Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 568: The demon king is coming

Ginger Shenwu was hidden directly in the jungle of the Demarcation Forest.

Deep in the depths of the demarcation, the giant trees are full of giant trees that reach hundreds of feet, and there is a shade of trees. No one knows how many kinds of monsters exist.

Jiang Shenwu and the natural form of the dragon, the small body is hidden in a bush.

They can feel the sky, there are a lot of powerful atmosphere flying around, want to find their traces, these powerful atmosphere has the monster, but also the dragon warrior.

The dragon warriors from Xianlin Longguoyu City are still somewhat cautious and do not dare to land in the forest of demarcation.

As for the monsters, they did not rashly attack them. After all, there are too many people in this group.

If you continue this way, Jiang Shenwu and even if you are using it from the ground, you can go to a place where you don’t know how far.

Therefore, the dragon warriors of Xianlin Longguo were a little anxious. After discussing it for a while, they decided to go deep into the boundary of the forest. They did not disarm the dragon form, and all flew directly into the forest of the demarcation.

Ten powerful dragons with a length of hundreds of feet suddenly fell to the bottom of the boundary, and they were shocked by a beast and a bird.

There are a lot of monsters living here, not too strong. Generally speaking, in such a deep place, there will be no dragons coming, but today someone has come to break the calm of these monsters.

More than two hundred miles deep in the demarcation of the forest, this place, the ordinary hunting dragon warrior squad, did not dare to come to such a deep place.

Generally, they are hunting some monsters that are not too strong in the periphery. Those monsters are generally looking for dragons as prey in the periphery.

Many of the monsters living in this neighborhood are not too threatening. At this time, in the face of the arrival of the dragon warriors, they can only scream and run away. There are beasts and birds and beasts. Unclear calls spread throughout the jungle.

Jiang Shenwu and Heran felt the movement around, without any slight sway.

They are hiding in a bush, and almost no one can find them. The key is that Jiang Shenwu still has the breath of help from the ink beast, which can hide his breath to the extreme.

It is almost impossible for others to find his trace by breath.

It is a pity that even the current dean of the East Emperor Longwu College did not know, or else if you wake up in advance, these dragon warriors who chase Jiang Shenwu may be prepared to use some special detection methods in advance.

At this moment, Jiang Shenwu and Heran have been hiding in a bush, and feel the flying dragons of the powerful dragons around them.

There are constant sounds of dragons and sorrows coming from all directions, and the monsters are unwilling to roar, and almost never stopped.

The monsters have been driven out of this area.

The dragon warriors who chased them are now very anxious, because this jungle is not their territory, but the territory of the beast. If they can't find their traces of Jiang Shenwu for a long time, they will face the situation. It will get worse and worse.

"Come and find the two little mice!"

"As long as I can catch the two boys this time, I will return to see you!"

The roar of the fat deputy city owner of the more dangerous city, continued to spread out and rang through the entire jungle.

The fat dragon's body flies above the sky, not in person, but in the surroundings... the monsters around them are getting more and more, even though these numbers and levels of monsters are temporarily There is not much threat to them.

But if this continues, after a while, they will be surrounded by powerful monsters.

Moreover, as the deputy city owner of the Shenglong class, he is the strongest existence of the reincarnation of the seventh, and the monsters will soon be transferred from other places to a monster of similar level.

By then, all of them will be held back.


The fat deputy city owner of the more dangerous city is very angry, he does not know why Jiang Shenwu and will run so fast?

Even if you have the original body dragon martial arts, you can't be so exaggerated!

"The key is that the dragons and dragons of the Emperor Longwu Academy are breaking through..."

The fat deputy city owner snorted.

The tornado storm that swept through the wind and dragons seriously slowed down the speed of their pursuit. Even if they wanted to avoid the tornado storm from the side, they would travel farther, and they would not be able to catch up with Jiang Shenwu.

So now it has caused such a situation, so that Jiang Shenwu and the Ran will find the opportunity to hide in the forest of the demarcation, and there is no direct shadow.

This situation makes the obese deputy city lord very angry, and the ten dragons who are under the command of the dragon are looking around in the bottom, and can’t wait to dig three feet...

It is a pity that under the hidden atmosphere of the ink scorpion beast, they could not perceive the slightest breath of Jiang Shenwu and the natural!

Half an hour passed.

An hour has passed...

For so long, the surrounding monsters are basically not hands-on, just around this, wary those dragon warriors.

At this time, there are already hundreds of powerful monsters around the dragons.

Of course, the cultivation of these monsters is not too high, and the quality of the blood is not so good. It is not as good as the vice-city owner of the more dangerous city.

But they seem to be getting more and more eager to move. It seems that there is a strong presence of a monster, and it is coming to this place soon.

"Not found yet?"

The fat deputy city owner of the more dangerous city has obviously felt the wrong place. The surrounding monsters are ready to do things.

Can't find Jiang Shenwu's words~www.novelmtl.com~ They are not too troublesome today.

But let him go back like this, he is not too reconciled...

Many of his men have even begun to destroy the big tree of the demarcation of the forest, with the strong nirvana, the power of reincarnation, the whole piece of the jungle is razed to the ground!

When they did this, it was obvious that the surrounding monsters were angry, and the demarcation was the home of their survival. Now these dragon warriors ran in and vandalized!

How can they not be angry?

For a time, it seems that the whole demarcation of the king has sent the sound of the beasts in all directions. It is the countless monsters who jointly "condemn" these more dangerous city dragon warriors.

At this time, there was a scream of earth-shattering, coming from the sky!

A monster like a phoenix, falling from the sky, this is a reincarnation of the sixth level of the revenge of the demon king, with an endless black flame, toward the fate of the more dangerous city of the city!

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