Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 700: Magic dragon

"I'm coming!"

Luo Yi and Xu Qin are the most excited among the people. After all, they always know that Jiang Shenwu can create miracles.

Only now that both sides are in different Longwu colleges, it is considered to be a relationship of opposition and competition.

When they saw this moment, Jiang Shenwu’s Jedi counterattack broke out, and some of them were excited.

Watching the eight-headed demon spirits smothered toward the central Jiang Shen, but Jiang Shenwu did not care, bursting out of the violent magic whirlwind knife array, will fight back against the injured superior devil.

At this moment, the upper devil will never expect this to happen.

Just though it was ambushing outside the fog of the demon, but what happened inside, it was not clear at all, and it was not known that the first central motive would be killed by Jiang Shenwu in this way.

At this moment, the cyclone knife is coming!

The magical aspect of the magic, the upper devil will be extremely shocked, this power, but more powerful than its own magical skills!

The black ball treasure that appeared outside the body has not played any role, and it has been overwhelmed by infinite magic.

"It's so strong."

The scene in the field almost made everyone around look at it.

The powerful strength of Jiang Shenwu was deeply imprinted in the heart of the five people of Qin Xiaoyue at this time!

When the cyclone knife blade descends, the upper devil will not be able to withstand its erosion, the incomparable destructive power, implied the unimaginable lethality, and break the defense between the superiors and the rush.

Then, it falls on its magic body, and the endless destructive power bursts out, as if to destroy everything!

The upper devil will burst into a horrible roar, and the body of the devil will begin to crack, and the whirlwind of the magical air will make the devil's body split in an instant.

The power from its own is condensed and counter-attacked, and it cannot be stopped by itself!

The key is still no psychological preparation.

Therefore, this superior devil will almost fail to explode its true strength, and it will be shattered by the martial art of Jiang Shenwu.

The magic body was shattered, and Aneng had a living path?

The upper devil will be weaker and weaker.

Just before it died, it sent a command to the eight-headed demon who came over from around... Escaped, fled back, and reported the news of Jiang Shenwu, the dragon warrior, to the Nether Demon group!

The emergence of this dragon warrior is a huge threat to the entire void community.

Once the ethnic group does not know the existence of such a dragon warrior, it is very likely that they will suffer a big loss in the future, or even a big loss, and they will not know how many demons will die in the hands of Jiang Shenwu.

The message must be sent back!

The eight-headed demon spirit, originally the identity of the patrol, the movement is quick and agile. At this moment, it is back in one fell swoop and flies in eight directions!

They do not hesitate.

If they stay, they are likely to die. After all, this place is closer to the Dragon War camp.

If they continue to fight, they will die.

And they don't necessarily need support. When they are added together, they are completely inferior to the upper-level magicians. Therefore, even the upper-level magic will be killed by Jiang Shenwu. What is the use of their eight-headed demon?

So they choose to flee this place and try to pass the message back!

Unfortunately, Jiang Shenwu could not catch up at this time.

His injury is very serious. The resistance of the other party's magic gas is far beyond the range that Jiang Shenwu can bear. If it is not this upper devil will be joined by Qin Xiaoyue and others, it will become a minor injury, now Jiang Shenwu Already dead.

Even so, the situation of Jiang Shenwu is not very good now.

Fortunately, his power of engulfing is extremely powerful. If you have enough demon in your body, you can recover as fast as you can.

Seeing that the eight-headed demon escaped, he could not go to chase. He could only swallow two demon dan, and swallowed all the power to heal himself.

He did not stop for a moment.

"The magic of the upper magical!"

"The magic weapon that the upper devil will use!"

Liang Shuo was the fastest at this time, and he ran to the body where the devil had been torn apart, and took the two most important things out.

Needless to say, the magic dan is the main vouchers that they hunted the upper squad, and they can also exchange a lot of hunters.

As for the magic soldier, it even has a deeper meaning for the dragon warrior.

You must know that in general, only the devil will be eligible to use the magic weapon in the Nether Demon group, and basically the upper devil will be eligible to receive the magic soldier.

Once you can seize the magic soldiers, it is a great asset.

It is said that these magic soldiers are forged, using materials that are not available on the Longwu continent, and even the level of the superb dragon is difficult to get the material.

This precious material is called "Magic Crystal".

This material of Magic Crystal is incomparable to the aura of heaven and earth. It can greatly enhance the fit between the Dragon Warrior and the heaven and earth aura. If it is made into a dragon soldier, it will not only enhance the combat power, but also enhance the cultivation speed.

Any dragon soldier who joined the magic crystal is called a magic dragon soldier.

Demon Dragon, now the four Longwu Academy, there is no student, because it is too rare.

However, some students have already seized the magic crystal. After they handed in, they kept a part of it and wanted to use it to make the dragon soldiers they used. However, the creation of this magic dragon soldier takes a long time and needs to pay a sum. cost.

So far, no magic dragon soldier has been built.

The magical soldier of Jiang’s upper devil, which is obtained by Jiang Shenwu, is a dark spherical ball, about one person’s fist size, but it is completely cast from magic crystal!

Compared with the magic soldiers captured by some people before, this magic soldier contains more magic crystals.

"The magic of the upper magical, we can distribute together."

Jiang Shenwu collected the magic Dan and the magic soldiers handed over by Liang Shu, and then looked at Qin Xiaoyue, not far away: "In the past, we can divide each half, but unfortunately... The last eight heads of the devil ran away. I am afraid that I will report my news, which increases the danger of my future battlefield in the void."

"So, this magic Dan I personally need 40%. Qin Xiaoyue, your people and my people, each of the remaining 30%, if you think you can, then according to this distribution."

This distribution method can be said to be quite reasonable.

However, there was a student behind Qin Xiaoyue who seemed to be a bit uncomfortable. When he stood up, he wanted to speak, but it was stopped by Qin Xiaoyue.

Qin Xiaoyue doesn't have any strength now, and his eyes are somewhat complicated. He said, "I agree with your distribution method~www.novelmtl.com~ actually, even now Jiang Shenwu wants to swallow that magic dan, she I won't say much more. After all, she doesn't have any choice now.

And if it wasn't for Jiang Shenwu, she was even dead, and none of the people she brought could live alive.

Based on this, she agreed with the way Jiang Shenwu was assigned.

As for the magic soldier, although she is jealous, she also knows that it is definitely not her share.

Although in the process of killing the upper demon, she has exerted a lot of strength, but the cultivation resources are limited, Jiang Shenwu can not give her for no reason. In any case, Jiang Shenwu is the one who really defeats the superior magic.

The most important thing is that Jiang Shenwu’s suffering in the battle, everyone sees it.

Jiang Shenwu said that to be so distributed, who would not?

Qin Xiaoyue did not want to scream with Jiang Shenwu. She had an instinct. Now, with Jiang Shenwu, there will be no harm.

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