Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 717: The plan of the Void

The Nether Devil man turned and looked at Jiang Shenwu for a glance, and then he raised his hand, and a magical atmosphere came together to drag Jiang Shenwu, the bodyguard of the five of them, to drag the crystal barrier.

Then, the Nether Devil man actually took Jiang Shenwu together and left the enchantment!

"What the hell?"

Jiang Shenwu could not think of them, and several of them were brought together.

This Nether Devil man can even drag the defensive barrier of the body protection crystal together!

Although they can't break the defensive barrier of the layer of protective crystal, if they take them, their defense barrier will lose effect sooner or later. At that time, unless it is the Supreme Dragon, it will be impossible to rescue Jiang Shenwu. Come.

Now Jiang Shenwu, they have no way at all, they can only watch as they are dragged away by the other side with the defensive barrier...

There is a gap in the upper enchantment. Obviously, the enchantment in other places has signs of becoming more vulnerable. Many people will feel it all at once.

I think someone will come here to see it soon... Of course, that is normal.

Now, the strong players in the Dragon Warrior have been dragged by the Magic Corps. I want to send people here to check, I am afraid it will take a long time.

"They are out!"

In addition to the upper enchantment, the remaining eight students of Donghuang Longwu College just turned and wanted to escape and leave here.

When they heard the rear sound, they looked back and saw two empty men and women, dragging Jiang Shenwu and several of them in the defensive barrier, flying out of the gap of the enchanted enchantment.

This scene can scare them!

They simply did not dare to make any stops in the same place, and left the distance at a speed of incomparable horror, and at the same time, the East Emperor's seal on their wrists continued to shine, calling their respective instructors to come and shoot.

Obviously, they can only ask for help from the mentors of Donghuang Longwu College, regardless of whether they can call for help.

Because this is their only chance.

"We escape separately!"

A suggestion was made.

Anyway, they add up to the opponents of the two Nether Devils. It is better to escape separately. Maybe someone can escape. If they get together, they will definitely not run.


Then, Jiang Shenwu saw the vagacious man in front of him suddenly disappeared from him.

Then, in front of the eight students who fled from the East Emperor Longwu College, there were some dark marks on each of them. These black marks broke out in an instant, and they turned into countless black daggers, and they rushed toward them!

They have not escaped far, and they are completely killed by these dark marks.

The Nether Devil man did not appear again, and no one knows where it is now.

Jiang Shenwu looked very dignified, and the death of the eight East Dragon Longwu Academy students was of course a pity for him, but his current situation simply could not care so much.

He can't even guarantee his life...

The Nether Devil man is likely to be hidden around them, waiting for the protective barrier of the supreme power to dissipate.

Once the body barrier is dissipated, the Void Man will take the shot and kill them.

"You must always be sure to attach the defensive enchantment of the bodyguard crystal, how long it will last!"

Jiang Shenwu used his eyes to remind the laughter and the flowers, and the two mainly refused.

There are still Jiang Shenwu, Xiaohuahua and the three of them have body-protecting crystals. Next, Jiang Shenwu intends to let them take the body protection crystal defense to give them five lives.

At this time, Jiang Shenwu had some regrets. Why should I try it?

But he immediately thought that if he didn't try it, he didn't know how long the body protection crystal could last. If he didn't pick it up, wouldn't they be killed directly by the Nether Demon man?

Now, they can safely pick up and protect themselves with the crystal of the body. It is a blessing in the unfortunate.

If you are lucky, you may be able to wait until the strong to save them.

I don’t know, what level of existence is this man of the Nether Devil and the Princess of the Devil?

The man of the Nether Devil, who has not incarnate the devil, can only display less than 30% of its own strength, and can easily kill those of the East Emperor Longwu Academy, showing its own strength, at least the level of the mentor of Longwu College. of.

Maybe even stronger than the mentor...

The battle mode of the Nether Demon is said to be the same as that of the Dragon Warrior. It was originally a Void Demon, able to get the essence of the ancient demon god, and then practice, incarnate the body of the Devil.

After the vanity man in front of the vanity disappeared, the princess of the Nether Devil raised his hand and took them with the magical power of Jiang Shenwu.

The direction of the forward direction is not the direction of the void disk, but the direction of Longwu mainland below...

These two people seem to want to go directly through the barrier of Longwu mainland and go to Longwu mainland.

"They want to break the guardian barrier above Longwu mainland?"

Jiang Shenwu’s heart moved, and there was some tremor.

If the guardian barrier is broken, then the Longwu Continent is open to the door, and the Nether Monster can fall on the Longwu Continent at any time.

Originally it was the last barrier of Longwu mainland, and the upper enchantment was the first barrier. As a result, now...the two Nether Devils want to break the two barriers one after another.

This makes Jiang Shenwu feel that they are crazy.

It is relatively simple to break the enchantment. After all, this enchantment is only created in a hurry.

However, the guardian barrier on the Longwu mainland is quite powerful. Even if it is the supreme dragon, it is very difficult to break it~www.novelmtl.com~ The original fear is that countless void monsters continue to attack, relying on accumulation Go to break the guardian barrier.

But now, if you look at the situation, the other party is probably trying to break the guardian barrier with lightning speed.

"Little guy, your strength seems to be good, otherwise it will not let so many dragon warriors besieged together."

The princess of the Nether Devil, looks charming, graceful and seductive, looks like a girl, but is full of a mature situation.

She took Jiang Shenwu and flew forward, and said with great interest: "Jiang Shenwu, are you called Jiang Shenwu? You are targeted by fifteen of them, but you obviously only have the seventh place in Nirvana. The inheritance of the blood is also the sixth layer of the Dragon King. What is special about you?"

Hearing her question, Jiang Shenwu was silent.

He is not going to communicate with the princess who will invade Longwu mainland.

Even if the other side wants to kill him, then there is no way. Jiang Shenwu will not make a compromise for the sake of his life.

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