Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 698: Cyclone

Everyone did not expect that Jiang Shenwu could still make such an angry cry.

Was he not under the storm of magic, has it been rolled into a skeleton?

When everyone followed this roar and looked in the direction of Jiang Shenwu, they found that Jiang Shenwu’s dark dragon body had completely recovered!

During this short period of time, Jiang Shenwu directly swallowed a few monster beasts. The value of these monsters is not low. It is only that Jiang Shenwu hunted the monsters outside the beast, so they cannot be used. Exchange into experience points.

So these demon dan became an important means for Jiang Shenwu to recover his injuries.

After swallowing a total of six monsters and beasts, Jiang Shenwu’s injury completely recovered, and in the magic storm, Jiang Shenwu’s resistance to magic power has reached its peak!

That is to say, if he is allowed to bear the full blow of the upper-level magician, he is fully capable of withstanding it.

Of course, it is impossible to bear with it. After all, the gap between the two sides is really too big.

However, Jiang Shenwu can avoid most of the destructive power of the opponent through the shadowing of the shadows, and he can also swallow up one-third of the attacking strength of the opponent. In this way, he can still barely compete with the superiors. Fan.

"You... all let go."

The body of the black dragon of Jiang Shenwu flew over to the place where the upper devil will be.

He has both eyes and eyes, and he has already felt that the upper devil will have suffered a minor injury.

Whether it is a laughter and the offensive of their four people, including Liang Shuo’s dragon blood blasting technique, or the burning reincarnation of Qin Xiaoyue, the upper devil will be injured, so that it can continue to exert its strength. Not more than 70% of the heyday.

This is a great news for Jiang Shenwu.

When Jiang Shenwu turned around and planned to fight against the superior magic, the superior magic would be surprised at the reappearance of Jiang Shenwu.

It did not think that Jiang Shenwu could still appear in front of it, and kept in a state of perfection... Although it seems that the black dragon's body is extremely serious, but the state of Jiang Shenwu is obviously in a state of prosperity.

This is because Jiang Shenwu was restored by the power of phagocytosis, and some minor injuries on the surface were not restored, mainly in the protection of some important parts of the body of the dragon.

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu now looks seriously injured, and in fact is intact, and the combat power that can be exerted is even more than 100%.

After all, Jiang Shenwu now has top resistance to the magic, which is his greatest advantage.

If this is not the case, even the aftermath of the attack will be able to kill Jiang Shenwu.

"What are we doing now..."

Two Longwu practitioners stayed with Qin Xiaoyue and watched Jiang Shenwu fly up to the devil, almost shaking.

They are not timid, but they are still very young. It is difficult to stay calm when they are facing the threat of death.

However, Qin Xiaoyue, although she has lost all her strength and has no fighting power, she is still quite calm.

"Wait for Jiang Shenwu to see if he can kill this superior magic."

Qin Xiaoyue showed a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

Although she had a prejudice against Jiang Shenwu at the beginning, after a period of time, she felt that Jiang Shenwu, a teenager, seemed to be different from the rumors.

It is not like the kind of betrayal, so Qin Xiaoyue has some curiosity about Jiang Shenwu.

Of course, it’s just a little bit.

This also makes Qin Xiaoyue have a certain expectation for Jiang Shenwu, want to see if Jiang Shenwu can really kill this superior magic, after all, Jiang Shenwu has created many miracles.

Qin Xiaoyue had a deep understanding of Jiang Shenwu for the first time. However, when the magical creatures were experienced, although Jiang Shenwu did not know her very much, she remembered the teenager who challenged the limit.

Although it is remembered that the boy who betrayed the East Emperor Longwu College, it seems that this boy and the word of betrayal are completely irrelevant.

When Qin Xiaoyue said this, the two Longwu students were somewhat depressed.

They did not expect that this battle was so embarrassing, and even finally rely on a Nirvana robbery seventh king of the Dragon King to save ... their current hopes are really in Jiang Shenwu's body.

Around the eight heads of the devils to block the road, only by their strength can not escape from here.

And Qin Xiaoyue has lost all combat power. If Jiang Shenwu loses again, then they have no hope at all.

The upper devil in front of you will never let go of any of them...

The upper devil will see Jiang Shenwu come over, and immediately roared out, this roar is fierce, as if to see the killing of the enemy, directly to the Jiang Shenwu broke out a terrible offensive!

It wants to take a closer look. What is special about this young dragon warrior?

It is not easy to block his two offensives in succession. Maybe this is the super genius of the Dragon Warrior!

Numerous magical spirits gathered into a whirlwind knife array, and soon formed a storm, and it went straight to the place where Jiang Shenwu was located, and it swept across!

The storm of this whirlwind knife directly enveloped the range of five or six thousand feet around Jiang Shenwu.

Jiang Shenwu wants to escape, it becomes a luxury, the key is that his shadows are not cultivated in place, and can only move a distance of one thousand feet at a time, otherwise, as long as the shadows of the stream are more than one level of cultivation, he will Can escape this offensive...

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

In the face of the other side of the whirlwind knife storm, Jiang Shenwu can only bite the scalp, the front to resist!

"Dragons and tyrants, guardian posture!"

Jiang Shenwu sighed, and the whole dragon's body changed into a steel barrier in this moment. The whole one is in this void, and it doesn't move!

Under the guardian posture, Jiang Shenwu’s defense of the dragon’s body reached its peak.

At the same time ~www.novelmtl.com~ blood red covered with the power of engulfing, spread to the surrounding, and first touched the storm of the whirlwind knife attacked by the other side.

In a moment, the terrorist forces bombarded the dragon of Jiang Shenwu!

Jiang Shenwu has no defense against dragon martial arts. For him, it is useless to defend against dragon martial arts, or the body of his own dragon is the most powerful.

The strongest offensive, blasting!

This time, Jiang Shenwu directly swallowed the opponent's nearly half attack power!

Because he felt that the power of the upper magical power had been weakened by 30% after the injury, then he swallowed up the next 30%, which is equivalent to Jiang Shenwu only suffering less than half of its destructive power.

This has also become the hope of Jiang Shenwu to resist.

The whirlwind knife storm came to an end, and the horrible power instantly destroyed the contiguous dragon scale that Jiang Shenwu had just recovered, but then, the demon power that was swallowed up by Jiang Shenwu once again broke out, and he suffered Serious injuries directly recover!

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