Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1125: Spooky statue

Just as the ninth-level peak of the Imperial level has come to explore this intermediate ruins, almost all the peaks of the Imperial level will be involved in the space, otherwise it will not be the opponent of other powerful players of the same level.

Once you have mastered the space, you can fight back, you can chase and run, and the combat flexibility will increase. You can make the right choice no matter what the complicated situation.

Basically, the inheritance of each family will reach the fifth level of the Imperial level and will begin to study the space.

Of course, the virtual human race is a race that specializes in the power of space attributes. Their inheritance power is related to space itself. From the beginning of cultivation, it is mastering and comprehending space. This determines the virtual human family in the same realm. The power of attribute power must be greater than that of other races.

There are of course exceptions, but if the two sides are equally geniuses, then this is basically the case.

Jiang Shenwu has not absorbed the idea of ​​this space for the time being. This thing is very valuable, but it is also very useful for himself... If he wants to sell it, he doesn’t know, anyway, now Su night is watching, he can’t Only swallowed, can only say after leaving.

This time he explored the harvest of the intermediate relics, but 30% of it needs to be handed over to the demon gods.

The five broken and weak points of the human figure statues all flew a ray of light, and each of them took the light into the bag.

Gu Xinyue and Su Ye, Jiang Shenwu knows that they all got a stimulating material of space attributes. As for Jiang Shenwu himself, it is space condensation.

And what have you got from the cold and the spring stars?

This point, Jiang Shenwu they have no way of knowing!

Before they were included in the bag, they were all a group of light. No one could see what was inside. However, the space that Jiang Shenwu could get this time should be regarded as a better reward.

The cold and the spring stars do not say, then Jiang Shenwu is too lazy to ask what they got.

At this moment, five people stayed in this crystal palace, and they were alert to each other. No one knows what kind of moves will be made after the humanoid statues send out the rewards. Will there be any next test? ?

Will the cooperation test directly become a competitive test?

No one knows this, so the five people are guarding each other... Of course, Jiang Shenwu does not need to guard Gu Xinyue. For Su night, there is also a trust of ninety-nine, and there is no need to worry too much.

It is the relationship between the cold and the spring stars, although they are united, but in fact it is impossible to be as close as Jiang Shenwu.

After all, Jiang Shenwu and Gu Xinyue have different relationships. As for Su Ye, now it is absolutely cooperative with Jiang Shenwu, and it is absolutely impossible for Jiang Shenwu to turn his face. The demon king does not want to have sixteen wings. How does the Demon God inherit the way?

Jiang Shenwu still has a lot of means to help the demon kings!

In any case, Jiang Shenwu is a group of three people, almost a piece of iron barrels. As for the cold and spring stars, they can only say that they are superficial cooperation, secretly guarding each other.

Just after the five people were on less than half a musk time, the human figure in the field suddenly appeared again. This time, the various patterns on the human figure have all changed, and the five weak points that were originally broken and broken are here. All of a moment disappeared.

What appeared in front of Jiang Shenwu is a brand new human figure!

Moreover, the breath of the humanoid statue is more horrible than that of the previous human figure, and it is even more powerful!

The original statue was expressionless, but now the face of this human figure is a strange smile, which looks like it is alive, giving a feeling of strangeness.

"The statue has changed, be careful!"

Jiang Shenwu immediately reminded him.

Then, the space around the Crystal Palace suddenly changed!

Jiang Shenwu felt that the surrounding space suddenly shrank, as if the whole space was beginning to concentrate, and he would squeeze his dragon's body and explode in the air!

Jiang Shenwu’s subconscious desire to use the shadows to escape the squeezing space, but he soon discovered that in this space he could not display the space ability.


Jiang Shenwu’s Great Sadness Dragon Seal directly bursts with golden light, shrouded in the body of Jiang Shenwu’s Black Dragon.

At this time, Gu Xinyue was very close to Jiang Shenwu, and Jiang Shenwu was even protected together with her.

"Glorious stone!"

Jiang Shenwu feels the squeezing and cohesion of the surrounding space power, knowing that this is the first wave of the new and strange statue, I am afraid it is a strong offensive, it must be resisted!

"It seems that this is still a cooperative test, and I don't know how many times the statue will change. Every change, you will get the reward after defeating!"

Jiang Shenwu thought to himself that the things that followed up became a little excited.

If so, as long as they beat enough statues, they will get enough rewards!

Even if Gu Xinyue gets the space attribute flaring material, it is worth at least 30,000 gold dragon coins. Because it is a space attribute, it is extremely rare in the market. It can be seen that every time you defeat the statue, you can get a huge harvest. .

This makes Jiang Shenwu a great interest in the challenge statue~www.novelmtl.com~ I just don't know if other people who enter the intermediate ruins are like them, and the group of five people is challenging this kind of human form. statue?

Ginger God's brilliant stone power, bursting with golden light, shrouded him and Gu Xinyue, directly resisting the squeeze and condensation of the surrounding space!

He looked around and found that the body of the dragon's bone dragon was very tough, and there was a white bone light on the body. Although it showed a twisted shape under the space squeeze, it was not hurt by itself. Very strong, the defense ability is not lost to Jiang Shenwu.

Of course, if Jiang Shenwu does not want to protect Gu Xinyue together, he does not necessarily need to use brilliant stones. He should be able to get it by his own ability, but he is not sure... This makes Jiang Shenwu know that he is now positive. I am afraid there is still some distance from the cold.

The ability to keep out the cold is very strong, and it has not been shown up all the time.

As for the Spring Star, the sound of the mouth is no longer strong, but this time there is also a burst of starlight, which squeezes the space out of its own star gods, and the star gods look like some riddled wolverines. However, the power of its outbreak is absolutely unambiguous, directly blocking the squeeze of the surrounding space!

On the other side of the night, the body of the 16-winged demon **** has been squeezed by the space, but it can be seen that the surface of her magic body is condensed with a dark black light. It is obvious that the existence of this dark black light has blocked the surrounding space.

However, under the squeezing of the surrounding light, the body of her 16-winged demon **** looks more slim and attractive...

Everyone blocked the offensive!

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