Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1033: Tireless

This efficiency is already terrible.

Even if it was just a short break, it was a hundred days for Jiang Shenwu.

Jiang Shenwu swallowed up the time of the other party's three interest, in exchange for his own three hundred times of time, used to absorb the aura of Tiancai Dibao, and improved his own cultivation.

Now, he is not too far away from the seventh round of reincarnation!

As long as he can take this step and defeat the reincarnation of the behemoth twice, his reincarnation will be stronger.

Of course, now is not the time to consider this.

Even the time of the three hundred interest rates is swaying. For Jiang Shenwu, the cultivation is only a drop in the bucket, but he tried it. This means of stealing the other party’s time to practice directly is entirely feasible. of.

It is only because the other side's cultivation is not very high, so the conversion efficiency can only be a hundred times at most.

When the time of the three hundred interest directly ended, Jiang Shenwu smashed the last five interest time, and quickly broke out his own power. With the most terrible impact, the nine-polar road dark dragon burst!

The seven-fold dark dragon burst directly rushed out and broke out on the ring!

For Jiang Shenwu, this game has been a long time, but for the rest of the people, it is just five breathing time.

I saw that the young and strong people of the virtual human race suddenly did not move, and then Jiang Shenwu did not move, it seems to be rapidly absorbing the look of heaven and earth aura, and finally Jiang Shenwu directly shocked the outbreak, bombing the young and powerful people of the virtual human race Flying out of the ring!

The seven-dark bomb exploded directly on the other side, so that the other party could not be blocked after being swallowed for a while, and it was even more impossible to fight back.

For the young and strong people of the virtual human race, it is just like a dream, and they have been seriously injured by the power of the seven-dark dragon explosion, and they have also been bombarded by this platform!

"Unfortunately, this method is too energy-intensive."

"Just just after the short five-interest time, I was exhausted by the power of devouring... and now there is no way to recover."

Jiang Shenwu was a little uncomfortable at this time.

He just wanted to try his own means. As a result, he broke out all at once and completely released the ability to lack the ice fire dragon, causing his power to be completely exhausted.

The power to change time comes from the time of the other party, but Jiang Shenwu has exhausted all his power by launching this ability... It can be seen that this method cannot be used in battle.

Or, you can control it when you use it.

For example, when Jiang Shenwu is dealing with the guy who just did not need a hundred times conversion efficiency, it is enough to have twice the conversion efficiency.

In this case, Jiang Shenwu can easily kill each other, but the consumption of Jiang Shenwu's power should be only one tenth of the present, and it is enough for him to perform ten times.

Of course, Jiang Shenwu is just trying it out to see what effect it has. Now, after trying it once, I will probably understand the specific situation.

"Fortunately, I have cultivated the dragon 秽 秽."

Jiang Shenwu is now practicing to the peak of the peak of the dragon, the recovery of his strength and healing speed are relatively fast.

So he took a little rest and the power of the body began to recover.

It is a pity that, before he had rested, another strong man from the ancient phoenix broke into the barrier and stepped on the platform.

This kind of battle against Taiwan is so fierce that it does not give people any chance to rest!

However, the strong can completely come up with both hands, even if the power is exhausted temporarily, there are still two opportunities to play.

Although this battle will last for three days, and the top 16 can only be the last 16 people standing on the ring.

However, if the performance in the early stage is good enough, it is said to be rewarded.

This is the secret bet of the top-ranking powerhouse, and the Emperor Shenlong has mentioned it with Jiang Shenwu... In addition to the ranking of the Taiwanese war, there are two rankings, one is the total time stuck in the ring, and The number of total opponents defeated in the ring.

The longer you stay in the ring, the more opponents you beat, and the higher the rankings in both.

This is a gambling game for the top-ranking strongman. It is also a question related to the allocation of some cultivation resources in the future. Of course, this problem is not said more than the ordinary practitioners, because there is no such necessity.

It’s just that some of the seed players among the various ethnic groups have been accounted for, saying that they should try to stay longer in the ring and beat more opponents.

So Jiang Shenwu thinks the same way.

He is best to stay in the ring for three days! In this way, at least one of the longest-lasting rankings in the ring can be obtained. As for the number of opponents, this is not something he can control.

If he has been in this ring for three days, then maybe other people will soon lose the intention to challenge him, because he is too strong, and the repeatedly challenged strong are repelled, others will not Indiscriminately came up to give him a head.

Jiang Shenwu carefully looked at the ancient Fengzu practitioners in front of him. He couldn’t see whether this was a man or a woman. After all, he could only see the body of the phoenix and phoenix that had been turned into a phoenix. There is an inexhaustible flame power. When I first came to this ring, I launched a fierce and unparalleled impact on Jiang Shenwu.

The endless flames of fire and sea spread over the ring.

This is the flame of burning the void!

Above the entire platform, even the void began to be burned up, and it was only in a flash that the fire and sea spread throughout the audience, and the entire Fenghuang tribe was also quite powerful.

However, Jiang Shenwu, now just a period of weakness, did not choose to fight against the other side, but directly broke out with the power of engulfing, spreading toward the surrounding, and began to devour the flames burned in the void.

These flames are extremely offensive. Even Jiang Shenwu’s power to swallow and devour will be burned by these flames for about half, in order to swallow all the power of these flames, and then transform them into the most pure talents of Jiang Shenwu. force.

Jiang Shenwu can be said to be a tireless machine on the ring! The power he had just consumed, the flame power swallowed by this matter, actually recovered at an extremely horrible speed.

However, at this moment, he is surrounded by horrible fires. These flames are full of colors, white, yellow, purple, black... all kinds of colors of flames are scattered throughout the audience, and Jiang Shenwu has been shrouded. It’s up!

Jiang Shenwu could feel that his dragon scales seemed to be burnt.

Chapter 1034, Lien Chan, Jie Jie

The inheritance of the control of the ancient phoenixes is still to have more flame power.

Basically, there are flames of various colors. Different colors of flames can burn different things. It is similar to those flame rings that were encountered by Jiang Shenwu in the ruins of the sky.

Some can burn the soul, some can burn the space, and so on, the power of the ancient phoenix is ​​similar.

Jiang Shenwu’s current power of ice and fire is entirely a kind of very basic use. Although he has the inheritance of the ice-deficient dragon, the power of this aspect is not proficient, and if he wants to exert his stronger power, Jiang Shenwu also needs to get something else that belongs to the heritage of the ice-deficient dragon.

This vein is said to be relatively small in number, but each vein is a strong terrorist strong, and the blood of the ice-fired dragon is also a rare type in this world.

If Jiang Shenwu finds other bones that are lacking in the ice-fire dragons and inherits them, then Jiang Shenwu’s use of the lack of ice will be much improved.

Of course, for now, this possibility is still relatively small, so Jiang Shenwu basically did not study the ice and fire power in the ice-deficient dragon, and did not expect it.

Now the flame power of this ancient phoenix strongman, this is the real flame power!

Now Jiang Shenwu is wrapped in a sea of ​​fire. He feels that his body is not only burning, but his spirit and soul are burning as well, but he is constantly engulfing the surrounding flames. The resistance of the flame has reached its limit.

As long as he swallows it for a while, his resistance will increase to the extent of terror.

This is what he is now condensing the power of reincarnation!

At this time, Jiang Shenwu felt that he was burned, but basically it was like the iron was baked by the fire. There was no deep feeling. He could even swim like a swim in this sea of ​​fire, without any danger.

Of course, the precondition is that Jiang Shenwu must maintain his own guardian posture of the dragon and the body, or else he will be burned in an instant.

The attack power of these flames is not a joke!

If you change to someone else, I am afraid that I can only use the means of defense in this piece of fire, and I will continue to support it. I don’t even have the chance to counterattack.

And now...

Jiang Shenwu squats in a sea of ​​fire, like a fish swimming in the flames, as if he has not been battered by any flame power.

At this time, he swiftly swept toward the ancient Fengfeng strongman, and the Jiuzhongjidao dark dragon burst!

The effect of the lack of ice fire dragons, Jiang Shenwu has already tried, it can be said that now he can only produce a certain effect with his own power of devouring, in the environment of the battle of Taiwan, it is not very suitable for display.

Therefore, he basically gave up, there is no need to use this means to come out, anyway, relying on the transformation efficiency of this event, he is not likely to break through the realm within this short period of time.

He swept the ancient Feng nationality strong, and the ancient Feng family strong, surrounded by the flames of his own, he can completely control the position of Jiang Shenwu.

Feel the attack of Jiang Shenwu, a flame barrier appeared directly in front of him, and stopped in the path of Jiang Shenwu.

Unfortunately, Jiang Shenwu shuttles the void in this moment!

Originally, the place where the flame is located is that even the space is burning. If others want to shuttle the void, they must first break through his flame.

But for Jiang Shenwu, his perception of the power of the virtual is beyond the level of the cultivator at this level, so he just broke out casually and directly ran through the void, appearing in this ancient Behind the Fengzuo repairers.

Then, it was the seven-dark dragon explosion, which exploded in the back of the ancient Fengfeng strongman. The horrible power exploded and became ripples, and the flame-phoenix body of the ancient Fengfeng strongman was heavily bombarded.

The strength of this ancient phoenix strongman is obviously not as good as that of the virtual tyrant.

Of course, this is only a targeted issue. If the Gufeng strongman asked him to deal with a thousand or even 10,000-level masters, he could easily kill them all.

However, it was replaced by Jiang Shenwu. In the face of the 10,000-level Dragon King class, it is very difficult to get those people out of the net.

This ancient Fengfeng strongman was born entirely for the war. All the cultivation efforts are directed by a wide range of attacks. Therefore, in the current battle against Taiwan, it is impossible to exert a strong ability.

The so-called industry has a specialization. At the time of the war, the martial arts and the types of warfare that each person cultivates will have different influences.

After all, not everyone, only improve their own fighting power.

There are even many practitioners who are proficient in concealment and assassination. The fighting style of this ability is even more inferior in the ring. Because the other party has prepared for your hidden assassination, it is extremely difficult to play the original effect. It can even be said that even half of the strength can not be played.

However, if it is not in the battle of the ring, if it is placed in a place where there is no relic, the means of concealing the type of assassination will be able to dominate the entire remains.

This is the difference in the types of capabilities that result in different situations for each battle.

Fortunately, these methods that Jiang Shenwu is now practicing are still suitable for various combat situations, and there is nothing special to restrain his scene.

The ancient Feng nationality strong was defeated by Jiang Shenwu!

This makes many Longwu people in Longwu mainland feel a little shocked~www.novelmtl.com~The strength of Jiang Shenwu is still strong, the first virtual human opponent does not even know how to lose, and this second The opponents of the ancient phoenix family were restrained by Jiang Shenwu and directly blasted off the court.

Next, the third opponent is from the demon god, is the inheritor of the blood of a black wolf demon, is proficient in strength and speed, and has stronger physical ability than Jiang Shenwu.

However, the inheritance of the blood of this black wolf demon god, although the attack and strength are tyrannical, it is completely restrained by the ability of Jiang Shenwu's virtual power to comprehend.

Once Jiang Shenwu could not resist, he directly shuttled to the enemy's offensive to avoid the opponent's offensive. Of course, the other party also had some means to trap the enemy, but these means of enemies were all cracked by Jiang Shenwu.

In the end, Jiang Shenwu once again bombed the other side with the bombing of the Seven Dark Dragons.

I have to say that Jiang Shenwu's combat power is very strong, and the most horrible thing is that he has experienced three fierce battles in succession. During the period, he seems to have exhausted, but after all, he was recovered by some special means.

This is the most shocking place for the other great races around!

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