Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 895: hide

Everyone did not think of it!

Jiang Shenwu and Qi Xiaobai came to the fore, and it looked like they were going to kill the Qinan emperor directly.

As a result, the Qinan Emperor kept refusing to give up, and the two men actually gave up. I really believe that the Qinan Emperor did not murder Qi Xiaobai’s mother?

The surrounding dragon kings are all face to face, they have just stood in line, intend to give Qi Xiaobai gas, and even came forward to identify the Qinan emperor.

I can't think of Jiang Shenwu and Qi Xiaobai going straight away.

This... Can anyone tell them what happened?

In fact, everyone did not know that after Jiang Shenwu and Xiaobai left the house, they directly hidden their means of display.

Then, I returned to the mansion square.

But now this time, the two of them are hiding beside them, no one can find them, they are hiding beside them, watching everyone in the field face each other.

Just since the Qinan Emperor did not admit to starting with Xiaobai's mother, they could not force their shots, lest they be said that the students of the Emperor Longwu Academy were too overbearing and ruined the reputation of the Emperor Longwu Academy.

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu simply left with Xiaobai and then hid back.

In this environment, the Emperor of Qinan or someone next to him said that he had missed his mouth, and then they appeared again, and the other party could not argue.

Of course, at present, this group of people has been all scared, and they have no intention of thinking about other things.

They looked at the direction in which Jiang Shenwu and Xiaobai left, all of them were in a state of sluggishness. After a fragrant time, finally someone came back.

"They... gone?"

It’s gone, everyone saw them away.

Many people in the field were subconsciously relieved, especially the Qinan Emperor, who was almost scared to pee, and couldn’t think that Qi Xiaobai would suddenly come to the door, which was almost killed!

If Jiang Shenwu and Qi Xiaobai directly killed the Qinan Emperor, the Qinan Emperor had no way at all. The positive force was not the opponent of the two. Even if everyone else stood on his side, it would not be able to withstand it. The killing of Jiang Shenwu.

Fortunately, these two people seem a bit stupid?

The Emperor of Qinan did not expect that he denied it. He resolutely denied that he could save a life and let Jiang Shenwu and Qi Xiaobai leave.

Of course, they don't know the name of Jiang Shenwu, and they don't know the specific identity of Jiang Shenwu.

Of course, they know that Jiang Shenwu is definitely a student of the Emperor Longwu Academy, but what is the relationship with Xiaobai?

They boldly guessed, I am afraid that Qi Xiaobai's man!

Otherwise, how can he return to her hometown Luohua Longguo with Qi Xiaobai, and also help Qi Xiaobai out?

But this man is too strong!

Even more powerful than the Undead Dragon Emperor, the students of the Emperor Longwu Academy have such a terrible power?

This is the power of crushing nature. These dragon kingdoms are simply impossible to compete with the four Longwu colleges.

This is what they originally understood, but it is now more clearly aware of this.

In the field, countless people face each other, and for a long time no one has said a word.

Until then, the Prince of Qinan finally returned to God completely, coughed first, and woke up everyone around him.

"You, today's business, can't be rumored."

The Qinan Emperor said, he now changed the appearance of the scared, fascinating, but became very arrogant, and it seems quite wise.

The scene just happened is his shame!

Once passed out, how can he do the Dragon King of Luohua Longguo in the future?

So he does not allow anyone to pass it out!

A total of ten people in the field, including his four nephews and five dragon kings, were all remembered by the Emperor of Qinan.

"If anyone outside knows what is going on today, all nine of you will be held accountable."

The Emperor of Qinan said in an understatement.


Nine people immediately reached out and said they would not say things out.

However, today's business, the entire Luohua City has already known, there are two dragon emperors coming to the Qinan emperor's house, but what happened in the house? This is no one knows.

As long as they do not say the specific things out of the nine, then the Prince of Qinan does not figure out the ugliness.

Now in this case, the Prince of Qinan has just returned a life, and even the first thing he cares about is his face.

In the face of Jiang Shenwu and Qi Xiaobai who are hiding in the side, this guy, face up!

However, Jiang Shenwu is not hiding here to see the performance of the Qinan emperor.

Jiang Shenwu did not make any movements and noises, only silently in his heart, quickly revealing the horse's feet, quickly revealing the horse's feet, revealing the horse's feet... Then he and Xiaobai once again smashed out, this time directly smashed the Qinan emperor, One hundred.

"You, come in."

When the Qinan Emperor saw the people respectfully obeying, they nodded with satisfaction and turned to go to the Fuzheng Hall.

Everyone has kept up... but they don't know that Jiang Shenwu and Qi Xiaobai have already entered the main hall before them. The ability of the ink beast to hide the two is not something that the dragon king can find.

At this stage, the ink scorpion has not yet fully integrated with Jiang Shenwu, but Jiang Shenwu already possesses the ability of more than 70% of the ink beast.

Whether it is perception or stealth, there are already 70% of the effects of the ink beasts, as long as they don't face too strong opponents~www.novelmtl.com~ they hide no one will find them.

After everyone entered the main hall, someone closed the main entrance door!

This time, everyone finally got a complete sigh of relief.

They looked around and found no suspicious places, and their faces stretched out.

"Who is that man? Is it the man that Xiaobai was looking for at the Emperor Longwu Academy?"

After the Qinan Emperor came in, his face was a bit gloomy and his speech was released.

"Return to His Royal Highness."

One of the old dragon kings said seriously and respectfully: "It must be a talented student of the Emperor Longwu Academy. As for the relationship between Qi and Bai, there is no one to know, but this is not important. What is important is that day. It’s absolutely standing with Xiaobai.”

"Genius is arrogant, and definitely will not put us in the eyes, not to mention that His Royal Highness is still the white brother, they will never kill the temple, at most, scare the temple."

"Scared me?"

The Emperor of Qinan sneered aloud: "Is this prince being scared? On their point of frustration, scaring others is okay, want to scare the prince, dream!"

"His Royal Highness is not angry, come, eat some fruit first."

A scorpion picked up the fruit plate from the side and softly handed it over. The scorpion was full of gentle colors, as if it had not been scared before, and it seemed that the Qinan prince in the eyes was the peerless hero in the world, let her eyes Full of the look of worship.

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