Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 569: 900 million reincarnation

The Phoenix demon king descended, letting the obese more dangerous city city face sink.

The body of the khaki-fat dragon, which he formed, broke out at a very horrible speed in the first time. Although this guy looks very bloated, when he faces a strong enemy, the combat power is unambiguous.

The obese dragon quickly made a khaki stream, and there were several residual images in the field. These afterimages danced together, and it was the reincarnation of the earth's attributes.

"The 900 million reincarnation of the soil!"

The obese dragon snorted and suddenly showed the dragon martial arts.

Undoubtedly, this is a tactic of dragon martial arts. Although it is only the primary source of dragon martial arts, it has been cultivated to the highest level of the heavens, plus the strong refinement of its seventh reincarnation, this moment broke out. The destructive power of terrible terror.

The 900 million reincarnation of the turf sand, a grain of sand, is a reincarnation!

Innumerable explosions of sand and gravel, flying at this moment, rolled into a violent tornado, swept past the phoenix demon who came.

When the Phoenix demon king came, there was an infinite flame burning all over the sky.

At this moment, the flame of the infinite demon king, and the impact of the 900 million reincarnation of the soil sands, suddenly burst into a burst of power ripples in the mid-air, quickly spread toward the surrounding.

At this moment, all the other monsters around them retreated.

The other dragon warriors in Liancheng City are now afraid to get close to the battlefields of both sides... This level is really too much for them.

Even if others are only affected, I am afraid they will suffer serious injuries.

"The beast and the guy's fat guys are fighting."

Jiang Shenwu and still still hide in the bushes, calmly observe this scene.

The dragon warriors who have just surpassed the dangerous city are burning all the lush vegetation around them. As a result, the Phoenix demon king is coming. Otherwise, it will not take long for them to be discovered by the dragon warriors of the more dangerous city.

Of course, if this is the case, then all the lush vegetation in this area will be burned out. This group of dragon warriors will also form an indescribable hatred with the demon of the demarcation.

After all, these lush vegetation, even in the place where the heavens and the earth are quite rich, it takes at least several years to re-grow.

And this is the common home of these monsters!

At this moment, the Phoenix monster is coming, so that Jiang Shenwu and can continue to hide, waiting for the opportunity to move.

"They beat them, can we quietly kill other dragons?"

Jiang Shenwu blinked his eyes and looked at the more dangerous city dragons who were forced into various directions by the fierce battle. A plan was made in his heart.

Now the fat man in the more dangerous city is definitely innocent to take care of the situation here. After all, there is a Phoenix demon king dragging.

Therefore, now Jiang Shenwu is the safest moment.

Moreover, he shot the dragons, and the surrounding monsters should not be involved?

Jiang Shenwu believes that he has not done any harmful actions against these monsters.

In addition to the obese deputy city lord of the more dangerous city, the other more than a dozen dragon warriors who came with him were not worth a single leg for Jiang Shenwu. Even if they were all together, Jiang Shenwu did not fear them.

Mainly Jiang Shenwu now refining body dragon martial arts has been cultivated to a considerable degree of horror.

The most important thing is that his power of devouring, although unable to devour the essence of life and flesh, can replicate the ability of each other!

After trying to understand, Jiang Shenwu decided to attack with it.

However, the current auxiliary ability is also very strong. It is the wind dragon that breaks through this trick and the dragon martial arts can play a huge role in the battle.

After a little bit of communication, Jiang Shenwu decisively acted.

At this time, the obese deputy city owner of the more dangerous city in the sky is playing hot with the Phoenix demon king. It is definitely worthwhile to consider the following situation.

Ginger God Wu did not pay attention to everyone around, suddenly appeared in an instant!

He turned into a dark dragon, and together with it, directly launched a raid on a dragon warrior who was closest to them and the weakest.

This dragon warrior is a dragon with a water attribute. It is a light blue water dragon with a length of more than one hundred feet. At this time, avoiding the fierce battle of the sky, it flies around the hiding place of Jiang Shenwu.

He has the dragon-level blood of the dragon, and he has become the fifth realm of reincarnation...

This cultivation is very high, but unfortunately, in Jiang Shenwu's view, between Tianlong and Dragon King, it is really too much difference.

To know that Jiang Shenwu is now a dragon king, it is extremely difficult to deal with the Dragon King.

As you can imagine, Tianlong is two levels lower than the Dragon King, and the power gap is even greater.

At this time, Jiang Shenwu and suddenly attacked, each launched a virtual dragon smashing the sky, to the name of the water property Tianlong strong, eruption, twelve black dragon beam, condensed in an instant, sweeping!

The Tianlong strongman of the water property did not expect Jiang Shenwu to hide in the forest not far from him.

He is still paying attention to the fierce battle in the sky. Jiang Shenwu and this sneak attack directly made it become a mess, almost instinctively reacting to release the defensive dragon martial arts!

Unfortunately, his reaction rate is a bit slow, Jiang Shenwu and Ran together shot, both of them are the dragons of the Dragon level.

This shot, even if the cultivation is lower than the other side, but the suppression of the dragon's blood, so that the other party has no resistance at all.

The horrible dragon was ruined, and the twelve black dragon's beam of light penetrated the dragon's body of the guy almost instantly, and it was bombarded into a serious injury. The red dragon blood spurted and fell down the forest below.


"Be careful!"

When Jiang Shenwu and other people appeared to launch a raid ~www.novelmtl.com~ other dragon warriors around, of course, they reacted.

They all screamed the roar of the dragon, one by one, flying toward the place where Jiang Shenwu and the place were, and intending to besiege Jiang Shenwu and Ran.

They came to see Jiang Shenwu and Ran, although they have the Dragon King level of dragon blood, but the cultivation is very low, it is reasonable to say that it is impossible to deal with so many people together.

It is a pity that they completely underestimated the fighting power of Jiang Shenwu and Ran.

Although they only ravaged the world, but the gods of Jiang Shenwu, even the dragon king of the reincarnation of the robbery have been killed! Although the cost is a bit big, even if you don't use such a big price, Jiang Shenwu's desire to fight in a leap is not a difficult thing.

Even if a reincarnation of the first and second heavy dragon king, Jiang Shenwu can deal with it.

In front of these dragon warriors, the cultivation is very high, basically the middle of the reincarnation, but the disadvantages of the dragon's blood quality, so that they do not pose too much threat to Jiang Shenwu.

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