Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1126: Guessing the cold

The attacking means of the strange statue was completely resisted by all four.

Then, the mysterious pattern above the weird statue shines more radiantly, and when everyone resists its offensive, it separates the space of the entire crystal hall.

There are five space cracks, which appear directly in the crystal hall, and divide the crystal hall into five different parts.

“Five different spaces, each person must be responsible for one part?”

When Jiang Shenwu saw this situation, he thought of this for the first time.

At this moment, he and Gu Xinyue were staying together. They all looked at each other and then nodded and turned and separated.

Although the space in the Crystal Hall is divided, but they want to move, it seems that it can also be done. For example, Gu Xinyue, it is extremely easy to shuttle the void to the space adjacent to Jiang Shenwu.

As for the others, it is now just one person occupying a space, and five people appear in the five directions of the strange statue.

"I don't know what will happen next..."

Jiang Shenwu carefully looked at the strange human figure in the middle, guessing what the purpose of the space division of the crystal palace is, while thinking about how to defeat this strange human figure.

However, now he has not seen the strange human figure above, what is the same weakness as before.

The weakness of the human figure before, although not obvious, but can be found carefully, the light emitted is not the same as other parts.

But now this strange human figure is completely integrated, and there is no difference between other parts.

The strange human figure statue, after cutting the entire crystal temple into five areas, followed by the virtual power of space attributes, began to condense in one of the spaces... This space is the place where Su night is located. Space.

Su night eyes wide open, carefully looking at the cohesive space attribute imaginary power, and soon found that this turned out to be a space attribute condensed into a similar thing to the summoned object, looks like an eyeball from the appearance.

The eye of space!

Let's call it for a while, the space of the space attributed by the power of the virtual space appears in the space where Su night is located. Then, the body is actually continuing to condense the power of the virtual, and then condense into the virtual The force beam, it seems that you want to launch an attack against the night.

"I can't move."

Suddenly, the body of the sixteen-winged demon **** of Su night stopped doing any movement in that space.

Her whole face has become somewhat difficult to look at. Obviously, she did not think that the eye of the space actually has such ability?

Can actually let her be in this space can not move!

At this time, it is obvious that the other four people can act, but... Jiang Shenwu wants to go through the void and go to the night to protect her, but finds the space power in the entire crystal hall at this moment. Has been cured.

That is to say, at this moment they can no longer use the means of space shuttle, so the crystal palace area that has been divided is already an insurmountable scorpio for them!

This surviving master was a super strong supreme powerhouse during his lifetime, so the means he left behind was naturally not solved by Jiang Shenwu, the masters of these royal peaks.

It seems that this time the division of space and the emergence of the eye of space have certain rules. The master of this supreme relic wants to break into the explorer who can explore and solve the problems left by him within this rule. .

"The eye of space began to gather strength, and there was still half a musk time, and it was able to kill Su night in one fell swoop."

Jiang Shenwu’s face sank.

He is not aware of the specific strength of Su night, but Su Ye is obviously not the kind of demon gods who cultivated the flesh... Even the inheritance of the 16-winged demon god, its advantage is not in the physical aspect.

Therefore, in the case of being unable to move, Su night is definitely an offensive that cannot block the eye of the space.

Once more than half of the musk time can't break the eye of the space, Su night is likely to die here!

"Now we can't walk through the void, and our power can't cross this piece of divided space. Can we just watch her being killed?"

"There must be any way!"

Jiang Shenwu constantly thinks about it, and at the same time, he keeps watching the situation of his own space.

The entire crystal palace was divided into five spaces, absolutely no reason, but everyone has not found the reason yet...

"I found something."

At this moment, the bones of the bones of the royal family suddenly passed a sentence.

The area where the bone dragon is located is on the right side of the night of the night. At this time, the bone dragon of the incarnation of the cold body directly said, “In my area, it seems to be different from you. I have a bright spot here. It seems to be connected to the eye of the space in front of the girl in the night."

"This light spot is on the side of the weird statue, just in the middle of my area...that is, only I can destroy this spot."

The sound of the cold is chilly. Obviously, he probably guessed the type of crisis against Su night. What kind of type is it!

"I have experienced many intermediate ruins. I have seen such tests. Some owners who have no traces of relics, they suspect that the ruins may be different repairers, so they set up deliberately. Some test levels to help people help each other."

"It's ridiculous... We are cultivators of different races~www.novelmtl.com~ fighting for their own races, who would be willing to help other races if there is no temptation?"

When the cold said this, the feelings of Jiang Shenwu, Gu Xinyue and Su Ye sank.

What does this mean?

Is this guy going to fight against water at this time? Directly killing Su night at this time, it seems that no one else can save her!

Jiang Shenwu’s face sank and he was trying to persuade, but he heard the cold and suddenly chuckled. “Don’t misunderstand. I just said something casually. At least for now, we haven’t had the need to turn our faces. Let’s join hands. It is possible to get more relics, isn't it?"

After the cold said this sentence, there is no extra movement, direct shot, countless white bones thorn into a whirlwind, directly hit the side of the strange statue, a light spot to bombardment!

At this stage, he does not have to kill the night, let alone... is it likely that his own life will be in the hands of others?

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