Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 699: Jedi counterattack

Such a process is undoubtedly extremely painful.

The body is destroyed, then reshaped, then destroyed by magic, and then reinvented...

The pain of repeated and repeated, it makes people feel a little desperate.

This is too embarrassing!

Looking at the field, Jiang Shenwu was able to withstand the attack of the upper demon, and it was a scene of horror that seemed to be scary. The face of Qin Xiaoyue and others in the field became pale.

They did not expect that Jiang Shenwu was actually fighting in this way.

If there is a little bit of support, it can be directly dead, and there is no possibility of surviving!

This kind of melee means will also make the Dragon Warrior suffer unparalleled pain. It is hard to imagine how the feeling of Jiang Shenwu will be at the moment.

Qin Xiaoyue’s mood is even more complicated.

"This Jiang Shenwu, the strength is so strong, not only because of his special talent."

"More because of his perseverance! With his perseverance, even if his talent is a little ordinary, he will soon be able to rise one day soon, at most not so amazing now."

"Unfortunately, there is no such thing. Now his willpower is too shocking."

Qin Xiaoyue’s eyes are complicated, and her body’s power is exhausted. Now her life is completely in the hands of Jiang Shenwu.

Under this circumstance, some of her prejudice against Jiang Shenwu seems to have dissipated with the wind.

Just a little touch, she found that she had a lot of understanding of Jiang Shenwu, in any case, he should not be the kind of perfidy people in the previous rumors.

Even if the dragon's body is continually destroyed, and then he can continue to be reshaped, he can bear it. How can he go against the letter?

I am afraid, it was really forced by the dean’s left laughter...

Of course, it doesn't make sense to entangle this now.

Jiang Shenwu’s current strength has definitely made the left laughter regret, even Qin Xiaoyue is now a pity, if Jiang Shenwu is a student of Donghuang Longwu College, how much better?

I am afraid that the college exchanges soon after, the Emperor Longwu College will shine with Jiang Shenwu.

Of course, the college exchanges are not necessarily scheduled to be held as scheduled, mainly due to the emergence of void cracks, so that the main task of the four major colleges now is to guard the battlefield of the void.

As for the rest, it must be postponed.

After all, the four major Longwu colleges exchange, the most important is the exchange between the top students, and now the top students of the four colleges, basically in the void crack battlefield against the void monster.

If they are gone, the empty disc is really not necessarily able to hold it down.

So for now, the exchanges between the four colleges may not be held as scheduled.

However, it is precisely because of this that when it is time to really hold a college exchange, Jiang Shenwu will really have the opportunity to become a top student among the four colleges.

Of course, the premise is that they can pass the current level...

Qin Xiaoyue naturally did not know, Jiang Shenwu they actually have a great grasp, even if they can not beat the upper devil, they have no problem to survive.

Letting the body crystals activate one is enough to protect them all.

Of course, if you want to keep together with Qin Xiaoyue, a body-protecting crystal may not be enough... So Jiang Shenwu will want to fight for the upper-level magic to kill.

As long as the upper devil will be killed, the remaining eight devils will not be enough.

The upper devil will suffer trauma, the strength will be weakened, and then weakened by the devour of Jiang Shenwu, and finally succeeded in letting Jiang Shenwu suffer.

The magic power of the whirlwind knife array almost killed Jiang Shenwu several times, but he hardly resisted it in the whirlwind knife array, which made people scalp numb!

The upper devil would have never thought that Jiang Shenwu had such a strong body and resilience, and immediately regarded Jiang Shenwu as a genius.

The upper devil will deal with the Dragon Warrior many times. I think that I know a lot about the Dragon Warrior... But now it finds that it doesn't seem to know anything about the Dragon Warrior!

Who is this guy in front of you?

It is clear that the Nirvana is the seventh most important, and the Dragon King can beat the attack several times!

This makes the upper devils extremely angry, but there is no way to take Jiang Shenwu, its attack methods are similar, mainly the power is also similar, if the whirlwind knife did not kill Jiang Shenwu, other magic skills want to kill Jiang Shenwu It is no possibility.

However, this superior devil will be a strong man, and he also has a certain position in the Nether Demon community, and naturally has its own special means.

"Magic soldier!"

The next moment, everyone exclaimed.

However, seeing the upper devil will have a black ball-shaped treasure, the body exudes dark magic, like something from hell, as soon as it appears, the atmosphere of the upper magic will become more intense.

With the help of this magic soldier, the upper devil will be the real superior magic power!

Before it did not intend to use any real skills, after all, it seems that a few dragon warriors are too weak.

But now, it finds that Jiang Shenwu’s talent is too high, and his combat power is also extremely strong. He is the top powerhouse in the same realm among the Dragon Warriors!

Therefore, it must kill Jiang Shenwu, even if it is for other dragons to run.

Such a genius of the Dragon Warrior must be eradicated, otherwise it will definitely become a big worry for the Void community after a little time.

So, the upper devil will scream, and around the eight heads of the demon, even joined forces to attack Jiang Shenwu!

It is a pity that Jiang Shenwu is now ready to fight back.

At the same time, the demon spirit attacked the eight heads, and then the upper devil took out the dark magician. At the same time, Jiang Shenwu moved.

The same is the magic!

The magical horror of the horror spread from the body of Jiang Shenwu~www.novelmtl.com~ Then there was a storm of whirlwinds, and it was surrounded by the magical lord!

The upper devil will be dumbfounded at once.

Is this not a means of belonging to it?

It will be displayed by Jiang Shenwu and will be displayed to deal with it!

Obviously, it is very familiar with the magic skills that he has cultivated, and even knows the weakness of his magic skills, so at the moment, it is directly intended to resist the attack of Jiang Shenwu...

Unfortunately, what it didn't expect was that Jiang Shenwu's attack was a collection of 30% of all attacks before it!

All together, but at least 30% stronger than its full blow!

After the whirlwind knife array, its power is enhanced, the original weakness is no longer a weakness... Jiang Shenwu’s Jedi counterattack finally broke out at this moment!

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