Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1127: Wing opening

After weighing the pros and cons, Yu Han decided to help Su night.

After all, no one knows if they will encounter the same situation, and life and death are in the hands of others!

With the warmth of the strange statue above, the light that is charging the eyes of the space in front of Su night is broken, the eyes of the space are somewhat stagnant, and the power does not continue to grow.

But before everyone else breathed a sigh of relief, then everyone saw the eye of the space began to grow energy!

Once the eye of the space grows to a certain extent, I am afraid that the night will be wiped out by the power of the eye of this space, and this time... the spring star of the Polaris tribe said straightforwardly, "The light is in my space, I Break him directly."

At this time, the spring star can be said to be a good speculation on the situation in the field.

His position is on the right side of the cold, so he said that the first decision is to protect the cold, and then he decided that Jiang Shenwu, then Gu Xinyue, could not be followed by accidents. It can be said that in addition to the Soviet night that cannot move, As long as any other person wants to let the night die, Su night will not survive.

This is very simple.

Under such circumstances, no one dares to make fun of his own life. Who knows if he will turn himself later?

So, if you can help, try to help, and if everyone gathers together, people will be more powerful and more suitable for the next action... Anyway, there is no deep hatred between them, even now there is no conflict of interests. There is no need to kill other people at all.

With Quan Tianxing's shot, the light spots appearing in his area were broken, and then there was a light spot in the area where Jiang Shenwu was located.

All of this also fits the guesswork of everyone, and what to do next, you don't need to say more.

When Jiang Shenwu will appear in his area, the light clicks and breaks, and then Gu Xinyue also breaks the light in the area. When the four people click on the light, Su night directly screams, "I can move, but ...the eyes of this space are still there, and still accumulate energy!"

Everyone was shocked.

They found that the light point that energized the eye of the space was actually above the head of the weird statue! Above the top of the head, there is a place where all five pieces of space that are separated cannot be touched. It is a restricted area.

In other words, no one can save the night after the next.

However, the difference is that now that Su night has moved, this should be the test of the statue for her.

As the power of the eye of the space continues to converge, Su night is also the most secure preparation. On the one hand, it is trying to resist the power of the eye of the space. On the other hand, it is also trying to find a way to directly crush the eye of space. Drop it.

"This little girl... It’s still a little worse than your kid. The power of this space is not weak. I’m afraid she can’t resist it. Can you help her?”

The ancestors of the demon gods voiced in the mind of Jiang Shenwu.

Jiang Shenwu has some helplessness. "Now I can't cross the barrier of space isolation. Even my strength can't pass through. I have just tried it. How can I help her?"

"You forgot that you have the power to swallow?"

"The power of swallowing, as long as you use it properly, you can completely swallow these barriers of isolation space!"

Devil's ancestors naturally said, "Of course, your level of power is still too weak. You may not be able to take these barriers... But who told you that you must let you go to help her? Listen, the deity is ten. The six-winged demon god, now the so-called sixteen-winged demon **** inheritance, is really too weak!"

"Although some means have been taught to them before, but they have not let them all unravel the power... The deity, the source of the power of the 16-winged demon god, is from the sixteen wings!"

"Sixteen wings, for the deity, like your hands, dragon claws, is the innate thing, the unlocking of the seal will have super strength, this process, the deity called it 'feathering solution'! ”

"The wings have been opened, the deity has been carried out fifteen times in total, the last time ... how can not succeed, the deity is also doubtful about the blood of the deity, but these do not discuss, say the royal family of the demon god, they seem to be fundamental I don't know how to open the wings!"

"Also, the deity has left a lot of heritage. The royal family of these demon gods is the family that has been passed down from the ruins of the deity. The deity's method of opening the wings is not recorded in the relics."

"The soul of the deity, but also until the encounter with the little girl, wake up, or else, hey, now still asleep in the so-called demon sacred object!"

"If you don't say much, just tell me about the situation of this wing." The body of the 16-winged demon god, since it has been passed down by the deity, then the blood force must be owned, you can try the wing to open the solution, the first four The difficulty of opening the second wing is not high, but it is also quite dangerous."

"There is a similarity to the Nirvana of the ancient phoenix. When the wings are opened, what kind of power is combined, and the wings that are solved will have that type of power. Now the power of the eye of the space is quite advanced, if Being able to integrate that power into his own wings, the power of this little girl is not too weak."

"Boy, you will pass the first method of spreading the wings to the little girl according to the deity!"

With the ancestors' consciousness of the demon gods, there are some messages about the opening of the wings in Jiang Shenwu's mind. These messages can be said to be invaluable for the demon kings, but Jiang Shenwu certainly cannot shake all his brains out. of.

So ~www.novelmtl.com~ Jiang Shenwu just intercepted some of them, that is, the first method of opening the wings, passed to Su night by means of sound.

"This is the method of opening the wings. The wings of the 16-winged demon gods are very useful for your strength improvement, and now it is just right for you to carry out this method."

"You can use this method to combine the power of the explosion of the space to solve your first wing. From then on, you can combine the power of the eye of the space to make your wing have a stronger special ability!"

This piece of news passed over, so that the face of the night of Su is so shocked that I don’t know what to say.

Wings open solution?

How to improve the 16-winged demon god?

Although many people of the Demon and the royal family suspect that the devil of the 16-winged demon **** in the demon sacred object has already reached the body of Jiang Shenwu, but it has not been conclusive... Now Jiang Shenwu has even proposed a wing to open the solution!

Is it true that the soul of the 16-winged demon **** is really not in the body of Jiang Shenwu?

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