Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 715: Void devil

Thirteen of them quickly flew out of the enchanted enchantment. About ten miles away, they are almost as long as they are now. On the way to escape, there is another Tianzhu District and even a Tianshu. District students, under the strange and unpredictable attack, were smashed into pieces...

In this case, it is terrible!

The body of the four dragons who had been smashed into pieces was left behind. The remaining 11 students of the Eastern Emperor Longwu College finally escaped the scope of the enchantment.

After they got out of the enchantment, they looked back and saw the bones of the four companions being smashed into pieces, and they suddenly felt chilly.

"This **** **** Wu, too weird!"

Until now, they still feel that it is a problem of Jiang Shenwu, who secretly kills them.

But soon they changed their faces.

They found that in addition to the body-protected crystal barrier of the five gods of Jiang Shenwu, the void faintly flashes, followed by two small monsters appearing from the void.

The two monsters... did not exude magic, and turned out to be human!

They are dressed in black, a man and a woman, the woman is in front, a black and hip long hair makes her look charming and charming, and the facial features are perfect and perfect. It is no different from human beings. The black body is tight and outlines her from top to bottom. curve.

As for the man, he held a black dagger in his hand, and the black dagger seemed to be contaminated with dragon blood.

These two figures, although they look like humans, do not exude magic, but they still know that they belong to the group of the void monsters.

Because, behind them, there have been several huge figures, it is the void monster!

"She is... a devil!"

The remaining 11 East Dragon Longwu College students suddenly became pale.

They did not expect to encounter the devil family!

To put it simply, the Devils are the rulers of the Nether Devils. For the Devils, the Nether Monsters are equivalent to the animals they raise, but they are the tools that they send out to fight.

Even the magical monster of the devil's level must surrender to any demon!

That man and a woman, behind the two devils, appeared in the four huge figures, each of which is the level of the upper devil, exudes a terrible horror.

They were not here, but after the emergence of the male and female devils, the four superiors will be transferred by some means.

"It turned out to be a demon family."

When Jiang Shenwu saw the crystal barrier of the body, there was such a man and a woman, and his face became very ugly.

Now he is equivalent to being trapped here!

The man in the demon family obviously has extremely terrifying strength. The reason why the murder is invisible is because the man has not changed into a devil, but in the human form, less than 30% of the strength has killed the four. .

The black dagger in his hand is an extremely advanced magic soldier.

A man and a woman can command four heads of the devils... This strength appears around Jiang Shenwu, so that Jiang Shenwu has no idea of ​​escape.

He can't escape!

Five of them are trapped here!

However, the eleven students of the Eastern Emperor Longwu College have escaped from the scope of the Supreme Enthusiasm, and there should be no problem.

"I don't think it's a demon family."

The eleven students outside, now their faces are a bit pale, looking at the devils who are not far from their eyes, there are four superheroes, and their hearts have trembled and shivered.

They did not expect that what Jiang Shenwu said was actually true. There was actually a void monster hidden around them... They did not listen to the advice, and they died four.

If they are not shooting on Jiang Shenwu, but they are fully prepared to guard around, the other party may not be able to succeed in the encirclement of their fifteen people.

It is a pity that their minds are placed on Jiang Shenwu, and they do not listen to the words of Jiang Shenwu, so they have become such a bad result.

It’s an unacceptable loss for them to die for four students. You know, the four students have been fighting side by side with them for too long. It’s extremely difficult to find such a strong person to join their team. .

The four squads, each dead one, are in a very low mood.

"You see, the Devils seem to have no intention of firing them on Jiang Shenwu?"

At this time, some of them suddenly said one.

"It's really like this!"

Many people have changed their faces: "The two devils are extremely powerful, and there are four heads who will be able to break their defenses!"

They don't know the defense of Jiang Shenwu, but they are the crystals of the supreme dragon, and they have the power of supreme level.

Not to mention the four top devils in front of them, that is, the two devils who are stronger than the upper devil, can not break the defense barrier of the body protection crystal.

Just because I know that I can't break it, these vanity monsters are too lazy to attack Jiang Shenwu.

They directly turned their attention to the small squad of the enchanted enchantment, as well as the students of the East Emperor Longwu College who looked at the small eyes.

"They really don't attack Jiang Shenwu!"

"How can this be? Is it Jiang... is Jiang's accomplice?"

"It is very possible! We used to hear that there are people of the Devils, but we have never heard of them appearing in the cracks of the void. This is the first time that the Devils have appeared in our Longwu mainland!"

"Is it because Jiang Shenwu colluded with them?"

The students of Donghuang Longwu College have been amazed.

"We are staring here, the third child, you go back to the empty disk, report the situation here, and say that Jiang Shenwu colluded with the Nether Demon, and immediately attacked our small eyes!"

The Tianshu District students who were headed quickly said with dignity.

Immediately, a dragon warrior from the Tianzhu District turned and flew away toward the distant starry sky, intending to go back and report the situation here.

"The Nether Devil, the ruler of the Nether Monsters~www.novelmtl.com~master, governs all the void monsters, and is our true enemy."

In the upper enchantment, Jiang Shenwu was protected by the body protection crystal, and his face was extremely ugly.

"They said that we colluded with the Nether Devil. If it is passed back, I am afraid we are..."

The laughter flower heard the words of everyone except the enchantment, and some worried.

"do not be afraid."

Jiang Shenwu shook his head: "We got the crystal of the upper body, and the dean must know this. If you don't attack the crystal of the body with the Void, you will conclude that we are colluding with the Nether Devil. It is too arbitrary." ”

I heard the words of Jiang Shenwu, and everyone was relieved.

It is true that Jiang Shenwu said that if he only concludes that they collude with the Nether Demon, it is too arbitrary, and no other evidence is impossible to prove.

Even if it is the supreme dragon, it is impossible to think that Jiang Shenwu is colluding with the Nether Devil.

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