Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1031: Virtual human strong

Jiang Shenwu was only slightly surprised when he faced this young and powerful young man from the virtual family. He was not too concerned.

In fact, it is almost impossible for someone on the fourth floor of the current Imperial to reach the strength of Jiang Shenwu. Unless it is from the other nine races, it comes from the existence of the royal family. If there is such a presence, it will have the same level of warfare as him. This level of warriors is undergoing glory.

And the martial arts of cultivation will be the top of the class. Basically, only such an opponent can defeat Jiang Shenwu.

Now, the young and powerful of the virtual human beings is obviously just a general young strong.

The other party's virtual totem appeared, shrouded in the body of all his robes, and the virtual totem was almost a thousand feet high. The horrible power of the horror turned into ripples, condensed into the river, swept over Jiang Shenwu, swept across the ring. .

Jiang Shenwu has become the body of the Black Dragon. At this level of the battle, unless it meets the top four-level opponent of the Imperial level, Jiang Shenwu does not intend to use his virtual book and the Great Sadness. .

So at this moment, he directly displayed the dexterous posture of the dragon and the body, and then the entire body of the dragon was instantly disappeared in the field... shuttled the void!

Jiang Shenwu, who shuttled through the void, instantly avoided the direction of the other's void ripples and appeared behind the virtual human strong.

There is only one incense time for each battle in the ring, but a musk time is enough for Jiang Shenwu to defeat this level of opponents.

Jiang Shenwu shuttled behind the other side of the air, the other side is also extremely quick response, the first time to realize the movement of Jiang Shenwu, and then turned back to Jiang Shenwu broke out a burst of power.

The strong man of the virtual human race, the vain martial arts practiced by him, is quite powerful, but it is rather cumbersome in comparison, and the sinuous power ripples like a horrible wave of waves sweeping toward Jiang Shenwu.

However, Jiang Shenwu suddenly sneaked through the void, and the whole dragon's body appeared above the other's head.

This scene finally made the young man of the virtual human race look a little ugly, he did not expect Jiang Shenwu to be able to continue to shuttle the void!

Generally speaking, this requires the repairer's understanding of the power of the virtual to reach a superb level, even if he can't make a continuous shuttle, but Jiang Shenwu actually shuttles the void twice, showing that Jiang Shenwu is against the virtual force. The understanding has exceeded him.

In fact, Jiang Shenwu's inheritance and comprehension in the power of the virtual power may not be as good as the young strong man of the virtual human race, but the key is that Jiang Shenwu's sorrowful sorrowful flash has a stronger control over the void.

In comparison, the aspect that this young virgin strongman is good at is obviously not in this.

Jiang Shenwu appeared in the sky above the other's head, and there were seven rays of dark dragon bursting directly. Then the power of the seven dark dragons swept toward the other side... The power of the seven-strong polar dragon burst and blasted in front of each other. open!

Such a terrible offensive, replaced by Xiaobai, they all have to use all the strength to resist, but ... in front of this virtual human being, the young and powerful, the virtual totem of the whole body is suddenly shining.

This ray of light is a translucent radiance, which is filled with incomparably rich and powerful forces, and together they become a void disk!

Jiang Shenwu’s seven-fold dark dragon burst all bombarded the empty disk, and all the explosive powers were absorbed into the empty disk...

Jiang Shenwu’s face changed.

His offensive did not have any effect on the young strong man of the virtual human race. It turned out that he was directly transferred by the other side with a strange virtual human martial art. This also means that Jiang Shenwu’s offensive is useless.

In this way, he can only use the more primitive approach to deal with the other party.

"The power to swallow!"

Jiang Shenwu did not have any panic. He watched the emptied disk of the other side transfer his offensive, and he shuttled the void for the first time and reached the wave of the virtual force that had just been launched twice.

The main reason is that the power of engulfing broke out, and began to absorb these virtual power waves, and the power of horror swallowed, so that Jiang Shenwu swallowed these virtual forces quickly, and made his resistance to the virtual force fast at this moment. Enhanced.

At the same time, Jiang Shenwu also displayed the guardian posture of the dragon.

Since you can't deal with each other with a strong attack, you can directly guard against the damage of the other party, so that any attack by the other party will not cause any threat to Jiang Shenwu. In this way, Jiang Shenwu will be invincible!

First in an invincible position, create a favorable condition for yourself, and then Jiang Shenwu wants to try the means of missing the ice fire dragon.

At this time, the young and strong people of the virtual human race have apparently reacted, following the movement of Jiang Shenwu, and continually erupting into the virtual force of Jiang Shenwu.

The rippled offensive that he cultivated is a very powerful means for him, and Jiang Shenwu found that this guy is using this wave of raids to get faster and faster. It is obvious that this imaginary martial arts is exerted. It will be faster and faster, and it has such a feature.

In this way, the virtual force ripple will soon be spread all over the field. No matter whether Jiang Shenwu is dodging fast, it will face the direct impact of this virtual force ripple.

By that time, the young and strong people of the virtual human race felt that their victory was coming.

After all, although his offensive is slower, but the power is great, the key is that as long as he is allowed to launch enough times, he can achieve the state of this move when he raises his hand. This is the effect of this imaginary martial art. .

Have a immersive effect of virtual power!

The speed at which he launched any vaginal martial arts became extremely horrible.

In the field, the ripples of the virtual force are constantly erupting ~www.novelmtl.com~ continue to bombard the past with Jiang Shenwu, but while Jiang Shenwu is dodging himself, he still absorbs the power of these virtual power ripples with the power of engulfing.

After the opponent broke out about ten offensives, Jiang Shenwu felt that he had been able to withstand the sham force attack of 90%, and the resistance to the virtual force reached the strongest level.

"Almost, it's time."

Jiang Shenwu's face is slightly dark, and his mood is still a little nervous.

He displayed the guardian posture of the dragon and the body. After the other side of the virtual force ripples broke out, he did not dodge for the first time, but greeted the opponent's offensive!

Almost until this time, the audience has been filled with the power of the virtual force, he wants to dodge it is difficult to dodge.

Of course, this difficulty is still simpler than the original Crystal Arrows level, but in this level of fighting, Jiang Shenwu does not have to play so thrilling.

His resistance to the power of the imaginary power is completely enough!

Then, he rushed straight up and ran into the vain ripples!

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