Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 570: Swallowing counterattack

Jiang Shenwu had almost no hesitation. He saw more than a dozen dragon warriors attacked around him. He took it with him and broke straight in one direction.

He must break through now.

Although these dragon warriors are not in the eyes of him, but he does not care too much. Now, if this situation is surrounded by the other party, it is undoubtedly a bad situation, so he intends to break out in one place.

At the same time, the wind and the dragon are broken and it is launched in an instant.

The raging tornado that broke out almost hit the audience almost instantly!

Under the control of these hurricane tornadoes, they became the biggest resistance of the dragon warriors who want to be surrounded by other directions.

There are obstacles in the hurricane tornado, they want to be close to Jiang Shenwu and of course, at least have a fragrant time.

During this time, Jiang Shenwu and the natural winds directly greeted the four dragon warriors surrounded by the other side!

The four dragon warriors, the strength is slightly stronger than the guy who was seriously injured when they met, but the strength is limited, Jiang Shenwu maintains the instinctive vigilance, and then the power of the dragon mark **** is launched.

A burst of bright red power began to cover the body of Jiang Shenwu's black dragon, when he heard the boiling and roaring of the dragon in his body.

"The power of swallowing, breaking out!"

Ginger Shenwu's body is black and devours the power of the blood, covered with blood red light, and directly swept toward the other four dragons!

When the other party saw it, they couldn’t feel the four black paints that covered the blood-red power. At this moment, they all sneered, and each broke out their strongest means, and they tried to kill Jiang Shenwu.

Anyway, the above requirements are not alive, so as long as they can kill Jiang Shenwu, they still choose to kill Jiang Shenwu. After all, it is a little difficult to catch alive.

Just kill Jiang Shenwu!

Just Jiang Shenwu directly and sneak attack, seriously injured their teammates, let them feel that Jiang Shenwu is a bit tricky, so now there is no intention, when they meet, they show their strongest means.

Among them, three Longwu people broke out to practice the second-class dragon martial arts, and one person showed the original dragon martial arts, but has not yet cultivated to the heavens.

Among them, two dragon warriors also cooperated with their own dragon dragon soldiers when they launched the offensive.

The dragon-class dragon soldiers are relatively precious for the ordinary dragon warriors, so it is normal for them to use the dragon-class dragon soldiers, but no one will have the heaven-class dragon soldiers.

For example, when Jiang Shenwu was in the Yanlong Dynasty, the Shenglong Xitao of Xi’s Mansion was the strong dragon.

The dragon-class dragons of their Xi's residence are quite precious things. It is really difficult for ordinary people to get the dragons of this grade.

Therefore, at the moment, under the hands of the holy dragon in the dangerous city, there are two dragons with dragons, which are very rare.

I have to say that the offensive that broke out by the other side is really too strong.

The four people joined forces and even sealed Jiang Shenwu and any possible retreat. The strength of the three attributes of wind, fire and thunder and lightning, swept from four directions, and immediately shrouded Jiang Shenwu and Go in...


Just after the explosion of Jiang Shenwu, the power of the darkness covered by the blood color package was finally hit by the offensive of the other four.

This time, there was no impact ripple of the power collision as others have imagined.

It’s as if the forces in the field are all together...

"Good mess!"

After Jiang Shenwu's ability to blend the dragon's blood and blood, his own dragon's blood is boiling, and the power of engulfing nirvana has been transformed.

At this time, the power of engulfing can completely devour the power of the other party and even use it for its own purposes.

At this moment, Jiang Shenwu directly swallowed the attack of the other four dragons!

But these four attacks have different attributes.

Among them are wind properties, fire properties, and the other two are lightning, but one is the power of purple electricity, one is the power of black mine, the nature is not the same.

At the same time, Jiang Shenwu absorbed the power of four different attributes and was able to use it for his own sake. He felt a little confused in the first place.

However, he quickly cleared his mind.

The strength of the other party is not too strong. He swallowed himself and used it, and he will not exceed his burden, so he can use this to fight against each other. This is his first initiative to display this ability.

next moment……

"Give me there!"

The four forces that Jiang Shenwu had just swallowed up were almost erupted by him at the same time.

Among them, the revolving storm of the wind attribute power was turned by Jiang Shenwu and attacked the fire attribute dragon, and the fire of the fire attributed the nine heavy burning flames, which was controlled by Jiang Shenwu and turned to attack. Wind property dragon!

As for the power of purple power and the power of black mine, the same was changed by Jiang Shenwu and attacked each other.

"The four different forces seem to be the limit... If there are more kinds of attributes, I can swallow it, and I don't have much energy to manipulate!"

"The power of different attributes is different from the control. The skills required are different. If the experience is not enough, it is difficult to exert all of its power. Fortunately, the dragon martial arts of these four people are not too complicated. s method."

Jiang Shenwu thought about it.

In fact, it is not that the dragon martial arts they perform are not complicated, but that Jiang Shenwu’s comprehension is strong enough. Without his tyrannical comprehension, even if he turns the power of metamorphosis to others, it is impossible to control others so quickly. the power of.

Jiang Shenwu swallowed the other side's strength, and in the instant he counterattacked back, so that the four dragon warriors face a big change.

Where can they think of it, Jiang Shenwu actually has such a strange means?

Their four dragon martial arts ~www.novelmtl.com~ was actually blocked by Jiang Shenwu, not only resisted, but also attacked their own people!

"What is going on?"

The strength of the four of them is almost the same. At this time, they have to take a defensive posture. Each of them has displayed a tactic to defend the dragon martial arts. Unfortunately, the arrangement of Jiang Shenwu is just a scorpion!

When the four of them showed their defensive dragon martial arts, Jiang Shenwu’s black dragon’s body snarled and controlled the power of the other four. They gathered together and swept the fire dragon. !

The attack of the four men, including his own, turned to him all at this moment, and shrouded him like the sky fell!

The power of terror has come, and the dragon martial arts of four different attributes have merged into a powerful storm of power at this moment, and the fire attribute dragon is completely involved!

Even though it exerted the defensive dragon martial arts, it was too late to prevent it, and did not expect that Jiang Shenwu would suddenly turn the attack target and merge the four offensives together!

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