Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 894: Fart

Jiang Shenwu and Xiao Bai flew directly in the dragon's posture, and fell heavily on the square in front of the mansion.

The group of dragons suddenly stunned!

But then, what made them even more shocked happened. After they saw the two dragons' bodies falling, they directly lifted the dragon form and found that...the two were actually two young people!

Among them, the black robe youth, it seems that only in his early twenties, but with such a strong momentum, is already the top of the dragon emperor!

This group of dragon kings was simply stunned by the world and these geniuses?

But soon they saw Xiaobai.

This... This is not the miracle of their Luohua Longguo, Qi Xiaobai?

The genius illegitimate daughter of the last dragon emperor, even the no-five dragon emperor praised her talent, saying that she must be stronger than the undead dragon emperor in the future... turned out to be her!

No one had thought that it was Qi Xiaobai who came to the Qinan Emperor's House to make trouble.

This group of dragons thought of the thing that happened not long ago. Some of them suddenly shuddered. This is Qi Xiaobai’s discovery that his mother was harmed by the Qinan emperor, so come over and find trouble?

This is finished!

How can Qi Xiaobai suddenly come back at this time?

Everyone didn't want to understand!

The group of dragon kings had to lift the dragon form one by one, and returned to the square of the Qinan Emperor's Mansion, surrounded by Jiang Shenwu and Qi Xiaobai.

"Two...predecessors, the Qinan emperor is inside, two please."

Nowadays, they also know how to stand.

The Qinan emperor privately suppressed Qi Xiaobai’s mother, and it’s nothing. Anyway, her mother would not say anything.

But now, the Prince of Qinan wants to harm her mother, this is too big.

The power of the jade blasting, if inadvertently, can absolutely kill her mother who is the inheritor of the dragon. After all, the body is still very fragile without the dragon.

That is to say, luck is good, and Xiaobai’s mother is not dead.

This group of Dragon Kings has already made the worst plans. This fact, Qi Xiaobai already knows, then the future of the Prince of Qinan can be worrisome...

Originally, they had never seen Qi Xiaobai Hualong, even if they had seen it a few years ago, then Qi Xiaobai was the Dragon King, and they did not threaten them at all.

But now, in a short period of time, Qi Xiaobai has already set foot on the Dragon Emperor, and watching the momentum is considered to be a strong among the Dragon Kings!

In this case, they immediately changed their position, from the side of the Qinan emperor, to the side of Xiaobai.

The discerning eye can see which side is the most beneficial!

With Qi Xiaobai’s current cultivation as the realm and strength, and she is the student of the Emperor Longwu Academy, if it is to become the Dragon King of the Luohua Longguo, it is a breeze, and the Dragon King will be willing to give it. she was.

At that time, what will happen to the end of the Qinan Emperor?

It’s normal to die and die!

Who made him so small, is it so vicious?

Simply mad!

Under the leadership of Zhonglong Wang, Jiang Shenwu and Xiaobai walked toward the main hall in the Qiong Emperor's Mansion.

I haven't walked to the entrance of the main hall. Suddenly an exaggerated voice came: "Oh, it was a little white sister! How did Xiaobai's sister come back today, didn't she practice in college? It's really a long way to be a brother." Sorry!"

With this voice, a young man in a golden robe walked out from the entrance of the main hall.

This young man is the Prince of Qinan, and there are several beautiful people behind him. It shows that this guy's life is very moist.

Hao Hao is also the eighth layer of the Dragon King, so although he is forty years old, it looks like the young man of twenty-six six, and he is quite handsome.

He walked out with a sigh of relief, but his face was full of surprises and respectful appearance, mainly in the face of Xiaobai, as if he was very respectful and respectful.

"Don't be like it, you want to kill my mother, is it still?"

Qi Xiaobai did not talk nonsense with him, and he asked straightforwardly.

"Ah? This...what is the matter! How is this possible? Is Xiaobai’s sister mistaken, how can the prince kill your mother? On weekdays, the prince is as respectful to her wife as her mother. ......"

The Emperor of Qinan immediately denied it.

"To shut up."

Jiang Shenwu is too lazy to listen to him nonsense, he is in a hurry, what is the use of this kind of scum nonsense?

When the voice falls, a burst of terror pressure is coming out!

There wasn't even a dragon emperor in the field. Even if Jiang Shenwu just relied on the momentum, everyone around him would be chilled, and he would be bathed in the storm!

The tyrannical momentum was concentrated on the Qinan Emperor, so that the Qinan Emperor could not bear it, and fell to the ground on the spot!

There are also those who follow him, as well as the existence of the group of dragon kings, and all of them are as strong as the spirits in the air, and their faces are full of horror.

This momentum is too powerful!

They seem to be facing the undead dragon emperor... No, it is more horrible than the uninhibited dragon emperor!

They felt that they were standing in the middle of the storm, and once Jiang Shenwu wanted to kill them, none of them could survive.

Even other people think so, not to mention the Qinan Prince.

The whole person of the Qinan Emperor was crushed by the momentum and fell to the ground. The whole person almost suffocated under the pressure of the momentum.

Next to a delicate face of the fox face, the scorpion sternly endured Jiang Shenwu's imposing suppression, barely raised his head and looked at Jiang Shenwu. He said, "Who are you? Even treating the prince of Luohua Longguo, the future of Luohua Longhuang ...you are looking for death!"

This fox face scorpion is the loyal woman of the Qinan emperor ~www.novelmtl.com~ she is all attached to the Qinan emperor, even doing a lot of things by the identity of the Qinan emperor, once she lost the Qinan emperor The backing will be very miserable, even if the surrounding dragons will not let her go.

Who asked her to play against the family of the Dragon King? Of course, it’s not really a shot, but it’s just collecting some unneeded taxes and getting some money from those families.

But this has already made the group of dragon kings hate her.

If there is a Qinan emperor, she naturally has peace of mind, but if the Qinan emperor is gone, then she will become the target of public criticism.

"The Prince of Qinan is a prince, how can he want to harm a female stream... absolutely someone is falling into the emperor!"

The other gentleman's soft and weak, at this time there is no anger, but full of reason, said to Jiang Shenwu and Xiaobai.

"Is there really?"

Jiang Shenwu faintly asked.


The Qinan emperor immediately responded with a fart.

"That's the way, let go of you."

After Jiang Shenwu finished saying this, he turned away with Xiaobai, and the speed was very fast. He walked out of the house of the Prince of Qinan in a flash.

The momentum around the suppression instantly dissipated!

This scene makes everyone in the field face each other... What happened? Is this gone?

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