Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1032: Devouring time

There are still many people outside who noticed the scene of Jiang Shenwu.

Especially on the side of the Dragon Protoss, many people have been paying attention to Jiang Shenwu, not to mention the fact that there are now 16 blocks. Now this one is the closest one to the Dragon Gods. They naturally pay attention to Jiang Shenwu.

The battle between Jiang Shenwu and the young and powerful of the virtual human race has made many dragon warriors look disappointed.

Jiang Shenwu is undoubtedly one of the strongest people in the fourth layer of the Dragon Emperor at the current stage of Longwu mainland.

But in the face of this virtual human being, it seems that the other side's appearance is not what it is, nor does it know that the other party is too strong, or is Jiang Shenwu not strong enough, not strong enough to crush?

No matter what, now Jiang Shenwu has finally violently attacked and directly attacked the past with the opponent's virtual power ripples!

The power of terror suddenly burst into the air above the ring.

Xiaobai, of course, and other people's faces are tight. Although they all know that Jiang Shenwu's defense ability is very strong, the opponent's virtual power ripple is obviously not so easy to resist.

next moment.

On the platform of the battlefield, Jiang Shenwu’s Black Dragon’s body finally appeared again, appearing in the center of the power vortex of the virtual force ripples, and most importantly, Jiang Shenwu’s body now looks like a little injury. .

Even with the flesh of the dragon's body, the opponent's offensive was directly resisted!

At this moment, many people have issued a cheering voice on the side of the Dragon Gods.

The other young man of the virtual human race, who seems to be incomparably violent offensive, was actually blocked by Jiang Shenwu directly with the body of the dragon. This is undoubtedly representative, this young man of the virtual human race may not be able to help Jiang Shenwu?


The young and strong people of the virtual human race saw the shape, and the calm eyes also showed a touch of dignity.

He took out a imaginary soldier from his arms.

This imaginary power soldier, Jiang Shenwu feels that it is a heavenly imaginary power soldier, the most powerful soldier that the royal class can use!

However, this imaginary power soldier has not been flamboyant, so the power is not comparable to Jiang Shenwu's vain ghost book and the Great Sadness Dragon Seal. Of course, Jiang Shenwu will never scorn each other.

Not to mention the strange ability of the other imaginary power soldier, even if it is just a simple attack type of warrior, used to add to the just the kind of virtual force ripple shock, not **** Shenwu is now able to withstand the physical body.

In any case, Jiang Shenwu took a cautious attitude and directly launched the power of the body that lacks the ice fire dragon!

The two forces of ice and fire, around the body of his black dragon, together condensed into a pillar of fire and an icicle, swept directly toward the young strong man of the virtual human race, the power of terror broke out at this moment!

The lack of ice and fire dragons, in addition to the ability to swallow, his ice and fire power is also incomparably violent, this can be seen from the nine-marked heaven and earth holy ring.

The power of ice and fire broke out in an instant, shrouded the young strong man of the virtual human race.

The young strong man of the virtual human family took out a imaginary power soldier. It was a super-powerful warrior like a watch. He watched the power of the ice and fire of Jiang Shenwu directly. He directly spurred the watch. The same imaginary power soldiers, in which they immediately condensed a layer of virtual power barrier, the impact of ice and fire directly against the virtual force barrier.

"This attack seems to be very strong, but it still can't break my defense!"

The young strong man of the virtual human race is obviously not so good to deal with. His look is cold and cold, and then the imaginary power soldier burst out the most horrible power, condensing a vain force at a speed of incomparable horror. Ripple, then, this ripples rushed toward Jiang Shenwu, as if a blast of shock waves came oncoming!

This is a terrorist offensive that broke out with the imaginary powers. Its power is at least several times stronger! Jiang Shenwu absolutely does not dare to resist, but at this moment, he directly faces this shock wave, and then launches the ability between the devour of the ice-fire dragon!

When this ability was launched with the power of Jiang Shenwu's own devouring talent, he felt that everything around him suddenly became very slow.

Everything around me has been slowed down by two, three, four times... ten times, twenty times!

"The power of devouring, in line with the power of the ice-deficient dragon, is the seamless, the strongest force in the world."

The ancestors of the demon gods have some shocking feelings.

His consciousness is in the mind of Jiang Shenwu, so the time changes around him make him very shocked. It is possible to control according to the strength of the time level.

However, Jiang Shenwu now relies on the power of swallowing and the ability to lack the ice fire dragon, which makes the surrounding time slower! Or to make your own speed faster.

This ability to control time is very horrible, mainly because the power of engulfing strengthens the ability of the ice-deficient dragon to devour time. Otherwise, there is no such effect.

Even then, the flow of time around Jiang Shenwu was slowed down by a hundred times. This hundred times speed allowed Jiang Shenwu to do too much.

Everything in the world is conserved, especially in terms of energy and strength.

Jiang Shenwu's ability to control time, the most important source of energy is not Jiang Shenwu himself, but, he swallowed time from his opponent!

In other words, outside of this downfall, everything is normal.

But in the ring, it looks like the young and strong human beings are completely unmoved.

However, Jiang Shenwu began to cultivate directly. He began to absorb some of the treasures of heaven and earth. www.novelmtl.com~ These heavenly treasures contain the aura of heaven and earth, but they cannot respond to the power of talent, so there is no battle in the battlefield. Among them is prohibited.

The key is who will absorb this natural treasure in this battle? It is impossible! However, Jiang Shenwu has done it now.

He swallowed up the time of the young man of the virtual human race.

Let the young and powerful of the virtual human beings seem to be in the same place.

Jiang Shenwu used the time swallowed up to quickly absorb these heavenly treasures for improvement.

"No, the strength of the other party is still too weak. The conversion efficiency that is swallowed up at this time is not high!"

The ancestors of the demon **** quickly sighed and heard a voice.

One hundred times the time conversion efficiency is not high enough?

Jiang Shenwu is a little shocked. How high is the ancestor consciousness of the demon god?

The key is that now 100 times the time conversion efficiency has already given Jiang Shenwu an unparalleled advantage!

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