yes, they were all given to me by the master. Ao Xue was at a loss when she heard Li Zhen being so excited and could only answer honestly.

She was confused. It wasn't just scriptures. Li Quan had given her dozens more volumes.

Why is everyone so excited when they see this scripture?

Regardless of whether it was the Holy Phoenix Feng San or the Nine Saints, the Holy Son of the Nine Heavens, they were all as excited and surprised as Li Zhen now after seeing the scriptures.

This stinky boy, this stinky boy, he hides it so well. These are the lost scriptures of Taoism and Buddhism in ancient times. Where did this stinky boy get it?

Dad, don't you have a deep understanding of yourself? At this moment, Li Quan's voice suddenly sounded next door to Li Zhen.

Li Zhen was startled when he heard Li Quan's voice.

You brat, why did you suddenly appear next door to me?

No! Where did you get these scriptures?

Tell me honestly how long you have been hiding from us!

After hearing this, Li Quan smiled helplessly, then put his arm around Li Zhen's shoulder, and directly used the method of shrinking to an inch, and returned to Guangbei Village.

At this time, Wang Yun had been holding the demon-killing bow for a long time, standing on the balcony, seeming to be wary of the surroundings.

Once a demon appears, Wang Yun will pull the demon-killing bow in his hand.

Mom. At this moment, Wang Yun heard Li Quan's voice suddenly and looked back subconsciously.

When he saw the figures of Li Quan and Li Zhen, he slapped Li Quan and Li Zhen on the foreheads respectively.

You two guys, do you want to scare me to death?

This will make it easier for you to find a wife and new mother, right?

Li Quan directly shrank to the ground and led Li Zhen behind Wang Yun. Wang Yun, who was highly concentrated, was disturbed and was naturally startled.

No, but Mom, you don't need to be vigilant, the problem has been solved.

Solved? How are you sure?

Because I solved this matter myself. Soon, Li Quan went downstairs with his parents and told his secret.

Of course, the issue regarding the Ultimate Shenron’s evolution system has not yet been revealed.

So, you suddenly turned into a real dragon a month ago, and Lan Lan and the others are the incarnations of Blue Star's will?

Yes, that's it. Although it's hard for you to accept, this is the truth.

Obviously, Li Quan's explanation was a bit difficult to accept for the two elders who had long been practitioners.

Especially Wang Yun, Li Quan was born in Wang Yun's tenth month of pregnancy, how could he suddenly be related to the Dragon Clan?

Moreover, Li Quan is actually a true dragon of the Dragon Clan.

What a true dragon is is also clear to the practitioners.

This is the supreme existence among the Dragon Clan and the origin of the Dragon Clan.

His son suddenly became the highest status being among the dragon clan. Is this a dream?

Although I don't know what happened to me, you will always be my parents. As he said this, Li Quan hugged the two elders directly.

Seeing this, the two elders could only accept this truth.

Moreover, this is a good thing. From another perspective, since they are Li Quan's parents, don't they also have the highest status in the dragon clan?

Suddenly, the two finally understood why the dragon statue suddenly broke into pieces when they worshiped it at the Dragon Temple.

Since the dragon statue represents Li Quan, where in the world are there parents who kneel to their sons?

As long as a son kneels down to his parents and parents kneels down to their son, his son will naturally be unable to bear it and become broken.

So, you kid already knew that we are cultivators last time?

Yeah, of course. Li Quan didn't deny it, but luckily he admitted it.

You brat, that means you know everything we did before?

Li Quan smiled and said nothing. It's better not to be subtle about this kind of thing.

You stinky boy! Why don't you know how to seize the opportunity! The second elder was almost pissed off, this stinky boy.

Okay, Mom, you don't have to worry about me anymore.

As long as you are alive, by the way, this is for you. While saying this, Li Quan directly spent 10 billion in the system store to redeem an ability called True Dragon Blessing.

True Dragon's Blessing requires consuming one's own blood essence before it can be used.

Once a person or an item is blessed with the blessing of a true dragon, that person will have one ten thousandth of Li Quan's own strength.

With Li Quan's current strength, which is one ten thousandth, it is not a problem to directly defeat the star level.

Of course, this true dragon's blessing will only be automatically triggered when encountering danger, and will not be triggered normally.

This can be regarded as a life-saving device for your parents.

Although it is said that consuming essence and blood will cause one's own strength to decline, the essence and blood can be restored, but the lives of the parents cannot be restored.

Even if Li Quan believed that no one could hurt his parents in his hands, unless Wang Yun and Li Zhen committed suicide.

After condensing a few drops of essence and blood, Li Quan's face seemed a little pale, but it was quickly covered up.

Li Quan directly put the True Dragon Blessing on Li Zhen and Wang Yun. With the True Dragon Blessing, Li Quan finally felt at ease.

At this time, Li Quan also fell into a weak state. However, despite this, Li Quan's basic strength was still at the level of a large galaxy.

Moreover, there are many ways to improve his strength. Even if he is weak, no one in the galaxy can be Li Quan's opponent.

Okay, Dad, Mom, you should practice hard. Only in this way can we be together forever. Li Quan's parents are of pure human blood, and only pure human blood can learn the Demon Slaying Art and use it. Demon-killing sword, demon-killing bow.

Originally, Li Zhen and Wang Yun wanted to tell Li Quan this secret after Li Quan got tired from outside, but they didn't expect that everything changed too quickly.

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