Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 716: Void holy magic ball

"Several little guys, don't know what it has to do with Supreme Dragon?"

At this moment, the two Nether Devils suddenly spoke out and said the human language on Longwu mainland!

The man and the woman were very curious to observe Jiang Shenwu and their five.

"禀 Princess."

The Nether Devil man faces the girl, looks respectful, and has incomparable reverence between the words: "With or without the protection of the dragon, they must be regarded as the genius among the dragons. Since this encounter, it must not Let go."

"But we can't break the protection of the supreme dragon."

The Nether Devil girl, known as the "Princess," seems to be somewhat tangled.

"These protections should be time-limited."

The Nether Devil man’s respectful speculation said: “Let’s follow the plan and break through the small squabble of the enchantment, and it’s not too late to deal with them.”


The Nether Devil girl nodded and looked at her expression and looked at her expression. It was completely different from the human beings on Longwu.

If they were not followed by the four heads of the devil, respectfully obeying her orders, I am afraid that no one would think she is a vanity.

"let's start."

Immediately afterwards, the Void Devil Girl raised her hand and slightly curled her mouth, and ordered the four-headed demon to begin attacking the small array of eyes above the upper enchantment.

It’s almost impossible to break through the small array of enchantments, so that they can’t make any progress in those years of busy work.

However, at this time, the four monsters of the upper level of the devil are not directly attacking the small squad of the enchantment, but the auxiliary attack.

The magical powers in their bodies are all released, and even the magic that is released is extremely rich, so thick that it will almost drown the space where Jiang Shenwu is located.

These magical powers have all gathered together to the side of the small array of swords.

The students of Donghuang Longwu College, who are not armed with swords, looked at this scene and were all a little uneasy.

Once the other party can really break the small squabble of the enchantment, they are afraid to be killed!

They had eleven people left, let one go back to the Void Disc to report the news, and sent three people to fly in different directions of the enchantment, intending to tell the Super Dean.


The super dragon-level powerhouse is now dragged by more than 20 Nether Demon Legion, and the location is far away.

I want to inform them of the news on this side, I am afraid it will take a long time.

"Go, let's retreat first."

The students of Donghuang Longwu College, their faces have become very ugly, and they are planning to retreat.

"I don't think it would be too **** for Jiang Shenwu to collude with the Nether Devil!"

"Before Chu Qingyun said that it is correct, this Jiang Shenwu can display the magic skills of the Nether Devil, where is the counterattack talent?"

"It is clear that he is the running dog of the Void Demon!"

They hate it.

Now, they can't see the crystal shield of the body under the magical inundation, but they didn't feel the power of Jiang Shenwu's place, indicating that the group of monsters still did not shoot Jiang Shenwu.

If Jiang Shenwu is not colluding with the Nether Devil, how can the Nether Devil appear in this direction so coincidentally?

How can you stay so close and still not attack Jiang Shenwu?

In their hearts, Jiang Shenwu has been identified as a traitor.

The remaining eight of them left far away, did not go to other places in the enchantment, but intended to return to the void disk.

In addition to the void disk, there is also a supreme enchantment, and because the guardian range is small, the defensive intensity far exceeds the layer of ecstasy around the void crack.

So the Void Disc is definitely safe.

It is a pity that... this group of people fled a little slow.

Before leaving them to retreat, the Nether Devil man took a ball from his arms.

This ball is the size of a person's fist, in which the light of the stars flashes, as if the ball is filled with a universe.

This is the treasure of the town of the Nether Devil!

If it is other vanity monsters, it is naturally impossible to get the existence of this kind of treasure of the township. However, this time, the Princess of the Devil of the Nether Devil can personally use this treasure of the town.

Moreover, the treasure of this town is the blood of the royal family who only has the emptiness of the devil, in order to start it!

When the treasure of the township appeared, the girl of the Nether Devil, the Princess of the Devil, broke his finger and dripped his blood on the ball...

Then, the ball suddenly swallowed all the magic around it!

"The Void Holy Magic Ball!"

The Void Devil girl snorted, and all the magic around it was absorbed into the treasure of the town of the Nether Devil, and even the four superheroes will be sacrificed!

The magical bodies of the four heads of the magical lords were all sucked into pieces by the emptiness of the holy magic ball, and then they were completely swallowed up, and even the magic dan did not have a little left.

Outside the body-protected crystal barrier of Jiang Shenwu, it finally recovered to the Qingming, leaving only two Nether Devils, and a virtual holy magic ball filled with magic!

The Void Holy Magic Ball suddenly attacked the small array of eyes on the top of the enchantment, with a endless rich magic, banged and smashed it!

"The small eyes are broken!"

Ginger God suddenly changed his face.

It stands to reason that the void monster wants to break through the small array of eyes, at least the powerful presence of the devil handsome level, or else it is impossible to break the small array of eyes.

And the magic handsome shot, at least one or two hours to do it.

After all, the supreme enchantment around this is the supreme power of the Supreme Dragon, and where is it so easy to break?

Even if the small array of eyes is the weakness of the whole enchantment, it is impossible to be broken in an instant.

but now……

The appearance of the Void Holy Magic Ball broke this rule. The two Nether Devils used the Void Holy Magic Ball to crush the small eyes in an instant!

Although this vain holy magic ball is engulfing all the four geniuses and the magical body as a sacrifice, but this situation is very bad for Longwu mainland.

The Nether Devils personally dispatched, let the Nether Demon Legion as a cover ~www.novelmtl.com~ What really wants to break is the small eyes of Jiang Shenwu!

Can Jiang Shenwu expect such a situation?

Even now he is hard to protect himself!

The body-protecting crystal can only maintain a fragrant time. After a scent, the supreme power of the body-protecting crystal will dissipate. At that time, Jiang Shenwu will be in trouble.

Although they have three other body-protecting crystals, can't they use all the body-protecting crystals this time?

Seeing that the two Nether Devils opened the small eyes, the nearby enchantment suddenly appeared as a crack, as if it were ice, starting from the place where the small eyes were shattered and spreading around. There was a crack.

There is no enchantment, there is a gap here!

"Let's go."

The Void Princess saw the situation, and there was no accident in this situation. Turned and glanced at Jiang Shenwu, and suddenly said: "Bring them together."

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