Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 896: Shameless nausea

After eating some fruit, the Qinan Emperor really relaxed a lot.

"Or the blind man knows me."

The Emperor of Qinan smiled and pinched a hand on the scorpion, causing the face of the scorpion to look red.

For this scene, the five dragon kings did not seem to see the same.

One of the Dragon Kings continued to analyze and said: "Today, Xiaobai and her man seem to have vented, maybe they are going back to her mother. Since things have passed, we don't have to worry."

"Yes, they won't do anything against His Royal Highness."

Several other Dragon Kings also nodded and agreed to this analysis.


The Emperor of Qinan nodded as if he didn't care much, but his eyes showed a more hateful look.

He suffered a big loss today, but it was a shameful shame in his life.

With such a careful eye, the character that must be reported, how can he swallow this breath into his stomach?

He must find the way back!

How do you get back to the scene?

When the Emperor of Qinan thought that he had an idea and sneered, he stood up and said: "You will go to visit the younger sister of the younger sister later. Try to let the little girl rest assured, and quickly leave, she will come back this time. It’s more unexpected, but it’s very likely that something big is going to happen, so come back early and say goodbye.”

"When she left, the Emperor will definitely find it back today! When the younger sister is not there, the Emperor will take the opportunity to dry her old mother."

His words are more interesting!

What does it mean to "dry up" Xiaobai's mother?

Many people in the room understand that this Qinan emperor wants to sleep with Qi Xiaobai's mother! She disagreed, so this would disobey the Qinan emperor and angered the Qinan emperor.

This kind of thing, many people will feel incredible, however, this Qi Nan emperor is already so bad to such a point.

When I heard the words of the Qinan Emperor, the dragon kings in the field felt that something was wrong, but since the Qinan Emperor had already said it, this would not be able to get back.

However, the five Dragon Kings did not agree, because the situation is still very tense, they have just been scared of urine, and now they have not completely recovered.

I can’t think of the Qinan Emperor’s direct release of such rumors...

It was at this time.

A burst of applause, suddenly passed from a corner of the main hall, so that the face of the ten people in the field has changed dramatically.


In addition to their ten people in this main hall, is there anyone else there?

Everyone's face changed a lot!

In particular, the Qinan Emperor, from his point of view, just can see a black robe boy, and a white girl, is coming out of the shadow of the corner of the main hall.

These two people are not exactly Jiang Shenwu and Qi Xiaobai?

How could they appear here and appear in the main hall!

Didn't they leave the Qinan Emperor's Mansion?

How can it suddenly appear here!

how come!

The whole people of Qinan are stunned and almost want to fan their own 10,000 big mouths!

How can you not help yourself, at this time, let go of what?

It was very strange that Xiaobai and two people suddenly left. It would be so easy to let him go. I couldn’t think of hiding here, waiting for him not to make a move!

This is terrible!

The two big living people are hiding in this main hall. Even in the shadow of the corner, they are not invisible. Are all ten of them smashed?

It’s amazing!

The Prince of Qinan recalled what he had just said, what to find back to the scene, what to do with her mother...

At this time, the Qinan emperor was crying without tears!

This is not a trick, this words have been heard by Xiaobai, what other life does he have?

"Hey, the prince is so great."

Jiang Shenwu clapped his hand from the shadow and walked out. He sighed and aligned with Xiaobai. "You look at your brother. If you don't kill him today, you will definitely report the character." To its persecution."

"Well, kill it."

Xiao Bai’s eyes are also a pity. After all, for her, this Qi Nan emperor is also his half-brother, and still wants to inherit the position of the dragon king of the Luohua Longguo... even with countless cultivation resources, Luo Hualong The country also wants to catch the Qinan Emperor to the level of the Dragon Emperor.

How many cultivation resources have been wasted on the eighth floor of his Dragon King?

There are countless counts!

If these cultivation resources are placed on any of the students of the four Longwu Academy, they have already broken through to the Dragon Emperor level, and this Qinan Emperor is only the eighth layer of the Dragon King, and there are two breakthroughs from the Dragon King.

These two breakthroughs are key breakthroughs, and the resources needed for cultivation are even more massive. If there are no accidents, it will take at least 20 years for him to take these two steps.

Unfortunately, this Qinan emperor can be freed.

He couldn't have been twenty years old at all, because when he had just put in a few words, Jiang Shenwu and Qi Xiaobai both heard clearly.

Your kid is insidious!

I still want to wait for us to go, and start with the white mother!

And talking is still so ugly, what is it?

It’s just looking for death!

With the appearance of Jiang Shenwu and Qi Xiaobai coming out from the corner of the main hall, accompanied by a burst of applause, all ten people in the field were forced.

The Prince of Qinan is even more blank in his mind!

He feels that he is going to die. This time, no matter what he said, I am afraid that he will not be saved. He hates why he has something to say.

Or wait for these two killings to go and say it!

But... Where does he think that Jiang Shenwu and Xiaobai will hide in the main hall? The students of the Emperor Longwu Academy even played such insidious means? Is it not fair?

In fact ~www.novelmtl.com~ If Jiang Shenwu knows his thoughts at the moment, he will definitely say to him that if you deal with the people who are bright and honest, then you must use the means of fairness.

And to deal with the sinister and sinister guys of the Qinan Prince, what are the problems with some unique means?


The Emperor of Qinan trembled and stood in the same place, and did not know what to say.

Finally, he suddenly slammed into Jiang Shenwu and Qi Xiaobai!

"Two seniors, I don't dare anymore! I don't dare to think about the elders again, but also ask the seniors to spare!"

Do you have any thoughts on your elders?

This said, let Xiaobai's face change.

Originally, she heard that the Qinnan emperor said that she would "make her mother". Although she felt a little strange, she did not think about it, but now the meaning is very clear.

This Qi Nan emperor is so alive?

No, this guy is definitely not as good as a beast!

No wonder the little white mother is so resistant to this Qinan emperor, this guy is actually such a person?

Too shameless, too disgusting!

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